Saturday, April 21, 2018


We had some significant melting yesterday. 

After we recycled we went by the Millpond.

Gene at the millpond


It still looks wintery there.

The snowstick made some real progress yesterday.  I think it is at about 3 inches.


We will most likely have a winner in a few days if the melt keeps up.  It felt good to sit outside, but the breeze off the snow is still a bit chilly.

We cleaned up some bird seed and some doggie do…Far Guy got out the patio table which needs a good cleaning and the birds are looking for water in the birdbath…both are on my list of things to do today.

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  1. Wow@ Here it is almost May & down my way flowers are blooming everywhere & the vegetable garden is planted.

  2. It's coming on fast now, it seems. So glad to see that snowstick almost bare. :-)

  3. Oh! How exciting! I love it when winter leaves!!!

  4. I am now 30 days wrong with my guess on the snow stick. I guesses Mar 21!

  5. Snow looks so nice but when it melts isn't it a right mess or am I wrong about that

  6. Maybe spring really will come to Minnesnowda.

  7. So glad to see you are melting and hoping you are feeling much better.
    Can't believe all your snow and I planted flower seeds today.

  8. It sounds like spring is headed your way. It is already here at my house.

  9. Glad to hear Spring is reaching up your way. We finally have woods full of wildflowers. We had several really late snows that melted by late afternoon of the day they fell.
    Certainly didn't feel like spring.

  10. That sounds good! Hope all the snow is melted by now. I've been wishing for spring for everybody this strange weather year.

  11. Another reason to have snow do-do! Down here there's no cover for it and I was so glad to use my 'manure spreader' (lawnmower) for the first time and spread the wealth! LOL! Enjoy! Still looks like a lot of snow up there though but a couple really warm days and it will be gone and the grass will be green underneath it!


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