Thursday, January 15, 2015

Nocturnal enuresis

Wetting the bed…well that is a real treat.

I wet the bed as a child.  In fact I didn’t outgrow it until puberty at age nine.  5 % of the population of bedwetters take that long to come around.  Either their bladders become larger or a hormone kicks in that reduces the amount of urine produced at night.  I suspect that was my problem …a hormone.  Yesiree I traded in bedwetting for a bra!

Being a bedwetter meant you were thirsty after supper….and you stayed thirsty until morning and you still wet the bed.  I didn’t want to wet the bed…it eventually was cold in that bed and smelly too.  I couldn’t stay overnight for Pajama Parties like the rest of the girls.  I was different I couldn’t control my bladder at night.

I recall one night vividly.  Darlene and Diane were babysitting for me and I was to stay overnight.   WELL I probably had popcorn and Kool-Aid…and the next morning the entire bed was wet…including the curlers on Diane’s head…she had a cow.  Their Mother Hazel was kind…she said I couldn’t help it.  I didn’t stay overnight with anyone again for a really long time.

I suppose when I get to the home I will have to wear Depends.  They say you revert back to your childhood in old age.  So there I will be picking my nose and wetting the bed.

While I was on the antibiotics for my bronchitis the potty dreams returned.  Some nights I was so exhausted looking for a potty in my dreams that I never got a good nights sleep.  It was a relief to finally get out of the dream state to get up and go to the bathroom. It was most likely a miracle that I did not wet the bed. 

Those all elusive potties …doors are locked, there is a line, they are not in working order, they are too filthy to use, no one not even my children will tell me where the potty is…the night before last I showed them all… I peed in the bathtub…what a relief….I went and went and went…it seemed like at least five minutes and it felt so damn good.  I awakened.. whew…only a dream…I checked and everything was dry…thank goodness.

Neither of my children were bedwetters and Far Guy reports that he never wet the bed either.

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  1. I have those same dreams - bathrooms are usually filthy or there is no privacy. Then I wake up and realize that I really have to go. I thought I was the only one with those realistic dreams.

  2. You aren't alone about the bathroom dreams. some are so real that you have to check the bed when you do wake up,especially when the bed seems unusually warm. Luckily I wake up before the "accident" and stumble to the bathroom.

  3. Yep. You're singing my song. Overnights at a friend's house was never a problem (how awful to have to worry about that as a child), but I still have memories of Mama coming in with a towel to put under me until morning. To her credit, she made no fuss at all about it.
    Ah, the bathroom dreams. I really love a cup of tea at night but I have to choose between enjoying that or searching for a clean, private, and working toilet in my dreams.

  4. I have bathroom dreams, too. Usually I'm in a foreign country trying to find the bathroom before disaster strikes. I never wet the bed as a child, but my son did. I tried not to make a fuss over it as we was already embarrassed. :-)

  5. Oh what a way to start my day I am laughing out loud crossing my legs if you know what I mean. Dreams can be scary:) Hug B

  6. I am another one who has those dreams about not being able to find a bathroom! I am amazed to hear others tell about the same dreams They wake me up too so I can go to my own bathroom.

    Shirley H.

  7. How awful that you still have those memories. If I need to go, I have an automatic wake up mechanism that gets me on my feet and into the bathroom during the night.

  8. Thankfully I wasn't a bed wetter, and don't recall really having the bathroom dreams, maybe the odd one, but certainly not on a regular basis. On this new food plan I'm now having to get up in the night again, (I was making it through for a while there) but am hoping my body will adjust and this will pass.

    1. PS How is Far Guy today? Hope there is some improvement!

    2. He is better today Thanks for asking! One day at a time:)

  9. Wow!!! that is to bad you still think of that Connie. Sometimes all it takes for me is a sneeze, oops. Blessings Francine.

  10. I have a lot of crazy dreams, especially where I'm looking for something I can't find, but so far it's never been a bathroom. Doesn't sound fun.

  11. Bathroom dreams are funny. Mine is the opposite of yours. There are potties everywhere, but I'm forced to go in front of everyone. I've had that dream for years!

  12. Oh no! sorry to hear about the reverting back. It was bad as a child now as a helpless old person.

  13. I dream those dreams, too.....because I have to go pee....and remember the dreams,too, because I woke up to go pee :) Someday, someday, I fear it'll probably happen that I won't wake in time.

  14. I find it fascinating how "real life events/feelings" impinge on dreams. It happens to me too - not the "need to go" but other things like a draft in the window in real life being pulled into a dream as a breeze on a sailboat...

  15. Oh, boy, have I ever been there and done that!


  16. Been there, done that as a kid but I hope I am not telling the whole country about it. I think that moving into a warm new house made everything stop. I slept in an unheated northwest bedroom with four or five blankets on top of me. Emotional things not related tied into it as a kid and I understand it more now today. There is always a bathroom without walls right in the middle of the mall. I solve the dream problem now anymore by waking up about every two to three hours and take the old poodle outside so he won't have an accident.

  17. Well, I could have written this, except that I could not have brought myself to actually write it. I had the same problem as a child, and mine went on longer than yours. I am still scarred by my experiences as a bed wetter, and yes, I am still scared by those bathroom dreams, too, hoping I didn't really go.

  18. Looks like you're not alone! I have search dreams, but in them I'm seeking a meeting room or classroom where I'm supposed to give a speech or lead a meeting. I wake up feeling anxious because I was too late, or never found it at all. C'mon brain, gimme a break!

  19. My daughter was a bedwetter just like you. She still has to get up pretty early in the morning to go, and sometimes during the night! I remember a time that I had a baby sitter that complained because of it. Needless to say a found a new babysitter right quick!

  20. Never had that as a child but I did have bad dreams a lot as a child hope they never return lol ! Glad to hear you are both feeling a bit better ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  21. My daughter had a condition where the flap closing the bladder from some where didn't close so there was extra pressure on the bladder and she had many accidents while up and running around. The first doc said it was giggly little girl syndrome. The next guy wanted to operate and repair the valve . The third guy said use a urinary antiseptic and wait until she's adult. You guessed it! It stopped.

  22. :) crazy dreams ~ this was a make me smile post (and giggle a bit too) especially after reading the comments... brings back a few memories!

  23. I didn't wet the bed when I was a kid, but I have those same dreams!! And I have also dreamt I finally went, too--and yet I hadn't--thank goodness! I figure they are like the "we interrupt this dream to let you know you better get up to pee" dreams. ;)

  24. I have potty dreams too! Used to have naked dreams but not in a long time. Flying dreams are my favorite!

  25. You are so funny. Especially that about Darlene's curlers. It was horrible to be afraid to spend the night with anybody. Afraid of wetting their bed. I've had bathroom dreams too and wake up just in time to realize that I am not in a bathroom.

  26. Good to know, I was a bed wetter and social/familial outcast, a brief interlude of acceptance and now after four girls I am an occasional sneeze wetter. It is especially bad if I have ignored the need to strip off my boots and outerwear to go inside. Old age, looking and not looking forward to it. Potty denial dreams are the worst. Well that and "where can I give birth to this kid?!" dreams. Thankfully they aren't as frequent as the former and neither are as frequent as "why won;t anyone help me get this garden work done?" dreams.

  27. That was never a big problem for me and i have never dreamed about bathrooms. For me it was dreaming the bus was waiting for me and I could not find my shoes. Had that one over and over.

  28. It's hard for kids. I had a bed wetter,,,,the birthday boy from yesterday. He stopped long ago (thank goodness) but I never made a big deal about it as I knew it was a physical thing and nothing he could help but I did teach him to change his own sheets and where to put the wet ones (not on the hard wood floors) and made sure there were clean sheets and clothes next to his bed on a chair so he could take care of it...less work for me and less embarrassment for him.
    I have friends that get up several times in the night to go but so far so good with me. I would hate that as once I wake up...I'm up and I can't get back to sleep it seems. I drink water before I go to bed too as I have a pill to take. So far so good but I'm sure my day will come but I try not to hang around with old people either (ha! ha!)....that's all they talk about around here is their latest surgery or prescription and whine......not for me....I'll laugh all the way to the home! LOL!


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