Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Refrigerator Drama

It is fixed, repaired.  Mr. Fixit came out right away Monday morning and after a diligent search through all the wires in the refrigerator found the problem and fixed it.  Yes his name is Mr. Fixit.

The problem was a coupler.  For some reason it went crazy arcing and eventually burned out or whatever and quit…which shut the entire fridge down.

The coupler

It didn’t look bad from the outside, the men cut it apart to see what the problem was…$90 later it was replaced and everything is working all hunky dory.  The fridge may last another fifteen years…who knows.

I do know that everything in the refrigerator freezer barely fit in our chest freezer.  We have to use up some of that frozen food.  Two people shouldn’t have that much food hoarded in reserve.  Even if we do live in Minnesota and can get stormed in for a few days.  We have soup in the pantry…we won’t starve to death.

We did get the refrigerator freezer all defrosted and cleaned out!

Far Guy breathed a sigh of relief …he was not looking forward to shopping for a new refrigerator.  Neither was I.

Social Security is slow as molasses in the winter time…no calls were returned on Monday in regard to the Medicare problem.  Why am I not surprised? 

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  1. I am so happy Mr. Fixit was able to repair your refrigerator. Shopping for a new one is a pain. Why is it that our generation always seems to have too much food in the freezer. The way my chest freezer looks you would think I'm feeding a family of five instead of two. I'm right there with you about "we certainly won't starve if we get snowed in". Now if we lose power we're screwed. Haha!!

  2. So glad your refrigerator drama was solved with just $90...you should go out for dinner to celebrate saving all that money. We tend to take advantage of bargains on meats, so our refrigerator gets too full as well. Have a great day

  3. So glad you got the fridge fixed. It must certainly be loved to have lasted as long as it has!
    Loved your post on patience... or impatiens! Clever... as always!

  4. Wouldn't that be something if it lasts another 15 years. Hope so. We had to buy a new one about three years ago.

  5. Glad you were able to fix your fridge and didn't need to shop for a new one!

  6. That sounds like a pretty cheap fix to me, for a guy to come to your place, wow:) I know what you mean about shopping for another one. We bought our current fridge off Craigslist. It was an almost new one that was the model that Larry had looked at in a store, and really like the way the cooling system for the freezer was separate from the fridge. We did eventually have to get someone in to fix something, and our bill was much more than yours, but still worth it just to save that hassle of deciding on a new fridge.

  7. Bravo, Mr.Fixit!

    My freezer is packed, too. I need to start using some of the food in there.

  8. I only talk to our local area people as the national phones are a disaster. There are only two local offices but the Ames one has a couple people there that can fix things quickly. I think the locals can do the same powerful work as the big time offices do. I had to pay back to SS again this year so he had me write a letter of distress and send it to him and he set up a payback system of a few hundred a month.

  9. Our fridge is very ancient. My wife won't shop for a new one. I want to be ready when this thing kicks the bucket.

  10. A good repair man is worth his weight in gold.

  11. It's always good to get something like that off your list. That sounds like a really good deal, hope it lasted you a good long time now that Mr. Fixit did his magic!

  12. Oh happy day, great the fridge is fixed. Love when I can strike something off the list.Blessings Francine.

  13. Lucky for you, it was fixable. It seems that usually they just say, buy a dne one. I'm eating down my freezer, too. I hope by the time the garden is producing it will be empty, clean, and shiny.

  14. If its not one thing its another! I feel for you. Good to know that at least one problem was fixed without too much pain.

  15. I am glad it is all fixed up for you now . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  16. Yay! I had to buy a new one not long ago. They are terribly expensive, they don't have a much room, and I really don't care for their looks.

    Linda ❤⊱彡

  17. I'm rooting for another fifteen years--for the refrigerator, that is, not Social Security.

  18. Good news on the refrigerator! And you got it all cleaned out too. All good.

  19. It is Wednesday and you haven't put in the blog for today - so I hope you aren't ill, or such. I miss you!

    1. It was just a glitch with a posting time...I am fine :)

  20. Yay about the fridge, and boo hiss to SS. Do you not have a SS office nearby? We go right to them and sit and wait when we have a problem. It is then fixed and in the system. Phone calls are not as easy to reconcile problems. Good luck. And let me know what happens, okay?

  21. Had a brand new side by side refrigerator that wasn't cooling right several years ago. Had the company repairman out and he said it needed a new computer module. This was $500 repair bill on I suppose about a $1,000 refrigerator freezer! Talk about being upset about that. But it had to be done. Now the ice cube maker is not working but we just buy a bag of ice at the grocery - not willing to pay a big repair and replacement bill on this machine getting a new one would make more sense.

    Shirley H.

  22. Whoohoo!! So glad it was an easy fix! Now...if SS would just call back... ;)

  23. PTL it was fixable....$90.00 is cheap compared to a new frig...appliances that used to cost a couple hundred are now $1000 and when I was at the store today I wrote down the price of things next to it on my list and I noticed almost everything is $3.00 except a bag of organic carrots were only $.92...the cheapest thing I bought.
    Do you have a local SS office? They might be easier to deal with. So sorry for the inconvenience.....it shouldn't be.


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