Thursday, January 22, 2015

For the birds

The Redpolls have found us again this winter.  They skipped last winter.   They are hungry little thistle seed eaters.  Niger Thistle Seed is just about the most expensive seed you can buy!  Of course.  It is $1.00 a pound at a local Farm Supply Store, I know it is more expensive at the specialty bird food store and the grocery stores.


They love all the feeding areas on this feeder that I purchased at Ace Hardware several years ago.

Redpoll Male

This is a male Redpoll they have a rose colored breast. They will scrounge around on the ground for seeds dropped.  I sat outside on the patio again taking photographs…looking for the sun that never appeared.

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  1. They are such a cute little bird. I love the feeder you have for them. And yes, Niger Thistle seed is expensive - used to buy it for the goldfinches. Those are some great pictures of the Redpolls.

  2. Wonderful photos ! I love sitting out on our patio watching our birdies to . We got a dusting of snow and the odd snow flake is still coming down . Hoping for sun this after noon here ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  3. I've seen this bird, but thought it was a sparrow of some kind. Lovely coloring.

  4. Pretty little guys. I used to have thistle feeders here in the apartment, but the people below me complained about the leftover husks blowing everywhere. I had to stop, but the pine siskins and goldfinch just loved them. :-)

  5. I figure the cost of seed compared to enjoyment, the birds are pretty darn "cheap" around here :-D.

  6. Those are so sweet the little Redpoles, always enjoy watching the birds. Blessings Francine.

  7. I don't have any redpolls this winter but am happy to report the goldfinches are overwintering! YAY! I like your feeder too but I have such a short thistle season it would be too much.

  8. No redpolls here, yet anyway. I love seeing them the years they do find my feeders.

  9. I can see why they like that feeder: itt's perfect for a large group to dine.

  10. What sweet shots of your feathered visitors.

  11. Redpolls are such pretty little things, and can easily be enticed into eating those seeds out of your hand.

  12. They are so pretty...all that winter color. I wonder if we have some here...the feeder is a little further than I can see...but they like it like that. Stay warm...that sun will come one day, soon.


  13. They are pretty little birds! Sun is so important.

    57 days, 6 hours and 26 minutes until Spring! I'm ready!

    Linda ❤⊱彡

  14. I've never heard of them, never seen them before and I now know I really need to start studying up on birds. I totally agree with your other commenter that stated it is cheap entertainment! I get so much pleasure from watching them. More feeders on the way!

  15. Red polls have been scarce here the last few years.

  16. Redpolls! That's what they're called. My husband was the birder and I loved learning from him, but his favorites were the raptors, so I missed learning the redpolls. I like the feeder too.

  17. I need to look these guys up and see where they live. I have some browner than normal top notches but I thought they were just the variety of colors that the sparrows have. Maybe the redpolls are smaller. You have me being curious again.

  18. No I don't have them in my yard. I guess I do need to take more photos thought as I see markings of birds that may not be sparrows. You sure have a lot of them.

  19. What a beautiful bird. If I have seen one I assumed it was a sparrow.

  20. You get the greatest photographs of winter birds! They look like they are working with you at a photo shoot. I keep expecting them to stop and ask for their modeling fee.

  21. Awww....cute little birds! I'll bet they are happy you're feeding them.

  22. They are obviously cousins of our rosy colored house finches. Your feed is making them happy and they are making you happy in return.

  23. I wish the red polls would come here but the gold finches are so aggressive they chase away all the other little birds.


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