Friday, January 30, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up

It was a busy week.  Many projects have been started…few have been finished.

I worked on my peyote stitch bracelet projects.  Started a new pattern not sure if it will work out or not.  In my head it works…but getting that idea to transfer to beads…well we will see.

I started cleaning out the kitchen drawers ..since there are seventeen drawers in my kitchen it takes awhile.  Four are done and that includes the “junk” drawer which took a while.   What would we do without a junk drawer?  Probably throw more “stuff” away.

I worked on carving next years Christmas ornaments…still don’t have any painted to know if it is a go or not.

I shredded tax records that were over seven years old.  I am waiting for W-2’s in the mail…patiently.

I crocheted on my scarf one night…I am still not pleased with the outcome and I may frog it yet again ( rip it apart).

The refrigerator is still working after the repair!

Far Guy is still waiting for his Medicare Card.  We were told by our local Social Security Office that Medicare was working on it.  We still have calls unreturned by the National Social Security Office that were placed a week ago…oh the wheels of government move slowly some times.  Most people have their Medicare card well before they turn 65.  We have been working with  Social Security to change our address since last August and that still hasn’t been accomplished.  So who knows how long a Medicare Card will take. 

I changed the flag outside.

Valentine Flag Far Guy entertained himself with popsicle sticks and tongue depressors this week.

Covered Bridge

He made a covered bridge for his train set.

Train goes throughthe covered bridge 

It is a great addition to his train set.  He also ordered a small attachment for the vacuum cleaner so he can dust  his train “stuff”  gently.

Our weather is turning colder…we will be below zero for the weekend.  I wish I can kept track of our sunny days this winter…I bet I could count them on one hand…what dreary days.

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  1. Thanks for the reminder with your flag. Since February is around the corner I'd better take down the Christmas wreath. And thanks again : you just reminded me I need to call the city insurance lady who still hasn't sorted out my Medicare and health insurance since I switched over in September.

  2. Since you are having so much trouble with changing your address with Social Security, what are the odds that Far Guy's Medicare card was end to the old address and then returned to S.S. Just thinking you know. I hat whenever I have to deal with the Government or Big Business. Right now I'm trying to get a 1095C form from hubby's employer to prove we have medical insurance. And they also have not returned my call after saying they would call me back. Isn't life just full of "fun". Try and have a good weekend.

  3. If you are anal like me - I'd put the peyote pattern to paper before beading it that is how much I hate ripping them apart (there are sites with free blank peyote charts). Glad the fridge is still working though and as for Social Security - squeaky wheel, keep bugging them! I'm not so patiently waiting for my last tax forms as well - from my bank darnit. Stay warm - we are supposed to get colder this weekend as well but they aren't thinking it will last. The sled dog race starts in a few weeks so we will likely stay warm till then as that seems to be the way it works anymore!

  4. I love our flag! I need to change mine, so I'm going to see if I can find some hearts. I would love to see your hubby's train set. So much fun for him, I'm sure.

  5. Morning Connie, love the flag too, still have my snowman one out. Your Hubby is so talented, love the covered bridge, looks great. Blessings Francine.

  6. Far Guy's "barn" tunnel is great! How I'd love to see all the details he's added to his train display and watch the train run.

    Yesterday was gorgeous with a clear blue sky and today it is dreary again. Sigh!

  7. I usually get the forms I need by the end of January. You have one more day this month to see if they arrive on time.

    Shirley H.

  8. That is a great covered bridge. It is building and working with wood in a small version and the results are great. I couldn't see to do bead work anymore. My wife use to do it as a kid and would like to start again. Yes it is cold air coming from the northwest. Maybe a snowstorm in our future.

  9. How about a video of the train run! :-D

  10. Even in the confined space of the rig, I have two such junk drawers. ;)

  11. I often wonder what we would do if the day was a different length. What if the day was 48 hours long? What if the day was 12 hours long?

  12. Sound like you are having Oregon winter weather - no sun, just lots of clouds. It's good to have lots of hobbies/activities to stay busy.

  13. I like your bright red Valentine flag! I have a wreath made of hearts I should put up. Maybe tomorrow!

  14. This is off topic today, but are you now doing only two pictures in your heading? I have had to get a new notebook and only have two picture panels and am wondering if it is me or are you doing only the two panels?
    Thanks for your response!

    Shirley H.

  15. Hooray for your refrigerator and for conquering your junk drawer once again. Afraid I can't say the same about your Social Security's hoping it all works out soon!

  16. You two have wonderful, creative projects. I guess it helps to get through the winter.

  17. Glad the frig is still working and FarGuy did a great job on his bridge. We had some sun today (Friday). So many dark, gray days, though, this winter--I agree! I hope your projects all turn out okay. :)

  18. I am with you on the dreary cloudy days! Here in SW IN I am enjoying the sunshine when we get it.

  19. I used to have a junk drawer, then I married Smart Guy. He organized it, and now everything in it has a place. Sheesh! Some people are uncomfortable with them, I guess. I like the covered bridge on the train tracks. :-)


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