Tuesday, January 13, 2015

A DVR? Really?

We had a problem with our Cable TV one day last week, I waited in line and got on the repair list.  Whilst I was on the phone with the nice gentleman I asked if the repairman  could bring me a new box with a DVR…I had thought long and hard about it and decided I was worth it…$14.00 a month.  Nice gentleman says…Oh you have that equipment already and I see it is enabled.  Really when did that happen?  From day one he says…okie dokie.  Now I just have to figure out how the darn thing works.  He laughed.  A few minutes later he called me back and said turn your channel…and my problem was fixed…it was a channel problem not a system problem.  What a relief.  Television Service with our local Cable Company which includes Telephone and Internet is so much nicer/better/cheaper than one of those big  “D” companies.

I am still trying to figure the DVR out…how many programs can I record at once?  I am waiting for the grands to visit again and give Grandma a quick lesson! Newfangled stuff should come with complete instructions.

I am kinda bummed out that I have missed out on numerous programs since last May…but hey better late than never and I LOVE LOVE LOVE forwarding through the commercials when I actually sit down to watch something and don’t fall asleep!

The TV at our house rarely gets turned off.  It is great background noise.  Sometimes I think Chance watches TV too!

Minnesota winters are brutal and television is one acceptable way to escape.  It keeps us all out of the local news.

Chance sticking out his tongue


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  1. Isn't it amazing what you find out you already have and are paying for. Glad you got your TV fixed without any trouble. Wish all the equipment came with instructions most seniors could understand. I know what you mean about the TV being on almost constantly . Here in WI I feel house-bound most winters and end up watching the "tube" more than I should. Have a great day.

  2. Well that was an easy fix! Amber watches TV if there is a lot of movement on the screen. Looks like Chance is giving winter the raspberry.

  3. Isn't it amazing they can flip a switch while you are on the phone and the problem is identified!

    I'm still struggling with reliable internet service. It started suddenly in November and no one seems to be able to pinpoint the problem. Sigh. . .

  4. Morning, yup, gotta love the t.v in winter, glad all is well again.Blessings Francine.

  5. We don't have a DVR but instead On Demand to watch previous shows. Most times, though, they don't let us fast forward through the commercials any more. Glad your problem is fixed. I know nothing about DVRs, either. Those kids should help you out, though. :-)

  6. So funny that you need the grandkids to get things set up. We need a new TV, and when we get it we have to go back through all those set ups things again, and the new Bluetooth we got for Christmas. Not looking forward to it. Like you I do love being able to speed through the commercials....maybe we should record everything!

  7. Funny post! It took me almost five years to figure out I could watch my DVRed shows without having to set up the DISH. ;(

  8. I hate processes that involve multiple machines and multiple remotes.... But a DVR is great for capturing shows that come on when you can't watch. Stay warm!!!

  9. We just recently got a DVR and I'm still trying to figure out how to use the darned thing! I don't watch much tv, so will probably never learn how to operate it.

  10. Watch very little tv except for sports, it's computers for us.

  11. Pretty simple here, just the outside aerial, and now Netflix, courtesy of Meredith. Nice that we can use it free of charge on her account, a bit of payback for supplying her with free internet for years:) Not that I've watched much on it, probably less than half a dozen things in a month. There are a few shows I like to watch on tv, and if I miss them I just go to their channel's website and watch it there, but funny, half the time I can't even be bothered to do that. I spend much more time on the computer, Larry is the tv person. Pretty well a requirement though for your long cold winters!

  12. Good for you! I wanted to watch the College Championship games but now that they're so "rich" they are only on ESPN and I don't get that. I'd watch more t.v. if it was any good but local channels for me stink...very bad programs...all violence or sex or both and we wonder why our country is in such moral decay.....there you have it.
    I won't pay for more channels and all of a sudden Roku doesn't work and it says it can't get a wifi signal yet I can sit in bed (farther away) with my tablet and it doesn't seem to have a problem.

    Now, I've pulled a tendon or I have carpel tunnel or my RA is acting up as my right hand is hurting like heck when I go to use it. Forgive me if I don't comment as it hurts to type so I'm using 1 hand which takes forever.
    Stay warm but I hear you're going to get a heat wave.

  13. That is such a great shot of Chance. Our son is going to give us a device for us to allow us a broader view of many things. We haven't got together for Christmas yet but it is best to wait for better weather. I hope I can figure it out. I would like to record sometimes also.

  14. We love our DVR ! have had one for years and have our Roku as well we love lol ! Yes winters we do watch a lot of movies and TV but mostly in the evenings and weekends lol ! Handsome Chance , nice photo ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  15. DVR - it is a chore I leave for my wife - some of us are just not wired or unwired enough to use them.

  16. It's all Greek to me. I don't know how to change the header on my blog and what the heck is Google + and Google Circles? :)

  17. Saw the title to your post today and thought, "Oh oh. Deja vu!" Thought your cable went down again. Didn't that happen around this time last year?

    Try googling for instructions. There is usually some kind soul out there who posts stuff like that for fellow techno-phobes. You may be in luck. Of course, having an excuse for a visit from the grands would be much better...

  18. And I don't watch one minute of TV a year. I know I'm missing some good stuff but I find lots of good stuff to do.

  19. You should be able to research your model on the internet, Connie, to find out how many programs it will record at once. Some only record one at a time. Some record more, I believe.
    We have no cable company, so we bought a Roku 3. It doesn't record, but we are happy with all the variety we get now.

  20. We have a male Boston Terrier who definitely watches TV! He watches for action on the screen such as fights, football, car chases - anything with movement and then he barks at that. We are trying to train him not to jump and bark but not having much luck with that. The only thing that diverts him from jumping and barking is throwing his little tennis ball down the hall and he chases that.

    Shirley H.

  21. We watch a lot of TV in the evenings during the winter. Tonight we will be watching recorded programs via the DVR.

  22. Wonderful shot of Chance! A DVR sounds amazing.

  23. John, being from MI, says that tv and card games are what kept them going during winter. Love these winter shots of Chance.
    Ella's baby brother arrived early this a.m. in Calif. Cole weighed 7 lbs and he and mommy are doing well.

  24. I usually have to have help from Dagan and Leah to learn new contraptions, so I fully understand--LOL! But how exciting that you have a DVR. I am not used to watching commercials anymore, either.
    Wonderful pic of Chance!! :)


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