Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Still Cold

Thankful for power, heat, water and sewer. The HIGH yesterday was -18 F or –27 C, and it was windy.  So far so good it may be tolerable and above zero by Thursday and downright balmy by Friday.  Whoo hoo!  I know it won’t last long…but at least it will be a reprieve from the deep freeze.

What a wild ride this winter weather has been. Up and down.  What is up with the weird weather?  I guess the Farmers Almanac predicted a very cold winter and called the winter of 2014 “Days of Shivery.”  I usually buy an Almanac and put it in the “library.”

Far Guys Direct TV was not fixed, well it was fixed for about four hours and then it was back to the same old searching for satellite signal.  We are on the list for a repairman again.  We are all camping out in the Living Room at night watching old westerns…Gene Autry woke me up yesterday morning.

So far we are fighting off the cabin fever.  I still have projects strewn all over. None are finished but many are started.

Chance has cabin fever bad, he has jobs you know; getting the mail, playing ball and chasing squirrels.  We play with him inside but it just isn’t the same and he hasn’t been for a ride since last Friday.  He just wants extra treats to eat…and whines until we can’t stand it anymore. We are trying to consult with each other about what treats he was given and when…Far Guy made him a new batch of treats with brown rice flour and pumpkin and he really likes them. He is not starving because there is food in his dish at all times.

Some of the neighbor gals were over to see the Shiny Brite Tree today and a few more are coming over on Wednesday so by the weekend I can put it away for the winter.

That’s all that is happening here..other than a few springtime dreams of flowers and green.


Scabiosa at Living Legacy Gardens July 2013

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  1. Morning, yup, still freezing here to, ugg!!!!! Angel does not stay out to long, does what she has to then right back in, cannot imagine doing your business in these temps :).........Stay Warm, Francine.

  2. Poor Chance, I can just imagine how he feels. I usually see lots of dogs being walk in our neighborhood. Yesterday there was only one and they one went half way down the block and then came back. I too am getting cabin fever and need to get out - just too cold. Stay warm and safe

  3. IF you are a four-legged creature who needs exercise, it's impossible to get any satisfaction inside! That is so cold I cannot imagine it. That pretty picture of flowers reminds me that it will change, one of these days. Sigh. Glad you're safe and warm, at any rate. :-)

  4. Polar Vortex ??? got to love that word.

  5. Geesh--that is plumb cold (as we say down here in the south)… BUT--we are cold also --at least cold for US. Our low this morning was MINUS 10 (F)… That is a record for this area I think… Unbelievable!!!!

    My hubby gets antsy when this kind of weather happens also. He is always doing something ---and wants to be outside doing his 'thing'… BUT--I'm glad he won't fight that weather today…

    Stay WARM… Enjoy those old westerns… ha


  6. It's hard to cope with Cabin Fever. I usually start a jigsaw puzzle for those days when I can't go outside.

  7. When you post those numbers, I begin shivering. We're cold, but your area is frigid!!

  8. Cold and shut in is a bad combo. We'll soon be able to look forward to spring.

  9. Thank you for the scabiosa photo. I love those but they've never done well in my garden. Ah, reminders of summer.

  10. If you have cabin fever already you would not do well up here in Alaska! Chance on the other hand I can relate to...that is why I am so pleased that we now have the indoor pool we can drive to. Word is we may soon have an indoor dog-park and walking track! That was my idea but I never acted on it...not so sure I want to own/run my own business.

  11. It was 10 degrees here this morning. Very cold for NC. What drives me crazy is trying to keep water for the chickens, birds and goats to drink. It keeps freezing! :)

  12. We are knitting, reading, watching television, I admit it, dusting, vacuuming, and looking through old photos to make a photo gift book

  13. Spring sounds good to me. We were at 6 this a.m. Harriet lets us know it is cold down near the floor!
    Yeah, we have cabin fever too. Poor Chance...I know he misses his daily routine outdoors.
    Take care.

  14. We are in Oliver right now, and it has been -10C overnight:) You have my sympathy. All we seem to see on the news is stories about the weather in the rest of the country and in the States. Apparently the Rocky Mountains keep the cold weather from flowing into B.C. Hopefully Spring will come early for you this year.

  15. Glad to hear the cold snap is breaking. I talked around and a condo community called Los Lagos allows dogs. So does King's Way, but I've heard King's Way is pricey!!! If I hear of more I'll keep you posted. Would love to meet you out here some time. This year we really appreciate being here!!!

  16. Lost in snow....it will turn one day soon I hope.

    Meanwhile, stay warm, and safe. Boo loves to work on both of us, did you feed him? Yes, you mean you did too?


  17. Heat wave here today. It got up to zero with sunshine and no wind so I got out of the house. Maybe I can take off my long underwear tomorrow.

  18. Glad everything is working but so sorry about your DirecTV experience. We have had ours almost a year now with no problems. Inside projects are fun when it's your idea - - - but when you have no choice about staying inside, it's a bit more difficult to cope with. Glad you got some company though. I was hearing on the news about how dangerous the temps and wind were in places that are so cold - - how skin can freeze in less than five minutes. Very scary stuff.

  19. Boy, do I understand Chance...and I don't have people who consult with each other over my treats. I need people!


  20. I'm like Chance. If I can't get out for my walks, I want to eat too. Not good.

  21. Hope it warms up soon so everyone can get out!


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