Monday, January 6, 2014

Photo Bucket List

This year I hope to make some photographic progress.  Taking more photos in manual mode and reading my owners manual.

That baby buffalo is still on my list as is lightening.  This year I want to add Northern Lights, Perseid meteors in August and mountains somewhere.  A Moose and an Elk or two would be good also.  I read in the Minnesota Conservation Volunteer that Golden Eagles are in the bluff area of Minnesota.  We saw a Golden once in early spring…I was not fast enough to photograph it.  I would also like to snap a photo of one of those Cardinals that are along the river in Park Rapids.

I think it is good to dream.  I rarely go anywhere without a camera. You can’t take a photo if you don’t have a camera.

I have a Canon Point and Shoot that fits in my pocket.  It takes okay photos…not as good as the big girl camera, but I won’t leave my big girl camera in the car in the extreme cold or extreme heat…or for someone to notice and steal. 

What I have learned over the past year:

Never exit a vehicle with your camera bag unsnapped.  I was getting lax about that…and then Jen called with news that her bag was unsnapped and her camera flew out of the bag and Andy drove over it.  Smashed it to smithereens.  Now that is a sad thing.  She also braved the water in a kayak on Lake Superior with her big girl camera. She is a gutsy photographer. ( Andy said he was sure she and her camera were going for a cold swim that day.)

It is really nice to have someone especially a daughter share your passion for photography. She will often say “Lets go take photos Mom.”

Patience.  You have to have a fair amount of patience and time to just wait.

Patience photographing wildlife. Hoping for one great shot!

Deer in the field five

Patience waiting for the light to be just right or for rainbows to form.

Double Rainbow

For Lady Slippers to bloom.

Buds of Lady Slippers

Seeing how many Orioles you can get in one photograph.

Seven Orioles

Most of what I photograph is right in the yard…or within a few miles of home.

All my photos are backed up to two simple save devices and to disk..but I am way behind on my disc back up…I have to purge some photos first.  I save way too many photos.  I have to learn to save only the best!  I absolutely love the digital age of photography.

We are fine, yes it is freaking cold. The HIGH yesterday was –14 F or –25C.  Wind chills are brutal.

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  1. Good Chilly Morning! What gorgeous pics you've shared. Hope you get to photograph everything on your bucket list. It's wonderful for me to see the beauty you share right around where you live.

    Harriet is wearing her sweater today!!!! We say "hi" to Chance!

  2. My goal is also to photograph the Northern Lights. I'm heading to Iceland next week for a try. I've got to get out and take more photos too.

  3. You take wonderful photos - I hope you can at least see those critters on your list sometime soon!!

    So glad you are getting on in the cold. It was -2 here and today it is supposed to hit 53... and then be down in single digits before tomorrow morning.

  4. Those are some great photos. Very chilly here also. Right now it is -15 with a wind chill of -44. Brrrrr keep warm.

  5. Such a timely post......I received a Canon Rebel for Christmas, my first digital 35mm. Now I have to learn how to use it. I still have my little point and shoot. I will take some of your ideas. Stay's awful here in Wisconsin too!

  6. So sorry to hear about Jen's camera mishap. This means she gets to buy a new one, riight? That picture of the deer on the horizon is outstanding. I also love the rainbows. :-)

  7. Wow, that deer shot is amazing, well, that all are, you are good!!!! Stay Warm, Francine.

  8. Interesting post and great pix. Maybe I should come up with a photo bucket list too.

  9. I hope dreaming about lady slippers helps you get through your frigid weather. I'm still trying for a moose shot too. There are some up at Agassiz NWR.

  10. Beautiful shot!! If we were to go back to 35 mm we'd need another part time job to support our habit. Love digital too!!!!

  11. Well, you can write and you are a great photographer! I love all the pictures. I have never seen an Oriole before (except in pictures). Aren't they beautiful!

  12. Your photos are great- Thank you for sharing!

  13. The windchill is completely uncalled for. :-)


  14. Wow that is an impressive photo of the orioles! I have never seen a lady slipper in the wild even though it is the state flower. That is on my bucket list. Stay warm up there!

  15. Wonderful photos. I especially like the one of the Orioles.

  16. Looking forward to your post and photo's for 2014.

  17. Looking forward to seeing your photos. I try to take my camera out with me when I go outside to.

  18. Looks like you have the photography down pat already ! Nice shots . I have my camera ready and waiting all the time now , I have a double battery pack on it that takes two batteries and have a spare two always charged . I am surprised it isn't permanently attached to me these days lol ! I take my photos in raw so I can use photo shop if I want to , my camera is in manual but my lenses are always in auto so I can capture action faster . I found on line tutorials for me much more helpful then the manual and a lot of getting out there and trial and error lol ! Always looking forward to your posts and photos . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  19. I always love your photos - keep them coming.

    The digital age is great for photography, but I wonder how much family history will be lost since so few photos are printed anymore. Can't have it both ways, I guess.

  20. You have real talent when it comes to photography. Looking forward to seeing your new works!

  21. Digital stuff is wonderful but it allows us too many tries.. Like me I delete very few photos. I'm going to have to bite the bullet some time.
    Good luck on your goals.

  22. It's a good thing you have patience. Somebody has to do it!

    Lovely photographs, all, but the one with the wildlife just stepping over the horizon is my particular favorite. Now that's one you just can't plan ;)

  23. Hmmm.... I am thinking it is time for you to come visit. I'll take you around and you can get a lot of your bucket list shots; baby buffalo, mountains, and maybe some elk and moose! Seriously - wouldn't it be great fun? Chance can come, too! (Far Guy could come as well!)

  24. i want to do so much better w photos

  25. I love your photos and I'm glad you have new goals to keep things fresh. I, too, want to take more photos in manual mode but I'll have to wait until next year, because the carousel's birthday is keeping me occupied.

  26. I love that you have a photograph of the deer - - - the tick carriers and flower eaters!!! They do make for beautiful photographs though. I admire you learning to use the camera. Two things I have found out about me and mine - - my camera is an intermediate with some settings I can use on manual but not many - - - - and I don't have the patience or inclination to buy or try and learn on a really good one. It's like a puzzle to me and my sister is much better at puzzles than I am. However I am quite content to admire the work done by those of you who are much more proficient. It is so much fun to have shared hobby passions with daughters. Please tell me that was not Jen's newest camera that you and she both got within the past year or so.

    1. Yes it was that camera. She has a new one:) She was so sad:(

  27. I've finally decided, "why have the more expensive camera if I don't always carry it with me". Truthfully, it is a hassle, but I carry a larger hand bag and put the camera and case inside.

  28. Wow - those first two photos are amazing! I'd say you have a lot of patience.

  29. Can I come with you for northern lights??? :-)

  30. I love all your photos, but the one with the birds is my favorite. I hope to see some here..we get the bullocks so I hope I can photograph them this coming summer.


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