Friday, January 3, 2014

FFFreezing Temperatures

It is really cold, it was –38 F yesterday morning or –38C.  The indoor temperature sensor quit working but a couple of new batteries and it was good to go.  I wonder what will break next…Far Guys TV doesn’t get a satellite signal from Direct TV..searching…searching and a hour later on the phone with them they decide we need a repair call…duh.  It is most likely the LNB…since switching out the receiver with mine didn’t make a difference.  So Far Guy is stuck watching his Red Green DVD’s.

The weather will get worse and a bit of a storm is forecast for today and Saturday when we will be plunged into the deep deep freeze for a few days.

Yesterday we went for a ride, Chance I needed to get out of the house.  I mentioned a ride..and Chance started talking to us…he wanted to go right then.  In his old age he talks more and more to us.  He has a series of low whines he uses to communicate.  He has never been a real vocal dog, except when he is left at home alone or someone plays a harmonica.

Fish House on Shell Lake

Shell Lake

On the way back home we noticed that the sun was just right to pick up some ice in the trees.  I am not sure when that happened, probably last Friday when it was warmer and the moisture when it fell freeze dried.

Ice in the trees

Ice on the Tall Grass prairie Jan 2 2014

This is the ice on one of the tall grass prairie sections.  It shimmered in the late afternoon light.

I am trying to find something of value to share about the frozen tundra of MinnesnowdaSmile


  1. Hey, we are sharing the same weather, friggen cold here in Winterpeg to.........Keep Cozy, Francine.

  2. Guess we shouldn't complain about -2. Lots of years we never have a zero degree day so this is very cold for us.

  3. It is not quite as cold here -8 degrees F this morning. But the wind chill is our "killer". I am really tired of the cold and snow this year - had to shovel Wednesday and Thursday. I gave up trying to find something positive in this weather; just keep dreaming of a tropical beach and bundle up. Please stay safe in all this cold.

  4. 20 F here this a.m. Cold for us! Your photos are very nice.

  5. I just cannot fathom those kind of temperatures. I experienced 20 below in Boulder once a long time ago, and it was just incredibly cold. Your temperatures make that sound like a heat wave! Yikes!

  6. I thought we were. Old at -29C, but you're certainly outdoing us. Mind you, we do have bright sunshine today.

  7. I have to cover my eyes when I see minus in front of temperatures!!

    It is 9 F here this morning with a 40 mph wind. I got enough of a taste of your weather (please, please, take it back!!)

  8. Enjoy the warmth of today before the temp heads back down.... I really wonder what January will be like!

  9. You are at least brave enough to get out in this cold weather and take a few pictures. I was going to go to Marshall today as the weather is supposed to be warmer. But now we are in a blizzard warning. Not because of any new snow but because the winds are causing whiteout conditions from the snow we had a few days ago.
    Stay warm!

  10. Oh yuk, I can't imagine. Hope your house stays warm, and you too!

  11. Well there goes Global Warming, for you guy's. In Minnesota or as you say Minnesnowda.
    Here in the mid south it was 16 this morning. Hug a lot to stay warm.

  12. I love the photos, and I admire your effort to find positive things in these frozen days. Snow and ice can be lovely, when they aren't threatening your well-being. The talk around the Twin Cities is along the lines of, "wonder whether the governor will close the schools Monday and Tuesday because of the extreme cold." I pity the kids waiting for buses in these temps.

  13. My brain cannot absorb those temperature numbers. It's cold here, but nothing like you have. We had a snowfall last night -- 7.5 " -- but that's nothing compared to yours!

  14. Brrrr! Any puff of wind undoubtedly sends those temperatures even further down the scale, so be careful out there.

    Love the photos of the ice on the grass and trees.

  15. It's a real bummer when stuff quits working. Our modem on the satellite quit working. 3 and a half hours later the modem was reset.

  16. Its nice to get out after a few days of being stuck inside. Frost makes beautiful photos. It's cold here too, but no snow or ice at the moment. Have a great weekend * hope the satellite gets fixed!

  17. No mosquitoes unless they are wearing coveralls. We were out but it doesn't seem to safe to be out there. You would welcome 24 degrees but I don't really think we will get there. The wish and hope rather than get it correct.

  18. -38 is just too much! We warmed up to -8 and that seem extreme enough for me.

  19. Minnesnowda is the cutest word ever for your State. What can I do with Illinois….??? Chillanois!

  20. It looks so cold there! It was 24 here this morning with winds up to 30 mph. That's cold for here!

  21. I am a fan of The Weather Channel so I had my eye on you guys. It looks beautiful from your pictures though. People here were complaining because it's been cold here...11 this morning and just now it got to 32. But these people don't dress for it...complaining because they run out in a sweatshirt, no gloves and no hat....serves 'em right! I was out today and actually "over-dressed" (watching too much WC made me do it! LOL!) I think it's invigorating here.....up there might be a bit much to be outside for long but you just have to dress for it and keep moving! Ha! Ha! P.S. I miss Red Green....I used to watch him on PBS and listen to Prairie Home Companion. I have some tapes though too. Stay warm!

  22. People around here are talking about how cold it is. Yes it is for us but I tell them I have a blogger friend in MN who really knows what cold is!!! Winter pics are deceptively beautiful in that their snowy beauty and blue skies are appealing because they don't let us feel the temps.

  23. Be safe and stay warm! *hugs* ♥

  24. So...Chance likes to sing along with the harmonica?

    I really feel for you with those low temps. I can't even think that low! On the plus side, that photo with the ice on the tree branches is incredible. You had to have been at the right place at the right time :)

  25. I can see what to value, besides the beauty. It's those clear, dry, flat roads you can drive on in spite of the snow and ice. With our wet snow, we are never so lucky here. Of course this year we don;t even have snow for skiing in the mountains.


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