Thursday, January 30, 2014

Celebrate at the lake!

Yessiree!  We had a party going on at the lake yesterday.  The weather was 20 degrees above zero (-6C)!  Even if the wind was blowing we took advantage of the warm day to go for a drive.  It was so good to get out of the house. Toad Lake 

Toad Lake

Toad Lake and Toad Mountain Jan 29 2014

Toad Mountain

Lawn Chair

Going to the lake brings back memories of other days spent at the lake, relaxing in a lawn chair…almost smelling the lake…it smells a little like fish…and a little earthy.  The two complementary smells make war on the breeze each fighting for dominance. On warm days the fishy smell wins.Old Cabin

Thinking about repairs that need to be done in the spring…almost hearing the buzz of boats along the lake and the laughter of children and the barking of dogs…and the mosquitoes that buzz around, oh and the ticks that we have to watch out for not to mention the snakes that might be underfoot.

The smell of the campfire and burnt marshmallows that make your fingers all gooey and the marshmallow is almost liquid as some escapes your mouth dribbling down your chin..and you laugh out loud.

If you were to swim at Toad Lake you will have to be prepared.  One word Leeches. It is the only bad thing I recall about this beautiful little lake.   My brother and I would swim there and when we came out of the water we would pick leeches off each other. When you yank them off they leave a little blood trail behind.  Ah ..the memories of childhood at this lake.

We returned home.


Where the wind was blowing the snow across the road and the sun was retreating into the clouds.  Reality smacks you right in the forehead sometimes.

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  1. So glad it warmed up enough for you to get out and enjoy the sights. Nothing better than a road trip to brighten up ones spirits.

  2. Again, How do you do it! It is 2 degrees here this morning! The first time ever! Our old male duck was dead and frozen in shallow water this morning. The old female is alive but was frozen to the pond. We rescued her! Got behind yesterday, but I sure enjoyed your post about the vacation in Canada.

  3. Wonderful photos . The sun is shining , I just wish the winds would die down here then the temps and weather would be good .
    Sounds like the road trip reminded you of some good memories . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  4. A balmy 20 degrees plus a nice comfy cushion of snow in the lawn chair. Who could ask for more? Oh yeah: leeches to round out the experience. You crack me up, Connie. I laughed out loud. :-)

  5. Thanks for the summertime stroll by Toad Lake. You really captured the magic of summer.
    And I was ready to throw my towel over my shoulder and head in that direction until we got to the leeches!!!
    I guess I'll never get over The African Queen.

  6. I had forgotten about leeches but there were some in a couple of the places we swam, too. Yuck!! One of my favorite places to swim was a creek in the next town. The water was crystal clear with pretty pebbles on the bottom. Another great swimming hole was the "bottomless" pit that was fed from an underground stream. The water was pitch black. It was scary cuz you knew there was "no" bottom and we thought you might disappear forever if you had a water accident.

  7. You finally got out of the house - hurray! What lovely shots too.

  8. Funny how your perspective changes - anything above zero at this point seems warm! Not so last November when temps first started dipping below the 32 degree point...
    Thanks for the lovely trip down memory lane :)

  9. The lawn chair photo is my favorite. It looks like Winter has settled into that chair for a rest.

    Don't envy your driving conditions!

  10. Well, I enjoyed those summer day dreams for a while. How long til Spring??

  11. Glad it 'warmed' up enough for you to get out. Nothing like a little trip out when cabin fever is threatening, it warms the soul. Sounded so wonderful and summery, yeah, even the leeches, but I don't think I'd be swimming in that lake (shudder)

  12. Ahhhh, the lake, pretty even frozen, love the lakes, Francine.

  13. All the rest of the post went blank for me when I read leeches. Yuck. I would not be swimming.

  14. The wind is blowing here to day and the sun is shining in the 40's. You would think it is spring
    if you were here. Love to hear of your memoirs.

  15. We have had many leeches in our lives ; tubing down the Tomahwak River in Wisconsin will do that! I think your post was a fun contrast of summer and winter

  16. You did a good job of trying to make us forget about winter and think summer. You've given me sounds, sights, feeling and smells .

  17. Oh, I was all caught up and living life at the lovely! Except for the ticks of course :)

  18. I have to say I was a little turned off by the mosquitoes, the snakes, the ticks and the leeches. But the sun and the laughter and the marshmallows sounded great.
    Day dreaming on a winter's afternoon.

  19. I'm thinking that reality not only smacks you in the forehead, but gives you a wicked headache from the cold!
    Leeches... yuck! We used to pick them off and throw them in the campfire - may they burn in hell!

  20. It was fun to take a trip back to a summer of yesteryear's activities. Thanks for the warm, fun thoughts!!!

  21. Hoping your temps are a sign of a break-up--in the weather pattern, that is. We got our first rain in a loooooong time, just about the same time you got your break in the freezing temps. Here's hoping...

  22. Minnesota lakes -- oh, how we love them! And I agree, there is nothing like the smell. Add to fishy/earth hot pine needles and you have a sniff of heaven.

  23. looks cold there! It's snowing here...tiny little flakes full of water! :)



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