Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Snow and Eye Event

The west driveway is plugged, snow coming off the fields plugs it up real good.  Years ago we used to abandon that driveway during the winter. 

Joshua plowed it on Sunday afternoon and overnight it plugged up again.  It is a battle with the snow.

West Driveway

The end of the west drive at almost sunset.

We can still use the tree protected south driveway.  We use that one mostly anyway except the mail is delivered to the west driveway cause that is where the mail box is.

It is 9PM on Monday night and it is –30 F or –34 C for my friends that say eh?

I had an event. A Posterior Vitreous Detachment.  I  scheduled a visit with my eye Doc.  He gave me a complete eye exam and it was as I suspected old age related, the vitreous fluid that keeps our eyeball round in shape …slowly shirks and it’s gel like form changes with age and pulls away from the retina, since the vitreous fluid is filled with small fibers you get an increased amount of floaters that have been irritating the crap out of me for the past couple of weeks.  There is NO macular hole or detached retina.  That was good news. My  Doc says to call him if I see flashes of light or if a dark curtain descends over my vision.  I asked if that meant I could call him at home and he replied “Absolutely.”  Hopefully this is the end of the event.  Just another of the rewards of old age.

My eye appointment took a really long time.  Far Guy did all the grocery shopping and errands whilst I was at my appointment and he still had to wait.  Waiting patiently was not easy for him yesterday.

The cold weather is taking it’s toll on each of us differently.  I have a hundred projects to work on and many books to read.  I am reasonably calm at least for the moment.   My husband spends a fair amount of time lamenting the cold weather and worrying/wondering what will break next.  So far this month it was the new DVD player he bought, his Direct TV Signal and the Fireplace sit valve which required many expensive parts and six hours of labor to fix..can you say uffda to THAT bill.  So far this month I fixed two remote controls and an old VCR…three cheers for women who can fix “stuff.”

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  1. Oh Connie, no end in sight for the cold here, -41 here this morning. Thank goodness for Pinterest, look on the boards for hours, Take Care, Francine.

  2. Let's hear it for women who can fix stuff!!! Hopefully there is an end to this cold and snowy winter. We are in the below zero temps with miserable wind chills. Schools closed for a second day in a row. I'm feeling cabin fever like you would;t believe. Glad you eyeballs are only experiencing "old age". Keep warm and safe.

  3. I never heard of that eye predicament, but you've done the right thing, having it checked out. Your cold weather just keeps on coming, it seems. Glad it isn't keeping you from blogging! :-)

  4. I hope your eye heals up soonest - the dreadful cold (and dryness) are really rough on eyeballs.

  5. We just call that "stupid cold!" The coldest it has been this winter was -17C back at the beginning of Decamber, but that was only for 3 or 4 days.
    I had trouble like that with my eyes, the flashes of light sometime last summer, but it went away.

  6. So glad to hear your eye problem not anything dire! You two take good care of each other there and also of dear Chance! It is 15 below here in MPLS this morning and many area schools called off.today. Tomorrow we are to get milder temps and that will be wonderful.
    Shirley H.

  7. You are the wonder woman!!! Fixin' stuff and all!!! I'm hoping that that's the end of your eye business. I had lots of floaters years ago too, sounds like kinda the same thing, believe it or not, mine got better with age, and I hope your's do to!!! Stay warm my friend, and I hope you're not heating with propane. $6.00 in Minoqua WI and limit of 100 gallons per fill. WTF!!!!

    1. Yes we do heat with LP. Sounds like maybe you do too..hopefully you turned your thermostat way down will you are in the southwest sunshine.. $6..wow....that is a bummer. Yes WTF:)

  8. Glad you eye problems are not serious, only age related. Aint it fun to grow old. Not! I wish I was able to fix things but I'm not good at that. Have you ever heard "uffda feda"? That means really bad.
    Stay warm!

  9. Keep that Dr. on speed dial and take good care of yourself.

  10. Glad for the 'good' news on your eye. I've had floaters for years, since my teens. I find them especially noticeable when driving in fog. Apparently my eyes are quite healthy though, or so I was told on my last eye checkup. Larry has something (the name escapes me right now) that he has to put drops in for first thing in the morning. His mother had the same thing. He also has a cataract that has suddenly got larger, so an appointment scheduled for that.
    I wonder where it started that Canadians say 'eh'. Maybe on the east coast, but definitely not around here:)
    I feel for you with that cold. I would be going stir crazy by now I think. We are back to our more usual rain for a few days, after about two dry and mild weeks.

    1. Congrats on fixing stuff, a great feeling of accomplishment isn't it?:)

  11. Eh? That's cold EH? Wow, EH?

    You do realize that most Canadians EH? don't use that phrase...lol, eh?

    But that is bitterly cold, I'm going to hold out hope that one day eh it will break, and warm up. The first few days are an adventure, the next few tolerable...and then the camping spirit wears thin, cabin fever ramps up, and well it all falls apart. Here's to warming up.

    Glad to hear that your eye is OK, it's a precious part of your body, take good care of it, you need it to take those photos.


  12. I have floaters for the same reason. A few years ago I had some and they disappeared after a while, but these are here to stay, I'm told. First cataract surgery Monday.

  13. Thanks for considering your friends who say eh! Ah floaters! they're a pain in the but when you try and watch birds. Floaters are also very colorful.

  14. I love women that can fix stuff...I am pretty good at that too. We have lost 60% of our snow to melt. My driveway and the streets are clear. We can see green grass peaking at us from under the trees. My friends flowers are starting to bloom...this is really nuts! Of course it will freeze again, and snow again...just a matter of time. You hang in there and enjoy those books! I don't know what to tell Far Guy :(

  15. Good job on fixing stuff you go girl ! It is very cold here to eh? lol - 15°C feeling like - 25°C and dropping brr ! Hang in there with the weather as we are trying to here with ours . My mum had cataracts and it is hereditary so I to am making sure all is good ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  16. Hope that is the end of your eye problem! You all just never get a break from the snow and cold! I must talk about you a lot...at lunch today my husband said he felt like he was from Minnesota!! :)

  17. Yes! Three cheers for women who can fix stuff--and for your good news, too! At least it wasn't the worst. I imagine that was definitely an impatient "wait" at the eye doc's office. Wish there was a good answer, though...

  18. Winter, other than shoveling snow, does keep the men indoors fixing things, doesn't it. Hubby ran internet wiring in our house today.. an on-going project it would seem. xox
    Hope all goes well with your eye!!

  19. Be careful in that cold. It's just a bitter winter for all it seems. I need to leave pipes dripping again tonight as it's supposed to get pretty cold. I don't ever get cabin fever....maybe from being an only child? I've never been bored and I always find plenty to do...sounds like you do too.
    So sorry to hear about your eyes. So far so good with me but I should go for an exam especially after having had problems before but they seem fine so I don't like to ask for trouble.
    Was that show on local channels or cable channel? There's been nothing on here so I watch the weather channel or Hallmark or Insp channel. Even Castle was a rerun last night...what's up with that....you get a few new shows in the Fall and then before Christmas they start having reruns already....crazy! I didn't think there were enough new shows to even have reruns. LOL! Stay warm and safe.

  20. I shared your weather stats with my husband and he said ," I think I'd move."
    Your eye event sounds scary. I hope it settles down and behaves.
    Good for you for fixing stuff!

  21. So glad your eye event was nothing worse. I've had two retinal detachments -- not fun!
    I'm more of a woman-who-makes-things than a woman-who-fixes-things, but sometimes I surprise myself! It's such a good feeling when I'm able to do it.
    And I'm so tired of this cold, I could...I could...I could spit ice cubes!

  22. This "getting older" stuff is not fun to experience. We certainly have become more aware of how well our body functioned when we took it all for granted. Sometimes it would be nice to maybe begin with the problems so we could appreciate good health when it arrives. I know it's not how things work - - just a thought. Hmmmm - - - sounds like some sort of electronics bad karma at your house. My husband would not be happy since he LOVES his TV and all that goes with it.

  23. Three cheers for you. And I do hope the weather warms up soon!

  24. Others my age fall off ladders and get hurt and people say he is very old. I guess that is what they are saying about me behind my back. My eyes seem to be doing things that I don't like. I hope your situation works out and starts to improve.

  25. Terry and were having that same feeling...what's going to break next this fall...gradually and many dollars later we are getting caught back up. I hope the cycle is finished with us for awhile.

    I hope your eyes start to heal...Terry's retina separated awhile back (in spring) and he had to stop work for a spell...no bending over, laying flat, until all the flashes of light stopped. The checkup was good. Everything attached and back to old-age normal. Magic thoughts for you!


  26. So sorry about the eye event... and the cold. Brrr!
    Good for you being able to fix things - you must be feeling very accomplished!

  27. I have a good friend who (and this is really surprising to me considering what a nature girl she is) has really long fingernails. Her big accomplishment, along with being able to fix most anything, is being able to say she fixed it...and didn't break a nail :-D.


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