Thursday, January 16, 2014

June is five months away

We are in another blizzard warning.  Wind, snow and blowing snow.  Just another fun day in Minnesnowta.

Purple Leaf Sandcherry in Winter

Twigs from the Purpleleaf Sandcherry or Prunus x cistena


In June is sports a few light pink flowers.

After it blooms is when I should have pruned it.  Maybe next June.

Raindrops on Purple Leaf Sandcherry

It turns more green than it should in our shady yard…but we love the heavy shade of the Oaks.

Purple Leaf sand cherry in October

In the fall it turns to purple again sometimes with a bit of an orange cast.


For now it rests until spring and June which is five months away.  It was the subject one day for some manual settings on my camera.

Purpleleaf Sandcherry is a Zone 2 shrub so it will withstand our winters.  It is a no fuss plant, never gets extra water and exists from year to year without any care.  My kinda shrub.

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  1. Sounds like my kind of shrub, too. The photos through the seasons are pretty.
    Take care in these blizzard conditions. Hi to FG and Chance, too.

  2. I love that you were able to catch the seasonal changes. Very neat!

  3. That would be my kind of shrub also, I usually buy flowers for around the pond in the summer and I always seem to forget to water them when we don't get enough rain to do it for me. I sometimes think I should leave the plants out of the pots and just find lots of flowers that go in the ground!

  4. Nice little shrub. Thanks for reminding me that June is not just around the corner. :-)

  5. Thought about you this morning. It is snowing here and 35 degrees. :) It's no wonder Northerners make fun of us Southerners..we get excited over snow flurries. I've been out taking pictures for my blog! :)

  6. It's snowing here too - hurray! Love those icy branches - great photos.

  7. The wind has been howling the last week, so June is sounding pretty good right now.

  8. I'll bet you are thinking about June. Just to rub it in, in our part of Canada we are expecting temperatures of 46-52F for the next while, and mostly sun. A little taste of Spring for us:)

  9. I guess you got the hang of that camera because the photos are fantastic!

  10. Keep spring thoughts and no fuss shrubs. The sun is headed back to earth.

  11. great pictures :) I am adding the bush to my list (Connie recommended list) :) stay in out of the blizzard - over west here it is blowing snow like crazy can't see anything to the north and our driveway is the happy recipient of the prairie snow!

  12. Cool that you show the seasonal cycle of the plant. It lifts the winter spirit a bit to see summer photos.

  13. I love the purpleleaf sandcherry. Ours were attacked by Japanese beetles a couple of summers ago, but they survived and were fine this past summer. I love these multi-seasonal photos.

  14. Nice photos of the Sandcherry. It also does very well up here in Alaska. We got two inches of snow last night and now it's raining...crazy weather!

  15. We have a little hedge of the Purple leaf Sand cherries they are soo pretty when in bloom her in Southwestern Ontario . We are in for what they call here another Alberta clipper , high winds lots of snow and very cold . Lovley photos . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  16. I just may have to plant some in the Chicago area here next year. Lovely transitions from season t season

  17. I always miss when I should prune something, too. Then I figure they know what to do without me.
    Have a wonderful Friday!

  18. A good shrub to add to my it won't die list. Love the touch of frost on those leaves....

    June, is but a few warm comments away when we blog with friends.


  19. Now that's one great little shrub! And I love your frost photos!

  20. My kind of shrub also! Three months until March...I'll settle for March, June is nice because so many things are blooming, March (we can still have snow) makes me think there is hope for Spring.



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