Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cold Weather

We are at the first part of a one two three punch from those Canadians that send that artic weather on through to us.  It didn’t get above zero on Wednesday.  I think the high was -8F or –22C.  The wind chills were brutal.  Is it another Polar Vortex? ( Just another word for Polar Express or Siberian Express?)

I got a phone call and was asked “Are you part of the elderly group that is staying home today too?”  Yes…even the dog makes his trips outside in record time.

Far Guy and Chance ventured out to the mailbox, they returned nearly frozen.  Far Guy spent the afternoon woodcarving and I brushed the dog and played ball inside and we all napped and watched old westerns on TV.

My TV is finally fixed, the new receiver works as it should.  Far Guys TV works only when it gets to be a plus 13 F, must be a problem with the underground cable….which cannot be replaced until spring/summer.

We still have electricity, water, heat and sewer so life is good.  The freezer is full of food we could survive for several weeks if we didn’t like fresh fruits and vegetables..oh and milk…Far Guy tried powdered milk one day on his cereal…he was not impressed.  I have been tempted to freeze a cup of milk and see how he likes that…I wonder if it separates or tastes funny.  IMG_6274

How did the pioneer families survive?  The struggles with the cold weather taking care of animals making sure they had shelter and food and keeping a house warm with just a wood fire, pumping water outside and carrying it into the house. On the positive side outhouses never froze up, you could use them on the coldest of days.

I hope you are staying warm!  I think we are sending this cold weather off to the south and eastern part of the country.

Think of it as a gift from Minnesnowfreezeyourbuttoffota.

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  1. Oh ya, one two three punch, if we are freezing, you have to too......So cold, -30 here this morning, time to cuddle in and read a good book, Keep Warm, Francine.

  2. Cold here too - just can't get my hands warm.

  3. I can't even remember the last time I was warm. Thanks for the cold air and snow. i know now that I would not have survived in Pioneer times. I need warmth to survive. But I too have a warm house, food and indoor plumbing so I'm sure come Spring I will emerge.

  4. I feel bad for you guys in the deep freeze. We are actually beginning to miss the rain, it's been so long and it's usually very rainy at this time of the year. Weather sure is weird everywhere, but I'll take this instead of all that cold and snow!

  5. Brrr - so cold yet lovely! I wonder how the poor homeless survive too.

  6. You sent that weather as far as southwestern Ohio though our temperatures are ranging mostly between -6 and mid teens. Some years we don't have a zero day so this is cold for us. We have the wind, too. That makes for nasty driving, especially out in the country where there are fields.

  7. You betcha... we are enjoying (not) the weather you passed on from the Canadians. Although we aren't nearly as cold as you.... we are in Alabama and experiencing single digit temps at night. When one is living in a tin box with 2" walls and all kinds of holes here an there... it is a bit chilly!

  8. Well, I wish I could send you some of the Canadian weather we are getting! We hover around the freezing mark, usually above during the day and a little below at night, and down here in the valley, my lawn is bare, although the mountains have plenty of snow. I think this valley is blessed. In fact, I know it is, because every year in May, all the pastors of the local Churches get together and pray a blessing over this valley.

  9. I am tired of two colds *the cold weather outside and *my cold which left behind some residual effects..."coughing"... my favorite part of the day this week has been when the sun shines in my room in the afternoon.... ahhhhhhh

  10. Try mixing the powdered milk the night before and refrigerate. It makes it taste more like milk.

    Stay warm and safe

  11. Hot cereal only needs butter and maple syrup. Bet freezes milk and it seems fine (in coffee) but it is completely raw milk prior to freezing.

  12. Don't know how you tolerate the frigid temps. John says with his large family growing up, they froze milk and it tasted fine to him. Glad you don't have to get out. Give Chance a hug from me.

  13. Milk freezes okay, it will separate but you simply shake it good when its unthawed and it stays homogenized. Be sure and freeze with the plastic carton upright, sideways and it tends to split. Powdered milk is horrible if its not ice cold. Still not great cold but better. Definitely prefer freezing fresh and unthawing. I live 60 mi from the grocery store.

  14. Our weather is like DJan's, but we are Canadian like Shirley, but warmer. Just freezing overnight, and 7 or 8 C or in the mid 40's F during the day, sunshine too. Just have to keep reminding people that not all of Canada is the great frozen north:) I said yesterday that I'd have to remember this weather when we get back into the endless rain. That is if we do get the rain, as everyone knows, the weather has been weird lately. Feel for you with that cold:(

  15. This cold weather has really got to you when you start contemplating the joys of outdoor biffies.
    Some of our forefathers did perish because of harsh conditions that they were not properly prepared for.

  16. I spent last night watching Australian Tennis, under a down comforter while knitting with wool. Honestly, I don't mind this weather…until March. Then I need it to stop stop stop

  17. Yes...thank you so much...thanks to you it is noon and only 19 degrees and we had wind chill warnings last night. I know that's nothing to you but here in the South it can be a real trial for some. I'm lucky, my dad built this house and he was from the North so he built it according to those standards and I am toasty warm and no frozen pipes.
    I've heard you can freeze milk but I've not tried it. I buy organic and organic milk lasts a good month....much longer than the regular...I have no idea why but I get it at Walmart and the organic "sell by" date is always at least a month away.
    I would hate to have to use an outhouse in this weather...actually in any weather! I'm getting too old for roughing it anymore.
    Stay warm and Chance you keep those paws warm! Nitty and Annie send their barks. Nitty finished her last pills yesterday and the stitches are looking good. TTYL.

  18. 36F this morning, snow is still melting and the drive way is still an ice slick. Guess we did a flip flop weather wise. Cabin fever will be your bane this winter. A good time to work on hobbies and enjoy hot cocoa by the fireplace. I love to read so being cooped up indoors is not that bad and the weather generally breaks within a couple weeks. Hang in there!

  19. Ah, go lightly on those Canadians! They probably didn't want that arctic weather, either!

  20. It is bitter cold here too and I am really tired of it. Bring on spring!

  21. I think back then, they often had the animals inside for warmth, didn't they? Or am I thinking back too far, haha.
    Milk freezes okay. But it takes a long time to thaw, and the water thaws before the butterfat, making it taste like skim milk or low fat milk if you don't have time for it to thaw.

    We may get snow tonight. I know we DO have ice on the steps...

    Stay warm!

  22. You guys are having horrible cold weather and we are drying up. Doesn't make any sense. We need a balance...soon!


  23. You gotta love these Canadian weather donations......I'm more than happy to send them your way ;)

  24. I can't imagine such harsh weather. It is affecting so many people. It's causing such misery. The news is full of terrible accidents and fires and loss because of extreme weather.
    Sending you warm thoughts.

  25. I'm moaning over the heating bill down here in central Minne-snow-ta. 25% higher than any year before, so far. In all my years of teaching, I remember only one day the schools were closed for the cold temps. This year we've had three already. So I am ignoring my resolution to not complain about the weather. Enough already! Go away!

  26. Well, we warmed up today (Friday), but will be back in the deep freeze again soon they say. I do wonder how the pioneers and the American Indians survived all of this at all--or with all their fingers and toes? LOL! Stay warm. Canada is going to hit us again shortly with some crispy air. :)


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