Friday, February 19, 2010


I am all through with Doctors appointments until March now..what a relief. I saw the eye Doctor, my eyes are healing well, everyday is getting better. I am still frustrated by the stupid reading glasses..before I never needed glasses to read and would often take my glasses off to read. Now I have to put on readers 1.75 ones to read. I got one of those straps so I can wear them around my neck, I have learned to take them off during meals..they end up with food on them..perhaps I need a bib.

I can see really good..20/20 and 20/30..I swear I have the eyes of a new born baby now. The only thing is I am so used to pushing up my glasses that I absent mindedly do it all day long. I also take my non existent glasses off in the sauna and sit them on the shelf in the dressing room. I put them on the ledge in the bath tub, I sit them on the the counter in the kitchen when I wash my hair in the sink. I was wearing my glasses 24/7 even at night..just in case I woke up in the middle of the night I could watch TV..I have slept with my glasses on for years. Now I only have these readers...that will be replaced by prescription readers in about three weeks. One positive thing I have noticed is that I no longer have to deal with glasses fogging up..yippee!! I will say that it is a fairly expensive you want to have good insurance in place.. I am just guessing at this point..but I think the total bill will be just under 20,000. Uffda.

It has been a real struggle to gain back my sight, those cataracts sneak up on you really fast. Long ago I would have just been the blind old grandma that sat in a rocking chair in the corner, unable to do any reading, handwork, cooking or housekeeping.

Yesterday I drove all by myself over to my cousins...this was the first time I have ventured more than two miles from home by myself in months. I can see to drive again!! I went to visit my cousin V, she had a brain aneurysm that was repaired at the Mayo Clinic. It was a fluke that they found it..she is recovering nicely and we had a good visit.

I got an email from Judy about Smiley the Springer Spaniel that was rescued " Thought you'd like to know that Smiley has been adopted. Not by us - although we were interested. Another family expressed interest before we did, and ultimately they will be getting him. They look very happy and I'm sure Smiley will have a good home." So that was a good update to hear.

I have been cleared to go back to my exercise routine..I have missed it..the group is now doing inverted sit ups sister in law..she who sees robins first can do well over fifty of them. ( Imagine hanging by your ankles at about a 45 degree angle..they are animals..Far Guy too.) I did 1/2 of Far Guy pushed on my back to help me complete them. I have a long way to go...I will never catch up..but I will have fun trying! :)


  1. I'm so happy that your eyes are healing - and you can drive! Your snow is beautiful. Are most of your days sunny but cold? Very funny about the habits. I have walked all over the house looking for my glasses when they were on my face the whole time! (Don't tell my kids - they will have me committed! Ha.)

    The Duchess

    PS I have not forgotten about the glass photos. Hope to send them soon :)

  2. I'm so glad to hear that everything is going well with your eyes. It sounds like you have regained some freedom.
    Sunny :)

  3. I am so happy for you! I have to have readers for everything, sometimes even to eat. Not to see the food, but to put the food on the fork well. HA! 250 for me.

    Getting out and driving is like have freedom again.

    And you are exercising...I feel lucky when I can get away from work and walk. Good for you Connie! YEAH!


  4. I happy to hear about your good vision. I run around with my readers on the top of my head, in my pocket and hanging from my neckline. Then I pat myself to figure out where I left them. Sometimes I have them in all three places at the same time.

  5. I'm ticketed pink that your doin' better. You go girl, exercise, sit ups...there will be no stopin' ya now!

    Have a fun day and a wonderfully blessed weekend!!!!

  6. Praise God for the excellent report on your eyes! Medicine and doctors can come close to working miracles at times. And good for you with the exercise. It is fun to have the fellowship time with those in the class - - - - everyone working towards a common goal.

  7. So glad all is well with you. Have a happy day.

  8. Excellent. Glad all is well. I can't believe the cost of your surgery - that is unreal. Thank goodness you have insurance. Those sit-ups sound like a form of torture - waterboarding would be easier.

  9. My friend Judy uses readers, she has some great ones. She is always putting them on her head like a headband and once she said she had three of them up there before she realized where they had all gone to. I am nearsighted and use progressives, taking them off for close reading but wearing them all the rest of the time, especially for the computer. Without them my face is six inches away from the monitor!

  10. Hi Connie, I am thrilled that your eyes are doing well and you are through with Drs. for a while. What amazing surgery. Glad you can now do things that have been pushed aside for so long - sight is so precious. Hope you both have a great weekend and hugs to Chance.

  11. I am glad you can see again. It is hard to adjust I am sure. I will be going down that road some of these days. I can tell that I am fuzzing a little, probably more than I know. Did you check out that wood moulding site. They have 356 porch examples on their site to help encourage one to decorate their porch.

  12. So glad your sight is so wonderful now! Don't worry about those reading is better to be able to drive and go out and see distances well without the hassles of the glasses then!

  13. Glad things are going well.... Ughhhh those darn situps (I hate situps) but they are suppose to be good for you!

  14. Great news indeed about your good eyesight!

    Love those snowy pics too. We're snowed in under a Class 2 Snowstorm warning today!

  15. Hey that's not expensive, hear tell that's less than the average wedding these days, not that I know anyone personally that spends that much, just thought I say for perspectives sake you know.

    Isn't that wonderful that they can do that surgery? Amazing things in our life time eh?

    Bet does sit ups off of the ladder on the bunk beds! Crazy. Good luck on that catchin' up!

  16. So glad everything is going well for you!

  17. Happy to hear that your eyes are doing so well! Also, you should just take those sit ups one at a time. If you do almost 2 now, keep doing them and you'll be able to do four before you know it. Keep at it and you'll strengthen little by little...don't give up!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie