Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Wistful Wednesday: 1952

This is Far Guy and Tiny, a Chihuahua. This photo was taken in 1952. Far Guys Dad loved dogs, I am not supposed to tell you that he used to put a cigarette in Tiny's mouth and then had him sit up.
 One time the entire family including Tiny were headed for Grand Forks, ND to visit relatives. They stopped at the farm to pick up something and while they were all in the house.. Tiny ate all of their freshly made turkey salad sandwiches...Far Guy says .."I was really disappointed, my Mom made some really great turkey salad sandwiches with celery in them and everything. Years later, my Dad would tell the story and laugh, but it wasn't very funny at the time."

Can you imagine this tiny little dog eating four turkey salad sandwitches..they were probably made with homemade bread too. Years ago that what the ladies used to do for long trips, they made sandwiches and cookies and put coffee in a thermos, and milk in a glass jar. There were very few fast food places, there were resturaunts..but they were expensive, so a good wife and mother would pack a lunch to be eaten along the way.

The fabric in these curtains and on this chair were pretty wild..but probably very fashionable for 1952:)


  1. What a cute little dog....I wonder if little dogs aren't to be trusted! Reminds me of Hoochie and his chocolate addiction! What a cutie Far Guy is...

  2. What a great story and a look back at how things use to be..........

  3. Well, I don't think I would have that couch today, but then it was just the thing. I sure feel old when I realize I was ten years old when Far Guy was two!

  4. I remember we really had great picnic foods on trips. That sure brought back some good memories.

  5. He must have had a belly ache the size of Grand Forks. lol

  6. The sandwiches were probably wrapped in waxed paper or placed in the waxed paper sandwich bags.

    I remember my mother packing a lunch for our infrequent car trips. She always purchased Archway Oatmeal/Date cookies for the trips, too. They are still my favorite cookies.

  7. I enjoyed the story about Far Guys "Tiny" dog. It reminded me of the first dog I had. We we're raised together and I lost him when I was a young teen. He loved to drink Coke from a bottle. Heeeheheeh!

    Have a fun day and God bless!!!

  8. Far Guy was certainly a cute little boy. We had one of those wild floral couches. Our carpet was floral too and the walls were green. Egad - It must have looked like a jungle in our living room.

  9. Add in a some homemade cookies and possibly, if you were really, really lucky, some Clover Club potato chips!


  10. Somehow I can see that little dog doing that. What a cute kid far guy was.


  11. Hope he didn't get car sick! Wonderful story.

  12. Great story. I kind of like the fabrics on the furniture & drapes. I'll bet the drapes were what my mother called "fiberglass."

  13. An adorable photo! And man was the furniture wild back then!

    I remember eating sandwiches in cars when I was a kid too.

  14. I wonder if the colors of the fabrics were as wild as the pattern :) It is such a cute picture. Far Guy was a happy little guy!!!

    Kisses for Chance,
    Emma Rose

  15. I still pack lunches and sometimes dinners when we are traveling, which is a lot.

    And I remember my mother packing lunches for us kids when we traveled to Brooklyn or Ohio. We had no ice chest so she would wrap ice from the ice box (yes, a real ice box until you could not find an ice man any more and then we got a frig) in newspaper and put everything is a couple of boxes.

    She mostly drove at night (the world's first single mom, I think) because the three of us kids would be sleeping. But then that became a problem, too, because it was difficult to find a "filling station" that was open in the night.

    How different things were then. I miss you, Mom.

  16. I have a neighbor lady that is obsessed with new born cats and dogs. Even though she has most all of her great crowd fixed, she always conveniently has one female cat not fixed so there are surprise litters all the time. She has done this with Chihuahuas also, so we are up to four of them over there and probably another one on the way. They are so cute and I can see them eating as much as they could. That is a cool photo.

  17. Wish we could bring back those days!!

  18. Most of the time the girls and I even "pack" lunches when we just go to town for shop day. Fast food may be cheap when you buy it but in the long run not so cheap.

    The picture, very cute, but too bad there isn't one of a smokin' Tiny! The turkey sandwiches, sound wonderful, no wonder Tiny ate them!

    The material is awesome!

  19. I had forgotten abour fiberglass curtains! Now I remember the cuts you got from them.
    I was born in 1952.



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