Thursday, February 11, 2010

Chance Reports on Far Side

Far Side had her other eye surgery yesterday, no big problems just a few little ones..she needs to have several  She is having a real hard time reading.  She never had that problem she is in a fairly bad mood. She has been to the Doctor this morning, I had to wait a really long time in the car, but now we are home safe and sound:)


  1. I had to wear reading glasses after my surgery because my vision was almost 20/20 -- no longer near sighted :) I hope that's your problem too.

  2. Thanks for keeping us posted, Chance. I hope she feels better soon...and love the new header pics.

  3. Connie, Take care and rest up as much as you can. You must feel relieved that both surgeries are finally over and done with. I hope things are better for you tomorrow and your temporary reading problem is cleared up. ((Hugs))

  4. Thanks Chance for the update. Connie, rest and I hope tomorrow will be better. Praying you'll be just fine with a little time.

  5. Chance, you write so well for a dog and all. I'm so happy Connie is doin' well and hopefully the eyes will adjust and be 100%. Tell her to take care and we'll await her next post. Now get of the computer and go chase a rabbit or something!

    Have a terrific day dear Connie. God bless.....

  6. Hi Chance and Connie!!!! Glad this other surgery is over for you, now rest and heal! You'll be perfect by the time I get home! Make her rest Chance. I'm checking blogs out while Renee is napping!

  7. Good report Chance! You take care of your people tonight!

  8. Wow, Connie, you did that second eye fast! Your brain must be spinning trying to figure how to interpret what you are seeing. I agree, rest up, and wait a little bit. You should be fine.

    Chance, it's a good thing you are around, too! She needs you right now...

  9. So glad it is done and you are resting! Don't worry about the sight..when it heals the two eyes will work as a coordinated pair,compensating for one another and you will be so glad you got them both done!

  10. So glad you got the other eye done. My mother-in-law was tickled to death about her eyes. You rest up. We will wait.


  11. Glad you're all finished with that! Just take it easy and mend. You are so gonna love how you see everything! God Bless.

  12. Take good care of yourself, must be a good feeling to know that they are both done now. Heal quickly. Hugs.


  13. Take care and heal. We aren't going any where. Enjoy the rest.

  14. Chance - - do you think you could teach my cats to update my blog? Of course, they would have to want to though since cats have attitudes.

    Thanks for you and your other master taking great care of our blogger friend. We will pray her healing is complete and her eyesight superb!

  15. You better go take a nap with her Chance, she just needs to be cuddled a bit.

  16. Far Side I hope by now you are feeling much better. You are probably asleep for the night! I'll check in tomorrow - earlier if possible. And I'll be thinking of you and praying for a quick and painless recovery!

    Emma sends kisses for Chance....

  17. Looking forward to good reports!

  18. When my Mom had cataract surgery, it took about three months for her vision to improve. I know she was initially quite discouraged when her first eye was operated on, because I think, if I remember correctly, that it first got worse after the operation, but it turned out fine in the end.

  19. Take good care of Far Side and tell her to rest!


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