Saturday, February 27, 2010

What do you think?

We just got back from "Up North".  Sometimes when we travel we take a different road that we have never been on before.  Today was one of those days..and we found a nice surprise in a tiny little town called Lengby, Minnesota located on the shores of Spring Lake.  Population 79.   

Now what do you think it's original purpose was?  Far Guy says it might have been a school.  What do you think?  :)


  1. Looks like a part of the building on one side is gone. Maybe a school or church.

  2. Maybe a courthouse/jail??? Very pretty and I'm glad you enjoyed getting out.

  3. I don't know why but It reminds me of a jail.

  4. If I were a guessing person, I'd say a school. The construction is like many old secondary schools scattered around the countryside 'round these parts. Let us know if you do find out.

    May God bless your evening!!!

  5. I agree with most of the other guesses, too - - but the doors are confusing - - - unless they are window coverings - - which they could be - - - but if they are doors, perhaps it was a warehouse - - - but I don't think so. It's too pretty. Were you able to find out its original purpose and if so, will you tell us tomorrow?

  6. A school definitely! They were a dime a dozen...all from the same cookie cutter pattern.

  7. Miss Lynda, I don't know what its purpose is or was? I suppose the next time we are through that little town we will have to stop by the cafe or the post office and ask:)

  8. I am thinking jail, it's very stark. But that sparkly wood work on the front door is amazing.


  9. Where they keep the space ships of the aliens so no one will come around to check them out as most think it is just an old school house in a tiny back woodsy town, would be my guess.

    I can't believe I just typed that with a straight face! :)

  10. Definitely a school or some other institution. Let us know if you ever find out, okay?

  11. Very interesting, clearly it continues to get a fresh coat of paint, especially on the door way if not all the shutters. But what is perplexing is the odd hole in the back right side. It seems to match the first and second story windows but the "indent for the windows" is connected, when I first saw it my reaction was an old elevator shaft exposed but on close examination it doesn't seem to be the case. and why are there no windows on the left side? As if the building had been connected but... oh so many questions.

  12. I am not sure. It looks sort of like a school, but the entrance seems wrong for that, although I like that arched look. The one side with no windows is odd. It would be interesting to learn its history.

  13. Looks like a jail or post office to me!

  14. Love that wonderful building with the white shutters. Perhaps it was a very grand house once upon a time...

  15. "The old Lengby School, built with Lengby bricks in 1905 at a cost of $3,000.00, still stands next to the town baseball field. The school closed in 1969, and is in the process of renovation for an artist’s retreat."
    This is info from Abra one of my local blog readers. I also had a gal leave a comment on my local blog, that her husband attended school it was indeed a school:)

  16. I vote for school.


  17. It was a school. Built by my great grandfather. Apparently, it has been purchased by an artist and is being restored.


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