Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wistful Wednesday: Sno-Daze 1968

Years ago the doldrums and greyness of February were left behind for one evening.  At a dance called Sno-Daze.  Some school group sold buttons and tickets..we would have a real live band and might have been "The Images" from nearby Menahga.  They were a pretty good band...not as good or as crazy as "The Unbelievable Uglies"  but cheaper. The dance took place in the high school gymnasium..with the band on the stage..and lots of dancers on the wood floor. Some one served punch, in little plastic cups, and the teachers were chaperone's.

I bought a brand new outfit, an angora sweater and a matching wool skirt from O 'Mearas in Detroit was the place to go back then for teenage clothing.  Of course the skirt was fairly was three or four inches above the knee..long by today's standards. Far Guy wore a sport coat with dress pants. he also wore a white shirt with a dickie underneath it.  Dickie's were very popular back then.  For those of you who do not know what a dickie was, it is just a turtle neck with a flap in the front and a flap in the wore them under shirts or blouses. You just pulled it over your head, and smoothed down the flaps, it looked like you had another shirt on underneath.
I was a Junior that year, Far Guy was a Senior.  I helped him get through Advanced Algebra, I sat in front of him in Study Hall. Until that fateful day that he sat in my chair instead of his, I had absolutely no intention of going out with him, much less falling hopelessly in love with him.  He had dated my best friend Cathie, the year before. Besides that he had two girlfriends, they were all he could handle..and sometimes he even ignored them. I was playing the field, and just had lots of friends....  I had two study halls, in the other study hall I sat behind "Gravy".  That was his nickname then and that is his nickname now.  At Far Guys 40th Class Reunion, Gravy gave me a big hug, Far Guy later asked me " Did you ever go out with Gravy?"  No..I replied..I sat behind him in study hall, but he never sat in my chair:)


  1. Oh what fun photos Connie. You are so pretty and Far Guy so handsome. What a love story you two share. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. What a gorgeousness couple you two make. Funny what brings us together. We didn't need no stinkin E~Harmony!!! Great picture of young love!!!

    Have a wonderful day, sweetie!!!

  3. Love the outfits, guys.. you look so happy in these pics!

  4. What a stunning couple you two make.

    To have found each other so young, and still be so happy together now, that is quite the accomplishment. Thanks for showing us those photos, you have made my day.


  5. You are both cute as a bugs ear.LOL

  6. Wow! Talk about longevity in a relationship fun photos, and great memories. You do know that those glasses are so "in" right now.

  7. I join with the others in saying that you and Far Guy are a beautiful couple- then and now.What a sweet romanic courtship. I sense that Far Guy is still his same romantic self.

  8. Does Far Guy still sit in your chair? What a handsome couple you were. You are so pretty and he so handsome. I do remember the dickies and of course we all had to have a short skirt.

    PS my friend, John will be coming to visit. He lives an hour from me and that is good. I mentioned him in my last post. Am I weird or what - I don't get it -somtime I have sweet feelings for him kinda I love him and other times I could take it or leave it. I do love this guy but I could never put up with his crap - namely the drinking. He is nice to have around though - I get awful lonely - Sometime.

  9. Thank goodness Far Guy came to his senses. He was just practicing his skills with all the others. Mom was the only girl in my family but my future sister-in-law had the same kind of sweater skirt outfit you were talking about. I wore dickies also. It was too hot to wear a long sleeved turtle neck under a shirt so the dickie did the trick. I think I have one of them still stowed in an old sweater box.

  10. Connie, you are drop dead beautiful!


  11. That first picture is priceless --- what a handsome/beautiful couple! You do look in love!

  12. What a beautiful couple! I can't even imagine still knowing someone from school. We moved so often. . .

  13. Hi! I came across your blog link through Becca's blog. You have such an interesting blog and quite the talent for writing. Reading your post made me smile :) ....and what a handsome couple you and your husband make!!

  14. Connie - love those pictures. Do you know that our class of '65 started Snow Daze, and that I was the first queen! dah! No formals or anything, just had a wool blazer and skirt, and the crown was of "thorns" ha! I haven't come across any of those pictures now that I've been searching.

  15. You both make such a cute couple!!! Isn't it fun to remember all those fun times!!

  16. You made such an adorable couple. You are so pretty Connie and Far Guy was quite a catch. They are really sweet photos. I can't help but wonder what you were doing to him to make him laugh. You look perfect together. It was destiny that he sat in your seat - obviously you were made for each other.

  17. Ohmygosh. We are the same age! I graduated in 1969 from Ten Sleep, Wyoming!

    AND for our snowball dance in 1968 we all left the dance to watch the Princess (an old cafe in town) burn to the ground! Fortunately, no one was hurt.

  18. Such a great story!!! How romantic~~

  19. Such a cute two were "Lookers". ha


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