Friday, March 8, 2024


 We hope that Far Guy gets out of the hospital today and gets his infusion.  It is the goal for the day.  Then our goal is to keep him away from germy and perfume soaked people and out of the hospital. 

One of his goals is to work on his car come Spring and get to a few car shows during the summer.

We both need time away from hospitals and time to rest and recoup from funerals and flu and feel somewhat normal again.

Far Side


  1. Agreed...yes, yes, yes!

    Hopefully he get sprung from the hospital today!

    fingers and toes criss-crossed.

  2. Those are good goals, and I sure hope you can avoid any more hospital time. As a patient or a visitor.

  3. Goals give us hope and encouragement to get well. We don't reach some of the goals as fast as we used to but any step forward to them is EXCELLENT progress!
    Still praising God for answered prayers for his health. He is going to sleep a lot when you get him home. He will rest better at home. Very thankful for his medical team that has helped him through this.
    My guess is it was because of insurance he had to go home early last week. That is usually the case. Insurance needs to realize it can cost them more money in the long run - - - happened after my husband's surgery.

  4. Some pleasant spring weather will do you a lot of good.

  5. May you reach your goals more ease than expected. You guys definitely need a good looong break from these past several months of stress and health issues. May you have normal, uneventful days ahead of you--lol! *hugs*

  6. Let's hope you get the time away from all of that and get to enjoy some car shows.

  7. Normality is sadly underrated by those experiencing it. I keep you in my prayers - now for normality!

  8. Yes, you do! A break in so many ways

  9. It is good to have achievable goals. You have had a lot to process back-to-back-to-back! Best wishes for Far Guys release.

    Take good care of you.

  10. Praying for peaceful, healing time for both of you!

  11. Hopefully both of you will attain your goals in the months to come.

  12. Hang onto those goals. Having something to look forward to is a great motivator! Wishing Far Guy a speedy recovery and may you both have a wonderful Spring and Summer.

  13. Hope you both manage to keep away from hospitals and germs!

  14. Fingers crossed that today he will finally be home and able to get his infusion.

  15. Hope life gets back to a near normal. Going to be warm here this weekend. Maybe you can get outside for some fresh air.

  16. I'm not sure I remember normal! Even my client is in hospital.
    All the best.

  17. Absolutely. We have been praying for you both, so is our church in Spokane and here in Omaha. We want Far Guy better and home NOW! You both need time to veg out and just relax and play with the puppies.
    Love and lots of hugs,

  18. Hope you made it out of the hospital! Praying that you will be returning to car shows soon. One step at a time.

  19. And I certainly hope your get that time, that respite.


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