Wednesday, March 20, 2024

bird art

Last Fall I spent some time in the Red Bridge Park taking photos of the sculptures.  

This one is called "Thread to the Past"

This was my favorite sculpture that day, I thought is was very well done.  It too can be purchased for $4,000. 

The Sandhill Cranes have probably started there way up North already.  They could be in for a surprise because our weather has turned cold. 

Far Guy had a good day yesterday but after supper he was real tired. 

Far Side


  1. Nice birds. They’d be pretty in your garden. Isn’t it always the way? The stuff we like is super expensive. I saw a beautiful ceramic pot the other day on a gallery website. Painted with pretty tropical birds. It was utterly charming and £2,500. Oh well.

  2. That statue is a beauty for sure! It was below freezing here the last 2 mornings but this morning it was 48....I think we're done with winter now.
    Glad to hear Far Guy is doing better. I took a nap just before supper last night. I couldn't help myself.

  3. There is a day in this area about an hour from here where people go to see the sandhill cranes on a specific weekend. It is generally a very cold day. I have never paid attention to where they live or that they migrate.
    Hooray for a better day for Far Guy. That has to be encouraging to many!

  4. I really enjoy the pictures you've shared from this park. We have a park with sculptures nearby but they are weird modern art clumps of concrete and odd blobs. How I wish we had attractive ones like your park.

  5. I like this a lot, too. Small, but consistent steps forward for FG.

  6. I like to watch for migrating sand hill cranes. They take their time and chatter.

  7. So glad FG had a good day. It hopefully makes him feel like he's finally recovering. The sculpture is beautiful but the title leaves me a bit confused.

  8. That's an odd name for that sculpture.
    Continued prayers for Gene.

  9. Our Sandhill Cranes have all flown. Heading north to raise kids!

  10. You make me wonder—why sandhill in the name so I looked it up. They are named after the Sandhills near the Platte River in Nebraska, where many travel during spring migration.

    You keep teaching me about lots of things I did not know.

  11. I think that is a beautiful sculpture!
    I hope FarGuy rested and feels better now today. :)

  12. That's a lot better sculpture than others I've seen.

  13. Those sculptures look nice to me. Sandhills have been reported around here.

  14. What a beautiful bird. This is amazing art, personally, I would paint them in pretty colors, haha... but not everyone likes that.

  15. Love the sculpture! Sandhill cranes are fun to watch and to hear. Like Sara, I don’t understand how the sculpture and the name relate to each other.

  16. That's a beautiful sculpture, and I think it's happy right there in the park.
    Good news on FG.
    How are you doing?

  17. My one Canadian blog friend has the cranes already. I find it to be a fascinating bird. We see the reports of the large flocks of them in Nebraska as the migrate through there near Omaha.

  18. I like that bird sculpture too. So glad far guy had a good day. Praying for more of those for both of you.
    The ice went off of our lake last Saturday. It was a month and a half earlier than last year!

  19. Not sure where the name "Thread to the Past" came from? Kind of strange for a bird. I like the crane the best. It's beautiful. Great news on Far Guy. Baby steps forward. Much better than backwards.


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