Saturday, March 9, 2024

Home again

 Far Guy is home and yes he had his weekly infusion right after he was released from the hospital.  It is good to have him home.  He needs time to recover, it has been two weeks of sickness for him and he will not feel better in a day or three...possibly weeks. 

Far Side


  1. So happy is home and that he got his infusion! Hopefully now you can both rest and heal.

  2. Praise God for this wonderful news! He can rest and eat and hibernate until spring. It's all good! He will feel good in time for springtime which is just around the corner.

  3. I hope he gets to stay home this time. Sepsis is tough, poor guy.

  4. Such great news! Now for lots of rest!

  5. So glad he is home again. Time to rest and heal. Nothing better than to be at home with loved ones. Doesn't matter how long it takes to recover. :)

  6. Thankful that he is home. I know this is a relief for you and for him as well. Hope you both get some much needed rest.

  7. So glad he is well enough to be home.

  8. Good news! I hope he has the opportunity to rest and recover - and that YOU have time to recover, too.

  9. Oh wow, that is great news. Rest with his wife and his family and his dogs, it has to help.

  10. Good news! I'm sure he is very glad to be home.

  11. Coming home is step one, the first step in the right direction. So happy he was able to get his infusion. Now we just concentrate on building up and staying away from any stray germs.

  12. So grateful he is home. I like to think of my prayers helped, so I'll keep them going. :-)

  13. Praise the Lord! I'm so glad you have him home with you. And that he was able to get his transfusion is wonderful. I know to be home with you, Jen, Andy and his grand-dogs is teh best medicine.
    Blessings and hugs,

  14. Good news in a way, but I get it.

    Rich took several weeks to recover from his last cold.

  15. Doctors told us once, during one of Aunt Vi's hospitalizations, that it takes a week to recover for each day spent in the if she was there 7 days it would take 7 weeks for her to get her strength back. :(


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