Sunday, March 24, 2024


 Any port in a storm or Grandma will do.

Her paw is on my foot...socks with crocs....that way she can snooze and know when I move.

In the afternoon Jen and I went to the dog park.  Sadie had some interaction with other dogs but was mainly interested in a stick.  She was the prettiest dog there!

As you can see there is no snow...but that may change on Sunday. 

Far Guy had a decent day, he is getting stronger. 

Far Side


  1. I hear you may get a big storm! Yikes.

    However, it was great that you and Sadie got out to play. Looks like the weather wasn't too bad either.

    Well, it is March, almost anything goes weather-wise.

  2. She is gorgeous! We used to have a golden and she was such a loyal and loving girl.

  3. Sadie is a beautiful lady! Very good news on FG.

  4. She is beautiful!!! You will miss those fur kids when you go back to the forest.

  5. I think we had the same amount of snow! That is a first. Of course she was the most beautiful dog there!

  6. I totally believe Sadie was the most beautiful dog there!
    We have some snow today (Sunday) in Fargo. Supposed to continue through Monday. Sadie will probably have some snow play time. ;)

  7. We have lots of snow. There's great skiing. Some of the mountains had 30 cm of new snow. So I think we've got all the snow.

  8. I guess it shows how Sadie feels about you when she puts her paw on your shoe.

    I'm not at all surprised that she was the prettiest dog at the park.

  9. That was the first thing I noticed, that the snow is gone.
    And then, of course, there was the beautiful Sadie
    Yay for FG. We love to hear those good reports.

  10. Smart way for the pretty girl to keep tabs on her humans.

  11. What a beautiful dog, good to read Far Guy had a decent day

  12. Sadie is definitely a pretty girl!

    Glad to hear that Far Guy is continuing to improve.

  13. Life is looking up! Someone or two or more had a fun outside day with Sadie and FG continues improving!!! Great news on Palm Sunday.

  14. Yay for Far Guy! That's the best news. Sadie is a gorgeous dog and she obviously loves her Grandma. That's how little Lizzie is with me. Mandy says she would leave them for me if they would let her go.
    We've had cold and rain today. We got spoiled with the really nice weather early this month. Possibly a "little" snow on Tuesday morning. It sounds like you guys are going to get dumped on though. Stay safe and warm.

  15. Dogs know when their doggy love is needed. She is indeed a pretty dog.
    Way to go, Far Guy!

  16. That it so're right ... she wants to know if she closes her eyes that she will know if you try and leave! LOL! We're getting high winds and rain Monday. Glad you were able to get out before the snow and so happy that Far Guy is improving!

  17. She is such a pretty girl!
    We had a good snow on Friday and unfortunately I had to drive in it - it was not fun. I used to drive in the snow all the time and I certainly don't miss doing it!
    I'm hoping it's our last snow - temps are on the rise this week - but they can always drop again!


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