Thursday, March 30, 2023


 We have enough white cold stuff... it was -13 F yesterday morning.  That is -25 C eh.  Not fun the end of March.   It looks like all the snowy cold weather will follow us into April with a big storm next week.

Just what we need more white on white. 

Far Side


  1. It is so pretty to me...but Mother Nature has seemed to forgotten she is supposed to be winding down. ;)

  2. Oh no! That's just too much. I think I would lose my mind if we had that much white stuff at the end of March. It's supposed to be 71F here today. Hallelujah!

  3. You are worse than we are. Minus 25 C is very cold at any time. Your roads are not thawed yet!

  4. At least it is white and brightens up the winter - not black!

  5. I totally agree. I am so over winter.

  6. Ugh. we got some snow again yesterday (no where close to what you go) and the temps dropped. They are supposed to be up again by the weekend though

  7. Yikes! Not another storm front!

    We are getting one hitting us tonight through Saturday morning. Ours will be rains this time along with snow and a thunderstorm?

    March is leaving like a Lion!

  8. We've been cold but not THAT cold! We have a lot of snow but it's supposed to rain over the next couple of days, which does not thrill me.

  9. March has been a Lion the WHOLE month!

  10. We're expecting more white stuff tomorrow, but appears that we'll be on the edge of the system. 2-4" of new snow will be much better than the 8-12" expected just west of us. And a chance of more next week by the forecast.

  11. Yes, when we get another cold rain off the Pacific, which is coming tomorrow, you get more snow. Sorry about that.

  12. Sorry you're still getting the white stuff.

  13. Sorry to hear that you're getting more of the white stuff too. I heard somewhere on a weather forecast that this has been our snowiest winter in the past 100 years! Yikes. Hope we don't see another one like this for a long time. Safe travels when you head back to your real home soon.

  14. I think your spring lost its way!Brrrr I am grateful I don't live in your area. Our spring comes and goes, tempting us and then withdrawing. Once again our snow has melted but no worries; we are going to get some snow tonight. Our crocuses are hanging on, probably wondering what is going on with the weather.

  15. What a winter you’ve had! My daughters, too. I hope you all get some spring weather in time for Easter.

  16. We had 74° F. yesterday, Friday, and had snow on our deck this morning. It is so crazy the way it keeps changing.


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