Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Date Night

 We drove Tilly to town and went out for supper.   It has been a long time since we visited the local Steakhouse.  The steak was great but it sure went up in price...doubled in price from before the pandemic. 

Then we cruised Main and stopped at the Fairgrounds for a photo. 

Our Great Nephews Jordan and Gavin and Great Niece Aubrey are here on vacation so they went for a ride too...and both boys got a chance to drive. 

They all liked the old car.  They are great kids, they used to live right next door now they live in Western North Dakota.  The boys are going into their Senior year and Aubrey into her Freshman year of High School.

12.7 miles per gallon and she uses was $5.19 a gallon.

Far Side


  1. Great that you got to spend time with the kids and have a date night too!
    That car is a beauty!

    FG looks rather handsome also!

  2. That premium gas provided a premium ride though.

  3. That picture of Tilly and Farguy is gorgeous. He still has that guy pose - hand in pocket, other hand on his beloved car. It's nice he let the grandsons drive it as well.

  4. Such a pretty old car. That's about the same price we pay here for gas. :-)

  5. That's one cool car! Gas prices are ridiculous! When are they going to come down to 'normal'.

  6. Fantastic photo of FG and Tilly at the fair. I remember earlier posts about the kids - good to see them again.

  7. Love the pic at the fair that's one to frame for sure!!!

    We have only started going back to "real" restaurants (and take out only), but I figured they would be us, since it's pretty much $30 for the pair of us to get a couple burgers and fries at McDonalds now.

  8. Far Guy is very trusting & awesome for letting the boys drive. They will remember driving Tilly forever!!

  9. That is a great photo of Far Guy at the fair. You really should frame that one! I remember the kids so it was really nice to see them as they are getting older. How great for FG to let the boys drive his beloved car. Gas & diesel prices are ridiculous. It's making me nervous for our trip to Spokane.

  10. Ouch! Reminds me of the old farm truck that got eight miles to the gallon... when it was on the highway cruising. For 90% of the time on the farm, it never saw a highway!

  11. Oh how fun, Connie! I love the look on the great nephew's face...the one in the blue shirt. He looks like he's thinking "Maybe I'll have one of these one day!" :-) Good times!! ~Andrea xoxo

  12. I'm sure that driving a vintage car was a thrill for the boys! The fairgrounds seems like a very appropriate place for glamour shots of that gorgeous car. She maybe took lots of folks to the fair in her time.

  13. Nice date night. The photo of FG with Tillie at the fair is so fun. Glad you had some time with the kids too.

  14. Date night isn't something Tim sees the point of, the car howevermhe would love

  15. Both Tilly and Far guy are looking pretty good.
    Isn't it crazy how prices of everything has gone up??

  16. They were very fancy cars. we didn't have them in Canada.

  17. That Tilly is a gas hog for sure! But put it in the entertainment budget. :-)

  18. The photo at the fair is wonderful! Everything including husband, car, background, lighting - I just love it.

    In addition to cost, we have found that restaurant food just isn't as tasty as it used to be. I guess we just got used to home cooking. We have been very disappointed in restaurant visits.

  19. I love that picture at the fairgrounds. Is the fair going on now? It looks so pretty there. What a nice backdrop for your hubby and the car! Glad you enjoyed your company.

  20. Whew! An expensive date! But if the steak was good, along with the conversation... what else matters? right? Sometimes you have to live a little. I love the old car!

  21. Perfect background for a photo of Tilly. I bet she attended a few carnivals in her past life!

  22. Glad you guys had a nice date night.

    Prices here have sure shot up compared to what they were pre-pandemic too.


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