Saturday, July 16, 2022

Baxter Visits

 Baxter visited us most of the day yesterday since his people had to be in Fargo for surgery.  A plate was put in Beth's foot....the surgery went well and she is recovering at home. 

Baxter was a good boy, he took off once...he knows the way from our house to his house....but he came back after a couple of minutes and I put the leash on him.  He doesn't like the leash so the rest of the day he stayed close to me and came when called...helps to have treats in your pockets!  He was funny when I was scrubbing the kitchen floor, he kept coming up to me to see if I was okay!  ( I scrub on hands and knees/butt) We shared some lunch and then we borrowed the Gator and went off to spray poison ivy...he is a good co pilot keeping watch for anything that moves. Using the Gator I could take him with me....I usually spray off my lawn mower.  After a while we both got warm so we headed into the AC, he laid on the steps so he could look out the window and then we had a short nap...after that he wanted to go home.  He was done being away for the day!  He likes riding in the Ranger and goes in and out easily for me. 

He is a pretty smart small dog....I think he weighed 46 pounds on his last visit to the Vet. 

Not even a look back to say thanks lady with the treats.  He is very attached to his people...but I will do in a pinch.
Far Side


  1. It is great you can help out!
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  2. Sure hope Beth's foot does alright and she's soon back to being Mom to Baxter. Foot surgery is not fun. So, I wish her well.

  3. Nice to have Baxter visit you. He's a fine looking dog. :-)

  4. I can just imagine how he enjoys riding through the woods. We occasionally see a neighbor in a golf cart with his dog. Hope your SIL has a quick recovery.

  5. Sounds like a fun time for you both!

  6. Dogs certainly make chores more bearable. Like having a friend to talk to while you busy yourself. And they are so easy to bribe into friendship.

  7. He's such a cutie. It's wonderful he's attached to his people, but still willing to hang out with you on occasion.

    Best of luck to Beth as she heals.

  8. Cutest Baxter! What a lovely visit...

  9. How sweet of Baxter to be concerned that you were crawling around on the floor. He must have been worried that you wouldn't be able to get up. I know I sure wouldn't be able to. A mop doesn't do as thorough a job but it's a lot easier.

  10. Sounds like you had a fun day with Baxter! Glad to hear it. Glad your SIL's surgery went AOK and that she's already back home.

  11. Dogs know much more than we give them credit for.

  12. Sounds like things went really well if she is home with her foot up! Now the frustrating foot up part. Glad you got to hang out with a buddy, Baxter is a sweetie pie!

  13. Ouch, sorry to hear about Beth ~ hope that heals fast! Baxter likes you, he just plays hard to get!! Thank you for your mission against poison ivy, I am now one of those who never wants to come in contact with it again!

  14. Nice to have such a well behaved borrowed dog that also likes to go home.

  15. So nice to have a Baxter visit. Even if the reason wasn't the best.

  16. I'm glad he likes you (and the treats) it's a huge help to his people to have someone Baxter likes.

  17. I enjoy the antics of Baxter but I am sure that it can be difficult. He is certainly loyal to his owners and family.

  18. Hope Beth's foot is healing well, and glad you got to spend some time with Baxter (even if the reason for it wasn't the best).


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