Sunday, July 31, 2022


a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used.

I had Lymes from a tick about 22 years ago...untreated.  That left me with residual Lymes.  

Every once in a while it rears its ugly head.   It is miserable.

So I take my medication (doxycycline) until it goes back to where it came from until the next time. 

The symptoms I get are: headache...which I got about two weeks ago and should have known what was coming. Fatigue, chills, swollen lymph nodes, large muscle aches, joint pain and neck stiffness....death would have been welcomed. 

 I am not sure what made the flare surface this time...I was most likely too busy and a bit tired so it got the best of me for a couple of days. 

I am feeling better now, but will take it easy for several more days.  ( I had a five hour "nap" yesterday.)  My Doctor is well aware how a flare effects me and with the medication plan in place I will recover. 

Far Side


  1. Yikes. I've had lymes once and thankfully it was treated right away. Hopefully I don't get a residue like you do.

    I think stress would be a contributing factor, so hopefully you get some de-stress time along with taking it easy.

    Love the bee balm.

  2. I'm sorry to hear of this recurring nuisance. But I am glad to hear you are on the upside of it at this time.

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry. It's good you have a plan and are starting to feel better.

  4. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care.

  5. Take care of yourself and enjoy more of those long naps until you are recovered!

  6. I'm so so sorry, Connie, that you're dealing with a flare up of your Lyme Disease. :-( One consolation is that plans are in-place with your doctor to treat it right away....without having to explain or have tests done. That's a big help in the recovery process right there, I'm guessing. I will keep you in prayer, my dear, and I hope you get to feeling better soon. Keep us posted on how you're feeling as you are able. ~Andrea xoxo

  7. I am so sorry to read this. I hope the meds kick in soon. Hooray for naps!

  8. Oh no, hoping you are feeling better day by day (nobody has time for that) :)

  9. I know a couple of limes survivors that fight similar symptoms. You have my sympathy.

  10. oh that is too bad Connie - Hope you are up and doing alot better soon. Amanda's 2nd boy (4 years old) has Lymes now and on medication. Hope this doesn't happen to him. he was having trouble with his elbow hurting so bad and a mark on his shoulder that got bigger and when hot days came it showed big and red. see you soon jo

  11. I had never paid much attention to ticks or Lyme disease. We don't have much of a tick problem here. But then yesterday when Jill and Irene were visiting, Jill began to freak out that there was something in her hair. Sure enough a tick was imbedded in her neck just at the hair line. None of us had ever experienced that before. We found a tweezer and I carefully pulled it out. We are sure we got it all. There was quite a bit of freaking out, of course. Jill does not like bugs. She called her health care provider and got a one day antibiotic. Doing a bit of research assured me that we most likely don't have Lyme disease carrying ticks here, but she will watch it. Creepy.
    Anyway, I'm sorry you have been afflicted. It's obviously nothing to mess around with. Take care.

  12. Lyme disease sounds perfectly horrid. I'm sorry you had a flare; hopefully now that you're taking the necessary meds you'll feel better.

  13. I HATE TICKS! The only good use for them is food for birds and opossums.
    When our girls were in college, they had an English professor who dealt with the same thing you do. She suffered terribly when she had flare-ups.
    As you know, I have the Alpha-Gal Red Meat allergy from the Lone Star Tick. It is definitely not as bad as Lyme's if you don't mind a limited diet. My reaction is so sensitive that I do not even need to smell the fumes of any pork or beef cooking or my throat will begin to close or give me an asthma attack. It's life. There are worse maladies. Praying that your medicine is helping you feel better quickly.

  14. That is so awful. I had a friend with it and she too was affected only at certain times. Rest and medication. Got to rest. So sorry.

  15. So glad there’s an end to your suffering.

    Loved your bee balm photo.

  16. So sorry to hear about your flare-up. How awful. I'm glad the Doxy helps you and your doctor prescribes it. I am dealing with terrible pain in my neck, shoulders and upper back right now...also my ears are plugged from my recent cold. I am miserable. I am praying for you to feel much better soon, Connie. It's sure no fun being sick. Take good care.

  17. We never want to feel crumby. Something that is chronic is most unwelcome.


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