Saturday, July 23, 2022

First Tomatoes

 We finally had some ripe Yellow Pear Tomatoes!  They are our favorite!   Waiting so long for the first ones to ripen on the vine is so worth it! 

There are many more to ripen.

These are the La Roma tomatoes.  Similar to Roma tomatoes...we like them on salads. 

Not sure what is causing the leaf curl...perhaps the heat. 

Far Side


  1. I love those pear tomatoes to pop in my mouth as I am picking them.
    Yesterday all of our tomatoes started to wilt in the sun. I have to really make sure the containers have enough moisture right now.

    Your projects are beautiful works of art!

  2. Listening to a horticulturist speak a few days ago about this. He said that temps fluctuating causes it.

  3. Well done. I have a ton of cherry tomatoes!
    (ツ) from Jenn Jilks , ON, Canada!

  4. Still waiting for my first tomato :-o

  5. My Romas look very similar to yours - maybe I have a different variety than I assumed. The yellow tomatoes look delicious. I'll have to look for them next spring.

  6. I also love those pear tomatoes. I have tomatoes on the plants but they are small and green. Lots of zucchini!

  7. A fresh tomato from the garden is just one of my favorite things. The farm stand opened yesterday - with cucumbers and sweet corn and beets. But no tomatoes yet.

  8. Fresh tomatoes in the summertime... there's not much else that compares. Enjoy, Connie! ~Andrea xoxo

  9. I will have to look for yellow pear tomatoes.

  10. Yum! We have two tomato plants this year - they are still flowering! My nightly deer visitor apparently doesn't like tomatoes (yet).

  11. Those yellow pear tomatoes look interesting! I might have to try some in next year's garden! I mistakenly picked up some cherry tomato plants. They are very prolific. I am picking a quart every so many days which I wash, half and freeze for winter soups.

  12. Hope the curling leaves don’t foretell disease coming. It did in my garden.

  13. Yes to the yellow tomatoes. Mine are all still green. I am in a drought area even though the weather map doesn't think so. The past two days of heat have been awful to plants. Never heard of La Roma. Fancy name and I bet it will taste good.

  14. I wish I could display my one ripe tomato next to your pretty yellow ones. Mine is pitch black ( Midnight Snack is the variety). It's a cherry tomato size.

  15. Love the look of those yellow pear tomatoes! You should be getting a lot more soon, judging from your plants there!

  16. You reminded me of when many years ago I grew Roma tomatoes and made my own tomato sauce. Was the best spaghetti. Good memories. :)

  17. I've had two tomatoes this year. Waiting, waiting for more.

  18. Yum! And they have such a nice color. Your crochet blanket is lovely…where would our minds be without our projects to help keep us sane.❤️

  19. Wow! First tomatoes. Our season to grow them is so short, even shorter where you are. We didn't even plant any this year, and that's a first for us. I'm glad we didn't as the drought would have made it tough. Also because Katie's not here to help herself to the cherry tomatoes she loved to pick off the vine.

  20. The pear tomatoes are such a lovely color! Pretty in the salad bowl for sure.

  21. The pear tomatoes are such a lovely color! Pretty in the salad bowl for sure.


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