Saturday, June 12, 2021

A little rain

 We got a little rain on Friday morning when the cold front went through.    Not much rain...enough to make the lawn chairs wet.  It was a nice day with a high around 80 F.  My baby brother brought over a visiting cousin from Missouri... Karl and his wife Peggy.  Karl was one of the twin ring bearers in our wedding.   It has been many years since we have seen he has kids in College and his hair is grey!! 

I took my Dad to Bingo on Thursday night...we did not Bingo but we had fun anyway.  Dad is getting a bit unsteady on his feet.  We made it there and back without incident.  Dad had fallen in the bathroom just before I picked him up for Bingo....he said he fell on the soft rug so it wasn't too bad.   My Mother managed to help him up. 

Far Guy and I put the tomatoes cages up around the growing tomato plants.  The plants have a few flowers! 

We had BLT's for supper, I like my T on the side.  

Splendor report:  I won one!  Far Guy 4 me 2.

Far Side

Centaurea Montana and an unknown Butterfly


  1. Wow...such a beautiful flower and butterfly! I've been hanging out by my flowers to try and 'shoot' bees and butterflies in the afternoon.
    Falls are tough.
    My dad had a hugely funny fall story, I'll tell you about it sometime.

    Sounds like you got some relief from the heat. We did here too, but NO rain. My yard is turning very brown just like the pastures.

  2. Glad to hear your heat wave has retreated a bit. And I do hope both FG and your Dad continue to hang in there. :-)

  3. So nice to see an old cousin that you haven't seen in a long time. Your parents always amaze me Connie. Glad you finally beat far guy in a game. Have a great weekend. :)

  4. So glad you guys can visit with family! Prayers that dad can continue his bingo trips with you and hoping for steadier feet.

  5. We got a heavy rain, hopefully there is some rain left in the clouds and heading your way.

    Nice you got a visit in with your cousin. I hope your Dad stays safe, falls are always a scary thing.

  6. Great photo! My sister has a patch of Centaurea growing, color really stands out. Glad your dad is okay after his fall, and that you enjoyed your time together at bingo.

  7. Congratulations on the Splendor win! Isn't it fun to see a relative you have not seen since they were a child. It is a sharp reminder of the passage of time. Flowers on the tomatoes means you will have baby tomatoes before you know it and that will be a happy addition to your meals!

  8. It is a pretty blue flower. I am glad your dad didn't break anything. I know he really appreciates going to bingo.

  9. Sorry you didn't get more rain.....we've had close to 3 inches in the past week. I wonder how that missed you? I'm so sorry that your Dad fell. That can be so scary. Glad that he didn't break anything. My folks only made it to 81 and are blessed.

  10. We had heavy rain yesterday and we will again tomorrow, but we lucked out today with a beautiful mild sunny day for Isaac's HS graduation and party, all outdoors.

  11. Nice you're getting to see people again now.


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