Saturday, June 19, 2021

Honey Bees

 Not sure where their hive is but they sure like the Gaillardia (Blanket Flower).

At least they are sharing! 

My other baby brother found some Lime Outshine Bars and dropped them off for me.   Friends from Louisiana dropped off packages of Boudin...a dear blogging friend offered to send Fritos...we have wonderful friends and relatives! 

Far Side


  1. Actually, anything you can't get and might need one of us could probably find for you!
    I used to have a whole patch of blanket flowers and large daisies...sigh. Miss that huge flower garden!

  2. Great pic of an apparently popular flower!! Love when good things happen to good people.

  3. We get by with a little help from our friends... as the Beatles' song says. It pertains to the bees and to us too. I'm so glad others stepped in to help you out, Connie. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  4. So glad you are getting the stuff you couldn't find. I love blanket flowers and the bees definitely do too!

  5. It sounds like you and FG and the bees will be eating well!

  6. It seems so strange when random things can't be found. I used to buy the lemon Outshine bars all the time, but haven't seen them anywhere in a couple of years.

  7. I went to a farmers market this morning, and a beekeeper had honey for sale. I didn't buy any, but I did buy some blueberries and some homemade strawberry jam and homemade plum jelly.
    Have a blessed day!

  8. Awww!!! Friends are the best.
    Glad you are feeding bees. :)

  9. Your blanket flower is popular. I need to water mine. It is nice people are out thee scouting the place for unavailable things at the grocery store. My brother says there are sugar free Reese's Peanut Butter cups out there but I sure didn't find any at my big store. I did find other sugar free candy to eat with my coffee.

  10. So glad you have such generous family and friends! Your flowers must be lovely - it's the place to BEE!

  11. The Gallardia are such pretty flowers. I didn't plant any this year - not sure why.

    You do have great friends and family.

  12. I was going to sing "We get by with a little help from our friends", for you, but someone beat me to it! I'm glad you've found the things you need. Friends and family are wonderful aren't they?

  13. I have tried to grow gaillardia for years and have never had any luck. I don't know why not, everyone seems to have it in their yard! I love it, but just have to enjoy it everywhere else. Glad people were able to get you the favorites you couldn't find at the store this week.

  14. That's wonderful for others to help you two out and I'm not at all surprised! Enjoy your weekend!

  15. You've got one of my favorite wild flowers.

  16. How kind and caring some people are!

  17. You have wonderful friends and family because you yourselves are such good people.

  18. Either those bees are really tiny, or that is a huge flower. And how brilliantly colored, too! No wonder the bees are all there.

  19. You should be well stocked with treats for a while. Enjoy!

  20. You definitely have some wonderful friends... That's nice you got offers like that.


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