Monday, June 28, 2021

Bear news and other stuff

 The bear is still around.  I forgot to bring the feeders in one night and went out in the dark very late to get them.  He is visiting my brother's dumpster every night.  I can see where he is also digging up ant hills and he tipped over a bench that we have along the back road.   He may have to be relocated....My other baby brother has one of those dumpsters that has to be unloaded by a truck...I wonder where the bear sleeps:)

In other news, I finally got the garage cleaned out and got everything put out for a garage sale the next few weekends.  We had a trial run yesterday and sold some stuff to relatives and friends.  We will see how it goes.   We got in some good visits yesterday!

We had a really nice rain yesterday...we heard thunder...a first for this year!  It sounded good!  The grass is greening up again...and I will probably have to mow soon.  We got about 4/10 of an inch of rain,


We have a nesting pair of Bluebirds...but I have yet to get a photo.   When I was cleaning out the garage I found my Ant tucked I put her by the bird bath again this year....she makes me smile! 

Far Side


  1. I really think that bear needs to be reported to the DNR for relocation. With you brother's dumpster being there he won't leave - free lunch wagon. I really love your Ant; sure is cute. Glad you got some rain.

  2. Oh please don't go out late at night to get the bird feeders. It's not worth it when the bear may be behind the tree in front of you! They are determined creatures aren't they?
    We've had some nice rains this past week too. It would be nice to get one every few days so we could discontinue the watering.
    Good luck with your garage sale. I've made a rule of no more for me. I don't do very well with them and they are scads of work.

  3. I hope the bear decides to move on. I wish I were close enough to visit your garage sale. I'll bet it's a fun one.

  4. There was a local guy here who decided that he'd keep the feeders up every day and the bear started looking for the feed at night on his porch and busted his grill and patio furniture. The DNR suggested he not put out any more feed for the birds at all. He did and now has damage to a sliding door, grill, deck, furniture, and siding to the house.
    He was then ordered to NOT feed the birds day or night. I don't know how it ended up as he was fighting with the DNR over it.
    Bears will come and eat from feeders during the day too.
    This fella created a real mess.

  5. I sure would be nervous with that bear around! Glad you got in some good visiting and sold some stuff at the same time. :)

  6. Your bear is making me very nervous!!!

  7. Bears don't take long to get habituated to a food source. Relocating sounds like a good idea, hopefully to an area without a food source supplied by humans.

  8. The rain went around us for the most part this weekend. There was only about 1/10 of an inch in the rain gauge. Having a bear in the area must be kind of scary, so I hope he does get relocated.

  9. Sounds like the bear needs to be relocated.
    Love the ant.
    Good luck with the garage sale. :)

  10. Take away the food source and any wildlife will be gone. Not sure what you mean by "your brother's dumpster" but maybe you should request he come get it & haul it away? No food & no garbage outside and your visitor will leave without issue. ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. My brother has a huge garbage dumpster over on his property, the kind only a garbage truck can gets unloaded weekly, he needs it for his business.

  11. Bears can be a nuisance, but they are only doing what bears instinctively do. I haven’t been to a garage sale in years, but I love them. Good luck with yours.

  12. Yes, your garage sale would be fun. Not bear visitors though.
    We need rain!

  13. It does sound like the bear is becoming a real nuisance. Hopefully he/she can be trapped and moved to a more bear-friendly locale.

    Good luck with the garage sale.

  14. Your ant makes me smile too, glad it make the keep list! I am happy to say I don't have personal experience with bears. There has to be something that isn't lethal that deters them. I imagine it is difficult to get them to move on. Looking forward to a photo of your bluebirds. Truly hope they fare better than ours did. Have fun and good luck with your garage sale.

  15. Are you thinking the bear might be sleeping in your brother's dumpster? That's a scary thought and would sure be a big surprise for the men that come to empty it! Please be careful going out after dark!

    I love your ant and can see how she would make you smile!

  16. You are fortunate to have Bluebirds nesting in one of your birdhouses ( I assume that's where they nest). You're not so fortunate to have that bear coming around looking for snacks.

  17. I have great respect for bears. They are very smart and don't take no for an answer.

  18. I can't imagine what it would be like having a bear wandering around the neighbourhood, it sounds rather frightening.

  19. That ant looks cool
    A bear being around would bother me, but then I live in a city down under where bears are unheard of

  20. It scares me to think about you going out after dark for the bird feeders and a bear wandering around. I would never have had the nerve. :) The ant is so cute.

  21. did you run into that bear when you went out late that night? I hope not. sorry to hear he's still around. glad your relatives and friends stopped over...hope you get rid of lots of stuff.

  22. So...who gets to do the "relocating"?

    Glad you got some more rain!


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