Sunday, June 13, 2021

Holding the Great Grands

 Saturday we travelled up North to see everyone, our Grand Maddie was visiting from Michigan.   Our two Great Grandchildren we there along with our five Grands.  We got hugs!  AND got to hold our newest great grand who was born during the pandemic...Cee Cee is 15 months old now. 

Cee Cee in the little pig tails!

Hey Mikey who has just turned  4 years old a few weeks ago.

I think there was a tickle bug loose. 

They were both interested in my glasses on the sparkly chain.

So fun to see everyone and to catch up with all of our loved ones!   We all went out to lunch and the old folks were home well before dark! 

Far Side


  1. Wow! That must have been wonderful! Oh I am so glad you got to see everyone. Yesterday a neighbor child came by and Rich hadn't seen her in a year. He was shocked at how tall she grew!
    Wonderful day.

  2. **swoon** Ooooh Connie, this post is sheer delight! I'm so glad you had this day to celebrate family & life. The reward of having spent a pandemic in safety!!! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  3. Cee Cee is so big already! I'm so glad you had a nice time and were finally able to get all those good hugs. The kids are adorable!

  4. Finally some normalcy after all of these months!

  5. How wonderful! Hey Mikey looks so grown up and CeeCee is just a doll. I'm so happy you were able to visit in person and get those much needed hugs.

  6. How nice to have that visit, the tickle bug lol...that's funny!

  7. OMGosh!!! Just wonderful! Absolutely wonderful!
    Can't believe how big they are already.
    Those hugs and that time is priceless!!! :)

  8. It's wonderful to be able to gather with our loved ones again and do lots of hugging.

  9. Brings tears to my eyes! What a special day! This is memory making. So precious. And you certainly have some adorable great grands.

  10. Hugs are the best, especially from littles. SO happy for all of you!!

  11. I'm so happy you got to see your family and get and give hugs and kisses!!!
    Those 2 little ones are so darn cute! I love Hey Mikey's hair...they are both just precious. What's the IV in Far Guys arm? He has to be connected to his medicine?
    It is just so wonderful to see you with your family again but glad you didn't miss your bedtime!

  12. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful day and a blessing to be sure! I love all of your pictures, they are just precious. Cee Cee is adorable and Hey Mikey just looks all grown up. It all happens so fast. I am happy for both of you and for all of your family getting to see you two!

  13. What a splendid occasion!! So wonderful to see the grands and great grands too!!

  14. Just wonderful to be able to visit with the grands and great-grands. You are a very fortunate person indeed. Thank you for sharing them here.

  15. It's exciting to see the grand kids at any time but more so after not seeing them for so long.

  16. Good, finally!!!!!! Happiness abounds, I see.

  17. Oh what a fun day for you two. Love the pictures sooo much!

  18. I'm so glad you got to visit your grandkids and great grandkids (and I presume your kids too!) It's a special time, for sure.

  19. Does Cee Cee resemble some of your childhood pictures? If I am remembering correctly, it seems she does?.
    Mikey's curly hair is beautiful. Which family member does he inherit that from?
    Like the others, I am very thankful you all got to visit!

    1. Cee Cee looks like her Mama:) Hey Mikeys curly hair comes from his Dad!

  20. Love the pictures of the great-grands. They are truly great.

  21. Glad you got some proper family visiting in, and finally got to hold Cee Cee.

  22. How wonderful you got to see and hold those precious grandkids! They're both adorable!

  23. I'm so glad you finally got to see the greats! Hopefully, now things will get back to normal and you can see them more often--right while they're growing the fastest!

  24. They are such sweet great grand kids. I am so glad that you got to see them. If they were like our one grandson when we first saw him he wasn't so sure he was at the right place with these old people living here.

  25. So wonderful that you got to visit with family and to love on those grandbabies! It seems like things are slowly getting back to normal.


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