Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Onto February

 As we turn the calendar over we say goodbye to January.

I have fun making calendars with my own photos.

Onto February! 

Since it is someones birthday later in the month he and his new old car are the subject for February.

One month more of the Pandemic...or one month closer to a vaccination and some kind of immunity.  I am still waiting...I filled out a questionnaire from our local clinic.  No news yet.

My computer  Windows 7 is getting really wonky...and slow as molasses...I got this computer back in 2010. So I guess it is time for a new one...it has been ordered...and I hope this old one holds out until the new one gets here. 

I have been going through photo files and taking many off of my simple saves...not sure they are compatible with the new system I am getting.  It may be a real adventure. 

We ran errands in town...dropped off the taxes at the accountants, got the special gas for the new old car and went by the bank...so much for our outing.  The special gas is $3.09 a gallon. 

Steak, Salmon and salad for supper...I am not real fond of Salmon a fork full suits me fine.  The steak was excellent! 

Far Side


  1. Sounds like a productive day. We got our first "real" two days ago. We only had dustings previously this winter.

  2. We love making our own calendars too. And I am getting my jab tomorrow! But that’s apparently because my health is so poor. That’s no cause for celebration.

  3. Before you buy a new computer do clean and defragment the old one It works like magic - I too am running Windows 7 and have no hankering for newer systems. Sunday it was deadly slow, but after using these two inbuilt tools here we go again :)

  4. Ohhhh, a new computer! How exciting! Did you get a desktop or laptop? What brand? I don't know when I got my current desktop but it's old too. I always swore I wouldn't replace it or if I did, I'd get a laptop. But I've been using a tablet for a couple months now & am guessing a laptop would be similar... and I'm not liking it as much. So if a replacement is ever needed, I'll probably get a desktop again.

    Dr. Osterholm, a doctor who specializes in this pandemic and who I trust, says a Category 5 pandemic hurricane is going to hit us in 7-12 weeks, with the UK variant. Like nothing we've seen thus far, he says. I pray he's talking through his cap and is wrong... but somehow I doubt it. ~Andrea xoxo

  5. You aren't the only one still waiting for the vaccine. I am eligible but never hear a word about when. Till then staying safe. Good luck with you new computer when it comes. It will be a challenge.

  6. I make our calendars too and used to make one for my stepdaughter with her visits to the farm on them. They stopped coming, I stopped making them. I enjoy making our calendars and see that I have to soon make up a new one.
    Sounds like it is time for a new computer and good luck!
    If your files shouldn't be an issue to be saved for the new computer. The only difference maybe is if you were switching from Windows to a Mac?
    Good luck.

  7. Eleven years for a computer is pretty darn good. No wonder it's slowed down so much. I look forward to hearing about your new one. I just downloaded the latest operating system for my Mac and it's way faster. :-)

  8. Nice calendar! Good luck with the new computer.

  9. You could buy an external hard drive to download your photos onto, then you won't need to worry and they will always be there. My new computer has Windows 10 and I hate it. Everything is apps and I can never find what I am looking for.

  10. I see you replace computers as fast as I do! Rarely. Usually when websites put greater demands in the OS and it's less and less able to get around.

    Lots of luck with your new one.

  11. Our kids gave us photo calendars again this year for Christmas. It's my very favorite gift. They give us 2 copies every year - one for my office and one for my husband's office. Your photo files should still be compatible with the new computer, unless you saved them in a special format for specific software not on the new one. If in doubt, save your photos in JPG format.

  12. The calendar is great. You take such good photos and that's a wonderful way to enjoy them. How exciting to get a new computer! You take so many photos, do you save them on an external drive?

  13. I filled out the questionnaire for the vaccine but it says it could be months before I hear anything.
    I like your calendar!
    Good luck switching to a new computer. Once you get used to it I bet you will be amazaded at how fast it is compared to the old one. :)

  14. I'm with you on the steak over the salmon. Salmon is very popular here and it's not very expensive either but I still don't care much for it. You can take the girl out of the midwest, but you can't take the midwest, (and her love for steak,) out of the girl. :-)
    I'm still learning my new Apple computer after a year. It's great, but much different than windows.
    We dropped our taxes off last week so hopefully they'll be ready soon. We usually beat the rush by doing them early.

  15. Early Happy Birthday to Far Guy! I love your calendar, it's a great idea. I sure hope you get the vaccine soon!

  16. Vaccine is really not available. Some people get on to the weekly schedule but they have to get on at midnight and hope there are still openings. Somehow two schools got vaccine for the teachers. I don't think the 65 and up is going to get done any time soon.

  17. I used to make family calendars: it was fun. I’m on a list for the vaccine, but it’s hard to be patient and not call to see if appointments are available. You’ll love your new Mac!

  18. You work very hard at keeping active and busy. You end up being much healthier.

  19. I like steak but I am also a salmon fan, as long as it is really fresh.

  20. That reminds me that I need to turn the page on the calendar hanging above the computer. There, done that.
    My sister used to collect family snapshots of all of us and make calendars, one month for each family. Then the families grew into more than twelve and she retired from that job.
    I had some issues when I switched to a new Windows 10 computer, but we saved all of my old photos to an external hard drive first.

  21. I love the idea of making your own calendar with family memories but never thought of doing it just for us. We used to do it for the grandparents when our children were small. I’d say your old computer has served you well and deserves its retirement!

  22. I do personalised calendars for myself, my mum and a couple of siblings each year I like having a photo on the date to mark some ones birthday makes it easier to remember.

  23. I hope the transition to the new computer goes as smoothly as possible.

  24. Gosh, a busy day! For many years I used Shutterfly to make photo calendars for my husband to use at work. One year I even had a photoshoot with the grandkids at a railroad museum since he worked for a railroad. I always worked in an office so when I retired I posted my desktop calendar (by which I ran my life for decades) on the wall of my kitchen. Thank goodness Susan Branch started designing a desktop version of her calendars so it is pretty as well as practical.

  25. No ethanol in the "special gas? Or does it need lead in it? (Remember when they put lead in the gas? Good Lord! What were they thinking back in the 70's??? ) They put lead in the paint too... I wonder if "BIG LEAD" had the best lobbyist in Washington at the time. Surf and Turf sounds great! We had salmon Sushi tonight. Cheryl makes the best.

  26. Our daughter in law makes us a calendar every year with family photos... I love it. I have an external hard drive that I move everything to when I get a new computer. That way I'm relatively sure nothing will get lost. Steak and salmon... sounds delicious! Stay safe and warm!

  27. I love your calendar pages...especially those beautiful pups on the January page! Sounds like you got alot done today. Good for you. My hubby brought me home a new computer too....but I haven't had it hooked up yet...although lately for some reason, the internet has been dropping out on my old one. I get my six month tests done this Friday...wont' get the results for two weeks after though. I'll leave it all in the good Lord's hands. Take care you two!

  28. That would be fun to make your own calendar.

  29. That computer's done well, so no wonder you need a new one. Hope all goes smoothly with the new computer when it arrives and you have to adjust to the new system.

  30. Did you make your calendar using Window's? That's a great idea! Good luck with your new computer. I have never used a Mac. I'm thinking of getting a Chrome so I can video with the grands. Cell phones don't work well here. You have to go up to the gas station or the clubhouse to get them to work. Good luck!


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