Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Monday Madness on Tuesday

 Well...it was a miracle that we got Internet, TV and Phone service.   The technician called and said "I do not know what happened, but your service has been restored."  Huh...you don't know what you are doing...a gal on Saturday told us that a system "migration" was happening but it should not bother us...my guess is that we got migrated to some internet netherland.   They are supposed to be keeping one eye on our problem.  The tv goes in and out...it says the connection has been lost...there is still something rotten in netherlands.   I let Far Guy deal with them...I would just want to rip someones testicles off. 

Speaking of getting ripped off...our Postal System sucks.  We have a new substitute mail man who doesn't know where anyone lives...he and I had a discussion on Monday morning ( do not leave a official notice that says I was not home at mail delivery time because you were confused by three mail boxes...you were just stupid and lazy)...he now knows where I live.  And the stupid broad in the Post Office doesn't wear her mask over her nose just her big mouth. AND I entrusted my big girl camera into this system so it can be cleaned and repaired...and I feel naked without that camera...I have separation issues. 

Remember that refrigerator I ordered on November 5 ?  From a local business and I ordered an Amana...made in Newton Iowa...not even a foreign country involved.  Not a huge special order either...it should have an ice maker that actually makes ice and the rest of the fridge should be cool.  January 15 was the delivery date.  I waited a long time past that date to call....I should get a gold star!!  The local business said " If it was here we would have called you.  WE don't know where it is."  108 days.   Uffda.  Good thing our old fridge is still working...but with our rotten luck with things breaking down in the past few weeks...you never know...at least outside is one huge refrigerator.  Buy American they say...

Well there it is...and the shot last week makes me have hot flashes...how in the world it found one crappy hormone left in this old body I am not sure.   My arm is back to normal...but I am still tired.  Tired and cranky...bet you couldn't guess.  

Oh well it could be worse we could live in Texas.  


Scrubbies I finished over the weekend.

Far Side


  1. I feel so bad for you and all the problems you are having. Hope things get better real soon. Yes, the Postal Service really blows. It now takes anywhere from 3 to four days for a letter to get cross town. I could walk it faster than that. And heaven help us if we get a substitute mail deliverer. I should get paid what they do for such lousy service. Enough, I'll get off my soap box now. Hope you feel better soon.

  2. Other than that, how was your Monday?

  3. Well you do sound a bit cranky lol but you have every right to feel that way all things considered!

  4. its that snow and cold and pandemic and... Spring and green grass and flowers will eventually return. I am getting a bit doubtful about the pandemic. I am SO tired of it.

  5. Sometimes you have to get cranky to whip people out of their complacency, especially if they are in a service industry or a retail business. You go girl!

  6. Oh goodness, sounds like you are having extra Mondays this week with all the goings on. Those kinds of days are frustrating no matter what day of the week. We've got black ice here this morning. Karen

  7. You have good reason (s) to be cranky. How do you misplace a refrigerator?!! Good grief! "...rip someones testicles off..." haaaaa haa!! Sounds like something I would say. Is Far Guy in hiding? lol, JK! The US Postal system is in need of help, and I am not talking employees. So many in our area have similar (not) delivery stories. We are fortunate to have a long time employee, who does her job well. Overall generational issue are affecting all businesses. Scares me to think what covid effects will reveal when pandemic kids grow up. Truly hope your beloved camera makes it back to you and soon! As a fellow photographer, I get it.

  8. (Hugs) What a frustrating time! If it isn't one thing it is another. I did see a cute meme, something comparing how long it takes to potty train a toddler vs how long it takes an adult to figure out how to correctly wear a mask?

    I did have a successful shopping week. Due to weather I waited until Sunday which I was sure was a mistake, but I actually went inside both Aldi and our local supermarket and everyone I encountered was masked correctly and social distanced. The girl at Aldi even sanitized the cart ahead of me so she could transfer my groceries. I am no longer using the online ordering since Instacart laid off all union employees and my order always had problems. I understand human error, but it just seemed that the one item I needed most was always left off or out of stock, yet I could see others exiting the store with it.

  9. Oh man... sounds like life is throwing all sorts of lemons at you right now, kiddo. I'm so sorry to hear this. :-( We had the same kind of problems last year with appliances... waited months for a new refrig & chest freezer. We bought the cheapest of both kinds and waited months (I guess nobody was wanting to spend too much money). But eventually they came. I think the trick is to go into whatever store you choose and ask what they have in stock. Every company that makes appliances here in the United States gets some of their parts from overseas... so the hold up in manufacturing is not being able to get the parts. The same goes for manufacturing covid vaccine... some of the components have to be obtained from other countries. *gawd* I hope you manage to find a ray of sunshine in your day today, my friend. Imagine a nice tight covid-free hug from me to you!! ~Andrea xoxo

  10. I've noticed a lack of concentration from a lot of people since September. More people are dropping the ball on deliveries, appointments and services. I think the isolation is affecting all of us. Or maybe it's a more sinister Star Trekian thing where the Covid is affecting our brains. That may explain my desire to eat fermented Betazoid worm larvae.

  11. Yes. The post office is a mess. Lots of folks have post office horror stories these days. Glad you got the rural carrier straightened out. I get it. It took a while for the rural carrier who delivers our mail to get it straight which box is ours. Hope your order eventually comes.

  12. I believe if I was Far Guy I would give you a wide berth for a couple days. Breathe deep ... this too will all pass.

  13. You've NOT had a good start to the week! Yikes!! Hang in there. Our grumpy, unfriendly mailman has TWICE delivered registered mail for us to an equally unfriendly neighbor 3 doors down the street. Wouldn't someone in the process of getting the packages signed for notice it wasn't at the right house? And wouldn't the neighbor just walk over and drop it on our porch? Nope!! Once we tracked down who signed for the package, then Dave retrieved the package himself the first time, but called the PO supervisor the second time and insisted our mailman could do his job and go get it himself to correct the problem. I often wonder how many other times that has happened that we don't know about.

  14. Hope whatever's going on with your internet is actually properly resolved soon, and also that your missing fridge is found and delivered to you before your old one stops working. I hate when the mail delivery people try to insist you weren't home because they're too lazy to finish the job. We had something like that happen a few times where we used to live, because this one guy hated having to wait for us to answer the buzzer when it was raining so would just slip a "sorry we missed you" card through the letterbox, and I got really annoyed about it each time.

  15. I'm sorry I'm laughing, but you say so many things that I think too. Our mail woman has been a regular pain in the butt and it drives me absolutely bananas when I see any one not wearing their mask properly. Is it the most comfortable thing I've ever worn, no, but it isn't that bad! Like you, I'd be lost without my camera.

    Hope your internet issues are settled soon and that fridge makes an appearance before the old one gives out.

    Take care, stay well!

  16. Whoo-boy! I think I'm glad I'm not your postal guy. :-) I do know what you mean though. Stamps and rates keep going ever higher and the service is getting much, much worse. Unfortunately I think it is a foreshadowing of things to come. We do have a lovely counter guy at the P.O. closest to the RV park. I think he's the nicest Postal worker I've ever met. Always with a smile and a happy good morning and a hard worker too. I wish I could clone him. Ha!
    I can't believe it's taking that long for your refrigerator. Did they even offer to check on it for you? Ridiculous. Amana, Iowa is not that far away. (By the way, the Amana Colonies are a great place to visit if you ever get the opportunity.)
    I hope today is much, much better and the hot flashes go away forever.
    Blessings and a huge hug,

  17. It sounds like you have had one of "those" weeks, or maybe even the whole month. I am so sorry! You need a relaxing break away from it all or maybe some ice cream or wine even??? ; ) Take care of yourself and feel better!

  18. Loved your last sentence, "Oh well it could be worse we could live in Texas." Had to laugh because I DO live in Texas. Last week was brutal, but today it's 75 and sunny. I started reading your blog when I still lived in upstate NY and could always relate to your weather situation. Now I live here and am loving the weather most of the time. About the postal service~~you're 100% right, service is abominable.

  19. Leah and I had two packages from Amazon ordered weeks apart that never made it past some town (distribution center) in Wisconsin. I've had packages that said they were delivered that never arrived or turned up...and mail gone to other apartments in the building here because the mailman couldn't read the apartment numbers on the boxes, I guess. And Dejoy wants to eliminate first class mail and raise prices. Rant away.

  20. OMG!!! You must have leprechauns gone wild in your house! I really think they should make telling lies a federal offense and then maybe people would be more careful about running their mouth when they don't know what they're talking about and expecting you to believe them. . I worked with a lot of people like that and I used to call it "baffling with bullshit"! LOL!

    1. Here is the whole saying..
      If you can't dazzle 'em with brilliance...baffle 'em with bullshit !

  21. Tariffs have made it difficult to get parts for appliance manufacturing. The postal service is suffering under poor management. It is still remarkable that you can mail a letter anywhere in the country and it gets delivered, eventually. Technology is wonderful when it works, and we have become do dependent on it. But we need to put more money into our infrastructure.
    Elections have consequences. Now I have made you even more cranky, I guess. Take a breath. This too will pass.

  22. Frustration overload by the sound of it

  23. Our usual postman (Robert) comes at 9.30 or 10 in the morning. The substitutes turn up at about 3. Useless.
    A friend in the US posted me a package to Switzerland. She had it returned months later labelled “NO SUCH COUNTRY”. That says everything doesn’t it.
    Good luck with your fridge. Our oven died this evening just as we finished cooking dinner. Maybe we just need to change a fuse. Or maybe we need a whole new oven. Oh dear.

  24. We ordered a dishwasher months ago. It never did arrive. We finally went and bought a floor model and cancelled the other order. I have mail I sent out at Christmas that still hasn't arrived. But stuff I sent to England got there in 4 days. Who knows what the mail gremlins are up to.

    By the way, I LOVE the picture of Chance at the top right now, him and his ball. Such a handsome guy he was!

  25. that is all crazy and so frustrating...

  26. I sure hope your week improves!! I'd say it can only get better but that might be tempting fate.

  27. Saying little prayers for you and your household. Things will look up real soon. 🍃 It's been a crazy last several months. I have difficulty focusing. I quit watching the "news" entirely. Spring is on the way, I believe better days are ahead for us all. 💞🦊

  28. Missed this somehow. My camera was being shipped back too. That's when I left a note plastered on the mailbox, along with directions on how to use the driveway.
    Same excuse. Any more than 1 mailbox seems to confuse them.
    I've used a trail cam to record what goes on. If we have no incoming mail, they don't even come down our road.
    As for the fridge? Eek gads.

  29. I sure hope things improve for you. I, too, am in a miff about the post office. My son recently moved to a new address. He dutifully turned in his forward address request. But, because his last name is the same as my husband's and mine, AND because our street address was the exact same except for a letter after the number...the post office has decided to forward some of our mail too. Thanks goodness it is going to my son's house, because all kinds of identity theft could be happening with our 1099s, my husband's pensions, etc. Now to top all that stupidity off, the post office is informing our people that we have moved to my son's address. So, now my son is getting mail with our name on it and his address. We are having to call companies to get our legal address changed back, and I have officially lost my brownie button over the matter. So I do feel for ya!!

  30. Could be worse - glad you aren’t fridgeless while you wait. I’m mad at the post office, too. They lost four out of six Valentines we sent to our grandboys. The four with money in them. Grrrrr. We finally won a lottery for 5000 Covid shots and get our first one next week. An hour and a half drive each way .... AND, as they made sure to point out in the email, provided they actually get the 5000 doses they are supposed to.

  31. Dear Connie,
    This is a very funny post, made me laugh out loud and read it to my husband he laughed as well. You are just telling it like it is and you really did a good job!


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