Friday, February 19, 2021

Mosaic Crochet

This year I said I was going to either finish up old projects or learn new things!  Mosaic Crochet is beautiful.

First I made a small swatch...then I graduated to a scarf using small odds and ends of pastel yarns. I am working on it inbetween wasp nests.  

Each row is worked one at a time leaving the ends.  This is the front.

The back...

It stripes wonderfully.

The ends are tied and then cut shorter and you begin to encase the ends. 

Here is the beginning of the envelope. 

I have a ways to go.  I learned about mosaic crochet on You Tube.  There are many different designs.  I would like to make an afghan...maybe...I joined a facebook group and get lots of ideas and oh my the color combinations! 

Grocery Pickup was uneventful.  It was way warmer than last week.  I went by the Post Office drop box and then waited in the Clinic Parking lot for Far Guy to call me.  We came home, disinfected groceries and put them away...had lunch and a nap. 

Shot report:  Far Guy is feeling much better.   I still have a red swollen arm...they say it is normal. I am still tired.  

Luckily I can take a nap when ever I want!  Suppers were planned way ahead of the shots...using a number of freezer meals.  

Far Side


  1. I think red swollen arms and the general feeling of malaise is routine for any vaccine. I received the Shingrix vaccine last year. For shingles well the first dose I felt like I had been hit by an 18 wheeler. For a week I could not put my blouses on because my arm hurt so bad. Hubby had to help me get dressed. The next dose was better. They told me the worse you feel the better it is. Hubby went and didn't feel a thing. We'll have to wait and see for the covid vaccine. It will be a very long time before my age group can get it. The way it's going so far, Covid will be done by the time we get it. Our wonderful prime minister dropped the ball on this one. 🙁

  2. That is so gorgeous. I love all the multicolors. Hope your arm feels better soon. Have a great weekend.

  3. The crochet is beautiful. We are scheduled for our second COVID shot today. We had no adverse effects from the first one (oh, arm was a little sore) but some folks have had some reactions to the second one. Guess will see what happens.

  4. I am curious. Are you really posting this at 3:00 a.m.? or did you write the post in advance and then tell blogger to post it at that time? I routinely wake up at 3 a.m. but usually go back to sleep for an hour or so.

    1. I write it in the evening and then tell blogger when to publish!

  5. Glad things are on looking up, albeit slow. So many different projects, you are multi-talented!

  6. I am back to Square One about getting a shot, after all the appointments were canceled because of shortages due to the bad weather. I really like the look of that mosaic crochet.

  7. I hope your arm is better by the end of the day.

  8. That is a beautiful varied color pattern. That must be fun to do!
    We are supposed to warm up considerably this weekend.

  9. The Mosaic Crochet is beautiful. Glad Far Guy is feeling better and I hope you are feeling better soon too!

  10. The crochet doesn't seem possible how it turns out.
    Could you fold it in half seam the other side together and have a little hat for the baby?

    1. I suppose that might be possible, this project is a scarf!

  11. Looks like a fun crochet project. It's very pretty how those stripes appear, and I've not seen that type of edge before. Enjoy the naps and feel better soon!

  12. Oh my that mosaic is beautiful! It looks tricky though so good on you for learning how to do it.

    Glad to hear Far Guy is feeling better and I hope your arm settles down soon. Take care, stay well.

  13. The mosaics are beautiful! Certainly more fun to do, I'd think, than the grey wasp nests! Glad Far Guy is feeling much better, hope you are too, very soon!

  14. The mosaic is pretty on both sides!
    Glad FarGuy is feeling better already. Hope you do soon, too. Naps will help. ;)

  15. Oh how beautiful that mosaic crochet is!!! Breathtaking!!! Yes, one of the nice things about being a senior... naps when desired. I'm enjoying that too. :-) ~Andrea xoxo

  16. I have never heard of mosaic crochet - so pretty! And I love the colors. Cheers to an uneventful day!

  17. Years and years ago (I was a kid) my Mom made an afghan similar to that stitch. I always loved it because it was so colourful, but also thick and warm!
    It will be a great scarf.

  18. Happy to hear you’re both rebounding from the vaccine aches. My arm is sore today and a bit red, but much better than I expected. Love the new crochet stitch/technique!

  19. It’s always amazing to me the seemingly infinite number of crochet stitches and patterns! Very pretty!

  20. Yes we are glad to have the first shots. The reactions to them is so different than the regular flue shot. Maybe by the third day we will feel all better. Your scarf reminds me of a pattern my mom used for an afghan. I think it is down stair in the pile. It is a winner for color and design.

  21. That is so pretty! I was having palpitations when I saw all of those ends until the photo of the edging. Phew! What a relief. Ha! I make myself sew all ends in as I go except for the mittens becsue it's my least favorite part of a project. Encasing them seems brilliant!
    At my grocery pick-up Tuesday I got everything I ordered. That's happened three times in a row. The girl loading the groceries said I should go buy a lottery ticket! But seriously, I think the shelves are just more full now. What do you think?
    Take care and get lots of rest.
    Blessings and hugs, (gentle ones)

  22. I have never seen a mosaic crochet stitch. It is really beautiful! That will be a wonderful scarf. I hope you feel better soon. Enjoy your weekend!

  23. I have never seen mosaic crochet before... so pretty! I'm going to have to look that up. I hope a sore arm is your only side effect and that it feels better very soon. Have a great weekend!

  24. My limited spatial sense is puzzled by the difference between the front and the back of the mosaic crochet. How does that work? Must be magic.

  25. The front tricks your eye, it is the colors dropping down in the tear...they only drop on the front not on the back:). Or Magic!

  26. My arm wasn't red or swollen just sore. I really didn't care for mosaic crochet until I saw yours! I love the colors you chose and the fact that you encase all those ends is a game changer! Awesome! I have too many crochet WIP's to start another but as soon as those are done, in a a couple years, I'll be ready! LOL!

  27. Interesting how different the front and back of the mosaic pattern turns out. Looks like a good way to use up odds and ends of yarn, too. When I saw the photo before reading the text my first thought was, nope I’m not sewing allll those ends in!

  28. Your newest kind of crochet is quite something. I feel like Linda....the difference between the front and the back of the project looks like some kind of trompe l'oeuil, or magic.

  29. a swollen arm, Totally normal! You feel dizzy? Totally normal. You are growing a third set of eyeballs? Totally normal! Ever wonder what "normal" is when the doctor tells you something NOT normal is totally normal? Or maybe they simply are waving you off... until you fake a heart attack like my Mom used to do. ( It worked... apparently.) Well.. for the Doctor, anyway. Not us kids. Mom could fall down the stairs and me and my brother would think she was faking it. ( we were terrible children!) Happy to hear you guys are feeling better

  30. You're smart to have all those good freezer meals handy! I love your new mosaic is just those colors. Glad things went well at the grocery store this week and hope you're both feeling back to normal soon.

  31. The crochet project sounds fun, and I bet it's a lovely cheerful effect when finished.

    Glad the grocery pickup was uneventful, and you guys are doing OK... Hope the tiredness and sore arm you still have goes away soon though.


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