Monday, February 22, 2021

For the birds

 Well, someone came to work early Monday morning and flipped a switch or something.  We have landline phone, tv and internet all with the same company who are on Far Guys %$#@ list.  We had spotty problems Friday night and then early Saturday morning...nothing.

We had a different weekend.  I went up to my other baby brothers office and used his desk and internet to attend a Zoom Class on card making on Saturday night.  

Far Guy says things are still not right with our internet service.  We will see if anyone calls or shows up. 

Red Bellied Woodpecker

Far Side 


  1. Welcome back! That was really weird to lose it all like that. Glad it's all fixed, if not exactly right.

  2. I guess we don't realize just how much we use things till it's not working. Sounds frustrating. Our electric company gave notice that we might be included in the rolling blackouts to help put electricity into the power pool to send down Texas way. As far as I know, our power never went off. Karen

  3. Bundles are common around us too, they save $ but then all eggs are in one basket. Hopefully your neighbors with the same provider are not having trouble as well. We had a squirrel get into the lines years ago, and take down our whole area's communication system. Hope they figure it out and soon! Hang in there.

  4. Glad it's back and hope they get it working properly.

  5. Welcome back! It would have been a tough weekend for me to be without Internet and TV. The phone line would be OK to lose. LOL We both work from home and tend to panic when we lose our Internet access, but our local company has really good customer service.

  6. A few months ago we switched from one company for phone and internet and the other for cable television to dropping the landline, and moving internet to the cable company.

    We struggled for months with the first internet company. I dont' think they could handle the volume of use with so many students doing virtual learning at home. And the minute we canceled, the schools went back full time.

    Meanwhile, after much negotiation, we are somehow paying more for less after initial quotes and costs for cable and internet. And as much as everyone else raved about the internet, we still have frustrations with the service. We can't go back in time because they claim our original package no longer exists and we were grandfathered in.

    When you live in a small town, your options are limited.

  7. I'm glad you have somewhat your services back. I hope everything is perfect soon. I'm glad you got to attend your Zoom class too. Zoom is one thing I don't have... I don't think my old computer could handle the program. ~Andrea xoxo

  8. Happy that you’ve been reconnected even though it’s a mystery how it happened. My internet commonly “drops” service. I think there’s a problem outside but the technician thinks I’m a crazy old woman.

  9. Love the photo of the woodpecker, great shot! Glad you're back on line - hopefully it is working properly soon.

    Take care, stay well!

  10. Sometimes you just wonder what they are up to?

  11. Unexplainable outages are frustrating.

  12. We have the woodpecker in our back yard also its fun to watch plus we have the downy ones also

  13. We had great internet at the house through Comcast. We never lost service. Here at the park they tout "free internet and cable". Neither work. We use our Verizon phones for internet. It's frustrating. Dennis will most likely be working from home after our move and we need to make sure the internet is working BEFORE we get there so we'll need to do some investigating of companies soon.
    I'm glad your up and running even if something still seems wrong. Hopefully it's taken care of soon.

  14. A lot of times the internet problem is at the office and not at your home at all. It is hard to deal with when it is off. We had a time last year when we lost it all for 48 hours or more. They need to review each account and check its connections.

  15. That's hard to lose all three. We dropped our landline years ago as we both have cell phones. Then a few years ago we dropped cable and found other (free and less expensive) ways to get all the TV programs we could want. You have to have internet these days and if you do there is a lot of free TV you can stream. The company you use wouldn't happen to be Comcast (Xfinity)? We had them once and it was a nightmare. I hope things are better now!

  16. Maybe if we understood how modern technology actually works, we could appreciate when it doesn't, but since it's all magic anyway, we'll just have to blame gremlins I guess.

  17. Nice that you didn't have to miss the Zoom card making class. And that your services are back, sort of.

  18. I hate when that happens! Glad you didn't have to miss your card making class. I hope you get it all straightened out soon.

  19. Sorry to hear about your phone and internet. That drives me crazy when that happens. We have changes coming up with ours too soon, so we'll see how that goes. Hey, at least you got to your zoom class! Hope things all work alot better soon.

  20. So glad you are back! A zoom card making class? I need Zoom! I think I am going to get a Chrome so I can Zoom and video chat with my family. I hope they get your internet and all fixed!


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