Friday, May 1, 2020

Prayers for Cee Cee

Prayers needed for our Great Granddaughter Cee Cee.  She is in the hospital.  Her Mama is with her.  Due to Covid -19 her Daddy is close by in a hotel.

Cee Cee has a Urinary Tract Infection and is borderline septic.  They  are treating her with antibiotics.  She is so little she weighs nine pounds now and is 52 days old.

Maddie sent us this photo when she was taken by ambulance to a larger hospital.  Please pray for her.

I spoke with Maddie on Wednesday she was a bit worried, Cee Cee was running a little temperature late in the afternoon after her nap, then her fever would go away.  She did not seem sick at all, she seemed normal...drinking her bottle..peeing and pooping and was not fussy. No cough, no runny nose, no pulling her legs up like they do when their tummy hurts.  She had no alarming symptoms.

I called to check on her yesterday and Maddie was in the ER with her with a 102 temp and they were running tests.

Far Side

Update Friday  1:53 PM: She has perked up a bit and the test for COVID is negative.


  1. Prayers of healing for Cee Cee and prayers of strength for her family.

  2. Oh poor Maddie she must be so frightened for her little girl. It truly is terrifying how quickly tiny babies can go from having a little temperature to being very seriously ill. I will think of you all as I worry for my best friend’s grandson. He is in his early 20s and likely has the virus although who knows he hasn’t got his test results back yet.

  3. So very sorry to hear this about your great-granddaughter. Must be terribly frightening for all of you. I hope she makes the speediest of recoveries. I will be thinking of all of you.

  4. Praying for this sweet little thing & for all of you who love her the most.

  5. Poor little thing. Hope she gets better quickly.

  6. Praying my heart out for this precious baby!

  7. Poor baby! I send healing thoughts that little Cee Cee is well soon.

  8. Saying prayers for your great-granddaughter & family. The Lord bless the little one with healing.

  9. I will keep little CeeCee in my prayers- please keep us updated.

  10. Prayers for Cee Cee and family!

  11. My prayers! She is in good hands and hopefully is on the road to recovery already.

  12. How scary for you thoughts are with you. Get well little Cee Cee.

  13. My thoughts and good wishes to all.
    Cee Cee ,strong young one, be well.

  14. You have my prayers added to the rest. I hope she will recover without any problems.

  15. Prayers and healing thoughts for your sweet little one.

  16. Oh Connie, I'm so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for Cee Cee and her Mommy and Daddy too. How scary for them all.
    Blessings and hugs,

  17. Oh, good golly! I am so sorry. That tiny little bundle on the stretcher brought me to tears. Prayers sent. Araignee

  18. Sending prayers to this sweet little one and her family.

  19. YES! Prayers are there from me to all of you! Our youngest daughter had this at just about the same age. After a wee operation she recovered! PRAYERS and GOOD THOUGHTS for all.

  20. Poor wee mite. I pray she will soon be fully recovered. Mxx

  21. I am so sorry. I will pray for her.

  22. Oh, I hope for the best. May she recover soon.

  23. I hope she is doing better. Prayers for her and the family.

  24. Definitely in my prayers! It is so scary when little ones are in the hospital. Prayers for them all!

  25. I'm sorry to hear this. Sending prayers and healing thoughts for CeeCee and the family.

  26. Lifting prayers for little CeeCee. I hope she is feeling better and recovers quickly.

  27. Conditions with little kids can change very rapidly I hope she makes a rapid recovery.

  28. Oh what sad news but good to hear the Covid 19 test was negative, I hope she recovers ok

  29. Prayers and healing thoughts for that sweet little one. I'm so glad the test for Covid was negative.

  30. Oh no. Such a dreadful worry. I hope by the time I am writing this that she is doing much better. Please keep us posted. You and your family, and your precious little CeeCee, are important to us.

  31. Oh dear, I'm sending many prayers up for Cee Cee. Praying she gets better soon and can go home. So scary when it's somebody so young. But thank God she doesn't have the virus. Will keep up the prayers for her!

  32. Thank all that is good and kind that the covid test was negative.

  33. So glad for the update, but sorry to hear someone so tiny is going through all that! Our family will definitely be praying for yours! Keep the updates coming...CeeCee and Maddie will be on our minds.

  34. Sending prayers for sure! 52 days old? It seems like she just had her yesterday. I miss one day of your blog and look what happens! I cannot miss a day for sure. I pray she will be alright and so glad the COVID test was negative!

  35. That had to be a scary situation. I glad they let her right in to the ER. I bet the doctors can get the infection under control.


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