Sunday, May 31, 2020

More about May

May was  a month!

Hey Mikey had a birthday!  He is three now!  The terrible twos are behind him now.

He has his Mamas eyes!  Maddie reports he is working on his colors and numbers...he keeps saying he is four not three...

Jonas the Foreign Exchange Student from Belgium headed home.  I took one last photo of him in his new boots.  I said "You will have to wear them on the plane because they take up lots of room in the suitcase."  He has been living with Jen, Andy and Adam the past nine months.

Far Guys big sister had one of those milestone birthdays. 
This photo was taken 69 years ago when she was 6 years can do the math.  She is still doing chemo treatments for breast cancer.  The first chemo treatments were real hard on her, the last treatments seem a bit easier on her....not that they are easy just less hard. She has about a month of treatments left and then they will figure out what they are going to do next.

I had the second Shingrix shot on Friday. Cross something off my healthcare list!
I am not as ill as I was with the first one. I have swelling about the size of a softball.   However I did clear my busy schedule for some down time over the weekend.  So far four hour naps are the normal.  I am a good napper.
The shot Nurse was awesome.  I explained Far Guys situation that he is high risk.  So they scheduled me as the first patient in the morning.   I touched nothing except my shoes to the floor...I was taken in almost immediately and ushered out the back door to avoid the waiting room where there was one person.  My regular Doctor works a few days a week out of a very small satellite clinic so  I usually go there to see is a farther drive...but doable. 

Far Side


  1. Going to the dr. these days is a scary event. Things have certainly changed, haven't they. Hope you feel better after that shot. I am not familiar with it but it sounds like it is NO FUN at all.

  2. Thankful for your understanding doctor! The new shingles shot is on my list, too. I am trying to hold off until Medicare as my self pay insurance does not cover anything preventive. There is a full time cleaning person in our hospital PT. She cleans every chair sat in, every piece of equipment touched. We have little cards we place on each chair, seat or object. My husband drops me off at the door in my mask to have my temperature taken. However the last time I was there, a woman across the room kept lowering her mask below her nose and fanning herself. . .

  3. Happy birthday to Hey Mikey, and Far Guy's sister.

    Hope Jonas has a safe trip home.

    Glad you haven't had such a bad reaction to the shot this time around, and that they were able to minimize your exposure to others so much while doing the shot.

  4. Happy Birthday to Mikey and FG's sister! My daughter calls Eli her threenager. Hopefully Hey Mikey isn't quite as sassy.

    Glad your shot went better than last time. As for napping, I'm discovering afternoon naps are a good thing too. :)

  5. Three already? It can’t be possible!

  6. Safe trip for Jonas! Happy birthday to Mikey! Can't belie ve he's three already.
    Glad they were being super careful at the doctors and the shot was less awful than the first one. Naps are restorative. Sleep well. :)

  7. I also was surprised to find it's been three years since Hey Mikey was born. My how time flies. I haven't had the Shingrix shots yet since they are so expensive. It was sure nice of the office to arrange things for you like they did. My sister had no reaction from the first shot but was laid low by the second one. Go figure.

  8. Hope the birthdays included some happy moments to remember.

  9. Happy Birthday Mikey! I can't believe he's 3 and actually he looks so mature. It must be because he's a big brother now. Cute picture of Jonas in the boots! I bet he will be happy to get home. Happy Birthday to Far Guy's sister too. I wish her the best with her treatments. Thanks for the reminder about the 2nd shot! I almost forgot! I get it at my pharmacy and the drive-up is all that is open. I don't think I get that close in the drive-up! LOL! They'll let me in I'm sure! LOL! I had no reaction to the first shot but I just read DJan's comment about her sister. I better not get too cocky!

  10. Happy birthday to Mikey and to FG's sister! I have to say the 3's were even harder than the 2's for most of my grandkids. I feel fortunate that I really didn't feel much for side effects with either of the Shingrix shots. I had a little swelling and soreness, but that passed quickly. Have a good week!!!

  11. I’m so behind on reading my favorite blogs. I won’t go into detail as to why, just try to catch up on everyone. It’s nice your doctor accommodated you and got you in early. We have our first can’t miss dr. appt. tomorrow and not looking forward to being in that environment with the potential of all those germs .... But ya gotta do what ya gotta do and we’ll hope for the best. I enjoyed your lilac photos and pretended I could smell them! Nothing better than the smell of lilacs. Can’t believe Hey Mikey is three already. What a cutie!

  12. Happy Birthday Mikey! I can't believe he is three already and with a little sister too. I have always said that our grand children grow twice as fast as our children. I wonder if our great grands grow three times as fast??? Happy Birthday to Far Guy's sister too! I hope the remainder of her treatments go by quickly and and easily as possible.

  13. It's hard to believe that Hey Mikey is 3 now. How did that happen? He looks older in this picture though.
    I'm scared to get a Shingrix shot. With the reaction you and some other friends of ours had with the first one it doesn't sound like a good proposition. I had a terrible reaction to the original shingles shot several years ago. However, since I had shingles already when I was in my early 50's, the doctor recommends it. I'm procrastinating about it.
    Take care and take lots of naps. They're good for you. :-)

    1. The pharmacists said that the worse the reaction, the better you are protected because your body is fighting more. Go, it's owie but worth it.

  14. Mikey keeps getting cuter every year!! Happy Birthday to him ( belated, I know) and to Far Guy's sister ( who is just a few short months older than I am.,)

  15. Yes our second grandMson is four and he is a lot better than when he was two or three. Mike is a cute guy. I did he math and it made me feel young for a short period of time.

  16. Hey Mikey looks like he's full of energy and kind of guy.

  17. Glad that your shot wasn't as bad as the last time, also that Far Guy's siser's chemo is easier than the last round. Hey Mikey is adorable! Stay safe and well.

  18. I had the Shingrix vaccine. Oh my gosh I though someone had run me over with a truck for the first one. I couldn't dress myself for 3 days! My arm hurt so bad. But the second one was ok. I had shingles a few years ago. Don't want to go through that again! A few of the international students from the area are stranded in Canada. Or sons friend is from China d the plane ticket will cost him $14,000$! Yes you read that correctly. My friends coworker wanted to go see his dying grandfather in the Philippines. His price was $20,000!

  19. Never had a shingrix vaccine in fact never heard of it till now

  20. Glad you are not so ill this time round. Shingles is not nice to have either. Mxx

  21. Hey Mikey seems cuter with every picture I see...and just look at those fancy teeth!!! Can't believe he's been around for 3 years already! I will pray for far guy's sister...that she can beat that darned C. Glad your shot didn't make you as sick as last time. Wow...four hour naps...I'm lucky if I can sleep that much at night! Blessings to you both. Stay well.

  22. When my Grands came by last weekend I said something about the baby being three. maybe four? My son looked at me like I was crazy because he is going to be FIVE in July. Where does the time go? Araignee

  23. I was wondering about what became of Jonas with all the COVID-19 school closings. What a year for an exchange student to be here "experiencing" America! Hope he had a worthwhile experience--and a safe trip home.

    There is always something happening out your way. Happy birthday to Mikey and Far Guy's big sis...and continued prayers for her progress (and endurance) through chemo.

  24. My sister reacted just as you are, but other than a soreish muscle for about a week, I got off easy.

  25. Cactching up on blogs as I've had a few busy days....
    I have been praying for your sister in law (as well as Gene and you) regularly. I sure do hope she beats this.
    Talked to my daughter who lives across the country from me and found out she has shingles. It's mostly on her leg and she has medication for it so I hope she doesn't suffer too much with it. Sounds like an awful disease; she said it gives her a nerve pain that runs all the way from her hip to her foot.
    Hey Mikey looks adorable.


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