Saturday, May 30, 2020

Lilacs and Chokecherries

The Lilacs are blooming.

These are at the white house with the blue trim.  I try to take a photo there every year.

These are at Annies old house...friend Faye still owns the property and it is surrounded by lilacs ...these dark purple blooms caught Far Guys eye so we went back to photograph them.

The Chokecherries are in full bloom.
And we have a frost warning ...go figure. 
If we freeze these blooms and the berries that follow the blooms will be history.  Two years ago we had a bumper we will wait and see.

Far Side


  1. I miss the smell of lilacs. My mom had a glorious one in her side yard. I don't think I've seen a chokeberry before. I'm going to have to look that one up. Araignee

  2. I miss chokecherry jelly it was hard work but the taste sure was different. I'll have to see if I can find some trees this year!
    I would love to have some lilac bushes they are one of my favorite smells in the spring. Mock orange is another!

  3. I hope you don't get a freeze! I've never seen chokecherries that I remember. I do love lilacs and miss them. The whites aren't the same fragrance.

  4. It looks like our chokecherry crop will be small this year. But after the shrub disaster of last year that's OK. I'll stick with making jam from now on.

  5. I noticed my cherries didn't survive the early freeze. Parts of my one apple tree is now dead. I remember my wife's Uncle and Aunt loved to use choke cherries. He was from Minnesota.

  6. Well, I hope you didn't get that frost. I know how you love your chokecherries.

  7. The Lilacs are just starting to bloom here, too. I love their scent.

  8. I miss the lilacs from previous homes we've lived in. Lilacs and spirea bushes. The lilacs are mostly done blooming around here now. Hoping you don't get a freeze this late in the spring so the chokecherries have a chance to produce.

  9. The lilacs are so pretty! Chokecherries bring many memories, we picked every year when I was a kid, and mom would make jelly. Hopefully you don't get a killing frost.

    Take care and stay well!

  10. It's so late for a freeze...hard to believe we might get one. My lilac bush is in bloom, but it's way at the back of my property and I hardly ever go back there, maybe Katie and I need to get out for a little walk today while it's a bit cooler and before stuff freezes again!

  11. A friend of mine grows a deep purple lilac, and it's smell is heavenly. I hope your chokeberry survived any frost you might have had.

  12. Frost warning!? Goodness...I need to search online to find out about that.
    Love lilacs! :)

  13. A frost warning! We have 90's forecast for all of next week. Too early!!!!! I don't think we have choke berries around here.

  14. I have always had lilacs in our previous homes but not at this house for some reason. They are my favorite flowers. I sure hope you don't have a freeze. I don't think I've ever had chokecherry jam. It sounds wonderful.

  15. My Lilacs are in their total glory right now! They are so beautiful and smell wonderful!! My lilac bush is very, very old and is huge. I have been told to cut it back severely, but I can't bear to do it!! It looks great, so I don't think I should mess with it!

  16. Beautiful! I wish I could smell them!

  17. I hope the chokecherries don't get frost bitten. My Mom used to make a delicious syrup with chokecherries. It was too thin to spread on bread so we dipped our pieces into that yummy syrup.

  18. My heirloom apple tree flowered beautifully this year. We had a light frost of course, so I am waiting to see if we get apples or not. It is very fragile. Some years no blossoms, some years, blossoms, no apples and some years - a bumper crop of apples. I don't know the name of the tree, although people have shared the proper name and nicknames, I can't remember any. Many times when we have a tree full, people will stop and ask if their gramma or grampa could pick some; there are people who know what they are! The apples are small, green with red streaks and taste a little tart to me. They are the best tasting apples for baking!!! The skin is so thin, you don't even need to peel them if you don't want to!

  19. We hauled most of our plants indoors. Those we couldn't are covered by my Hudson Bay wool blanket.

  20. I can smell the wonderful lilacs from here! Hope your choke cherries come through ok!

  21. I love lilacs, but don't have any in my yard, and miss them. I always promise myself that someday, I'll change that! My mom planted lilac bushes around the perimeter of our property, and knew just how to prune them each year to bring out the most gorgeous blooms. Your photos are lovely. What a lovely scent that must be!

  22. Our lilacs are all gone now, so it's nice to see some fresh ones. :-)

  23. I was excited this year when my clearance Lilac bush from a couple of years ago had blooms. It is the darker purple. They do really well in the Okanagan where we have our cottage. We were so sad when the new owners of the house next door to the cottage ripped out a lilac hedge between us.


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