Thursday, May 14, 2020

Dreary Day

I finally figured out a pattern for the latest shawl I am working on.  It is now in progress.

It was a cloudy dreary day.  I cleaned the bathroom, did some laundry and watched a movie on Netflix.  Ghosts of Girlfriends Past  I enjoyed was a crazy movie and I give it an 8 out of 10 stars.  No nap yesterday.

Our county now has 28 cases of Covid  19. Safe at Home has been updated. The Governor of Minnesota is calling his new program Stay Safe Minnesota.  Some retail businesses can open and operate at 50 % capacity, groups of 10 people can gather staying safe.  They expect more people will get sick but say the State cannot stay closed forever.

People have been saying we are all in the same boat...well some people have small rafts and some have yachts.

There is so much misinformation out there who really know what is what.  We will disinfect, wash hands and wear masks for a long time....what can it hurt.

We will stay mostly at home for as long as it either get the virus or the vaccine.  We still have to make that weekly trip to the Infusion Center.  Other than that we are comfortable in our hermit life. We are lucky that we can send an occasional shopping list with my other baby brother and she who sees robins first to stores without curbside pickup.
Far Guy's carving of a sunflower and a red rose, the bark house is one of my carvings.

Far Side


  1. We are given a lot of conflicting information about what to do and what not to do, and it gets very confusing at times. As far as I can see, we have to be responsible for our own well-being and do what we need to do to keep ourselves safe. Your governor is right - things cannot remain shut down forever. So many people are suffering here now, because of economics not because of Covid. It seems very hard to find a satisfactory middle road. Stay safe :) xx

  2. I don't think this virus is going to go away for a time. So we need to be responsible citizens and keep doing what we have been doing to stay safe. But we need to open up businesses or we won't have any economy left. People need to get back to work to earn a living, feed their families, etc. But let's open responsibly and do what we need to do to keep ourselves safe. I love your carvings.

  3. We've got 40 cases now in our little town and the governor just decided it's time to REOPEN. I'm not going anywhere until I see those numbers decline. I think our politicians have lost their minds. We will never beat this thing without a plan and I'm not seeing any answers. Just campaign slogans and soundbites.

  4. Our state seems to be doing fairly well but then how can any of us tell when they don't have enough testing? Too mush testing and the numbers go up and they don't like that. I agree with Debbie (above) It's all political, the people be damned! For the richest and most powerful nation in the world we are in a pitiful mess compared to others. I'm like you...I'm a hermit anyway so I am just grateful for my pharmacy and Walmart that take precautions for the safety of their customers. Stay safe and well and I love Far Guy's carvings and I am fortunate to have one of your sweet little houses!

  5. We are in a real pickle these days, trying to figure out how to open back up safely and soon. I will continue to get out with my one or two friends for a walk, stay masked and gloved when I go to the grocery store, and pray that one day soon I'll be able to get my hair cut. :-)

  6. I love what you said about us all being in the same boat. That is so correct. Being in something together isn't the same for everyone.

  7. I have several sunflower decorations. The sunflower carving is very lovely.

  8. There is another protest on our Capitol here in Michigan today. The governor is trying to reopen slowly but it's not fast enough for some. Apparently you can open carry a gun, even a really big automatic rifle, into the Capitol building here in Michigan. Last protest they were up in the gallery above the legislative floor with their weapons. I don't feel very good about that, and if I was working there I'd feel even worse about it. Seems crazy to me. Personally I'll be staying home for the foreseeable future regardless of what gets open. Except the groomer. I'll take Katie to get her nails done when they open. They'll get her from the car and bring her back. Seems the best we can do.

  9. My brain tells me to stay home and keep wearing my mask, etc. But my heart says I miss my friends, and kids, and grandkids. My girls both work in big hospitals and so we are staying away from their families. I really miss my weekly card games with girlfriends, but we all have some type of health issues that make it NOT a good idea to get together yet. And I miss my quilting friends. But I keep telling myself it will be OK eventually.

  10. Don't you "love it" when people act like opening back up or staying closed forever are the only two answers possible? *lol* The CDC laid out a plan for safe reopening of the country but of course nobody's following it. Like you, we're just staying home, Connie... and watching the rest of the world go by. Love, Andrea xoxo


  11. i'm with you BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Your wood carving talents are amazing for sure! I stay in as much as possible but yesterday the weather was just right for snapping photos of the ocean so I headed out. I didn't meet anyone and I felt refreshed and relaxed again. 💖

  13. I believe the carefully drawn up CDC plan will never see the light of day because the government for some unaccountable reason prefers chaos. The U.K. government is also worse than useless. It seems quite incredible that so many people with huge guns are demonstrating against measures put in place for all our safety. Others are going to parties and congregating on beaches because, you know, rules don’t apply to me. I don’t know. Stay safe everyone.

  14. With businesses opening again, I’m skittish about being out more than necessary. I fear this virus wants to settle in for a long time.

  15. We've had 31 deaths in Cass County/Fargo area and over 1600 cases. Across the river in Moorhead, Minnesota there have been 13 deaths. We have no intentions of changing our isolation habits any time soon. You two will be safe at home creating beautiful things. I like knowing you will stay in isolation, too. We vulnerables have to take care of ourselves. ;)

  16. I plan to stay isolated as much as possible as long as needed. We go to the lake, but stay away from everyone. I went to the post office yesterday for the first time and won't do that again for awhile. They didn't have masks and weren't enforcing distancing at all. I don't think things will change much for quite awhile. This virus doesn't act like anything we've seen before. It keeps changing and making people sick in new ways. Very scary.

  17. The hubs says it doesn't matter if our state is opened back up if people are still getting sick and/or dying. He says we will do what we have to do - stay home, wear masks, stay away from people, etc.

  18. You have great discipline to stay the course and stay in. I like your analogy of covid to a boat. You blew that one out of the water.

  19. Lovely carvings! Hey, I have one of those bark houses - lucky me!

    I'm like you, I'll continue to stay home unless I need to go out. We're down to 0 active cases in my city so I feel a little less concerned about visiting with my daughter and grandson, my brother and his family. But we'll continue to keep social distancing as much as possible.

    Take care and stay well!

  20. I know people have to get back to work but I just hope it is handled as safely as possible. I think those of us that are older and retired will have to be smart and be responsible for ourselves which will include staying home. I love the flowers and bark house! Your bark houses are so cute - I can just envision a whole collection of storybook characters based around your bark houses! You could write a children's series!

  21. Nova Scotia now has 108 active cases. Our premier is not planning on opening the province anytime soon. It's really driving us nuts. The fear of getting massive fines if you visit your parents. There are no cases in our end of the province and now the cases and deaths are all from one LTC. The daily active cases are down to single digits. Today only 2! We are told that when its 0 for two weeks they will consider opening some things. Like being able to visit one family. If the cases stay at 0 for another two weeks a few other things will change. At the moment massage therapists and osteopaths are closed. Hubby depends on these to function. He's in extreme pain at the moment. But the government doesn't see these as essential. But the liquor stores are open. 😡

    Sorry for the rant. Just getting very frustrated.

  22. I live in NY and our region just got the okay to open in Phase 1 (we have four phases I believe). Our state is opening by regions and each region has to meet seven criteria before they are allowed to open. It is a very slow opening. After we open in Phase 1 they will watch our nmbers and if we start having more cases we will shotdown again. If all goes well, we will go to Phase 2. They are doing it this way because of the diversity of NY we have NY City and we have where I live... a very rural, farming area. If we waited for NYC to be safe to open it could be months. Hubby and I will continue to wear masks when we go out, but mostly we will stay home. It's a bit easier to do that now that the weather is nicer and we can get outside. I love your husband's sunflower carving... he is so talented. And your little house is adorable... perfect for a fairy garden I think!

  23. We are stay-safe-at-home also. Lots of people are getting worried about their businesses and if they can keep operating. I want everyone to stay safe, but I also know that people need to make money. Sigh.

  24. It is a cold dreary day here in Newie, I may go and post some letteres but that is all I am doing in way of going out

  25. I suppose there's a fine line between keeping people safe and opening some businesses so the economy can begin its long recovery process.
    Have a great evening.

  26. It is a dreary time all of this virus stuff, opening back up is no picnic and will take planning and people to take part. I hope it is taken seriously. Sending sunshine your way!

  27. Love the wood carvings at the bottom of your blog. Its kind of dark and dreary here too and boy do we need some rain. Sure hope we get some soon. Wow you've started on another are amazing!

  28. Us country folk are lucky to have room to roam.

  29. Love the wood carving. We have only been near each other for all these weeks. I do have to go to the grocery store and an occasional dr. visit but wear gloves and mask. We pretty much stay home the majority of time.

  30. Flowers and cottage are wondrtful. I am in a creative funk right now.

  31. I hope them starting to open things back up doesn't mean cases will increase. I'm glad you can stick with social distancing and such still, even if they open everything back up. Washing hands well and regularly is just sensible anyhow, regardless of the virus.


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