Saturday, May 16, 2020

Adam: High School Graduation

Adam is the last of our grandchildren to graduate from high school.  His Senior photo has been on the line up behind the sofa since Christmas.  This Grandma needed time to adjust to the thought that he would graduate!

I made a sign and we headed off to Drive Through Graduation.  We knew we could stay far enough away from people to be able to go to our daughters backyard for a bit and then go onto graduation.

His parents held a private Graduation Ceremony for him and his brother Noah (more about him tomorrow.) There were speeches and everything and a slide show inside.  They brought the slide show outside so we could watch the past 18 years and 8 months fly by in just a few minutes.

Then it was time to get back in the vehicle and go to Graduation!
Signs pointed the way to Graduate Drive By.

The kids were lined up outside of the school.  There are about 24 kids in Adam's Graduating Class.
The evening air was filled with shouts and laughter, some music, car horns and one irritating sheep bell.

Congratulations Adam, you did it!  We are proud of you! 
There was no time to stop, the cars kept moving.  I took a quick photo! 
This itty bitty little town did a wonderful job recognizing the Class of 2020.
Art work on Adam's parents car

Adam was just 8 days old on September 11, 2001.  It was a scary time then.  Now when he graduates from High School we are in the middle of a Pandemic....and times are scary again.   He will have lots of stories to tell his grandchildren someday.

Far Side


  1. Congrats to Adam! All the best to him.

  2. Congrats!!! That was a wonderful way to keep the kids safe and still celebrate. Schools here just canceled it all but then we have thousands in our graduating classes. They have to be held in huge arenas. I miss the signs they always plaster the highways with. It meant school was getting ready to be out and that meant summer vacation for this worn out teacher! Araignee

  3. Wow that is great! We can still find a way to celebrate safely. Way to go Adam!

  4. I did see one car with a sign saying "Pandemic graduation party at 8:00 PM. No one is invited."

  5. Congratulations to Adam. At least he was able to have a graduation. So many kids were denied this due to Covid 19.

  6. Congratulations to Adam! The Lord bless his future with much success & happiness.

  7. What a wonderful way to celebrate when they couldn't have a regular ceremony. The pictures are great and I bet the slide show was wonderful too. Congratulations Adam!!!

  8. What a wonderful way to celebrate his graduation. I love it! :-)

  9. What a wonderful celebration! Congratulations Adam! We are having all sorts of creative graduations in our area. The catholic high school is having a parade around town with a graduate in each car. The cars will stop at the church and the graduate and parents will enter the church, pick up the diploma from a table and go out another door, one at a time. The small town to the west of us will host graduation at our drive in theater! Our town (the BIG city) will hold our graduation at the NHRA drag strip in our area. I am not quite sure of the details, but I know there are huge sets of bleacher style seats and I am guessing families will be at least six feet apart. No matter what schools and students are coming up with, it will all certainly be memorable.

    1. By BIG town, I want to share that when my children went to college, they were joking called country kids. They tried so hard to tell their classmates that where they were from, they were considered the city kids! We are the county seat, after all.

  10. Congratulations, Adam! Best wishes to you and your classmates.

  11. Gosh! Adam and our grandson, Blade are now adults heading toward their lives of production and creation. We are going to a Drive Thru graduation also...sad, but at least they have something.

  12. Congratulations to Adam. Aloha from Hawaii.

  13. That really is a great solution for the graduation. It is hard to see that he is graduating but good for him. I saw a party going on up the street with the graduates photo outside. I will be glad to hear about the other grandson.

  14. Congratulations to Adam and all the luck in the world for the coming years ahead. Love, Andrea xoxo

  15. Adam has finished a big chapter in his life. Our Ingrid graduated this year too. One afternoon she broke down and cried for hours. Then she ended that chapter and now has started another. Hope Adam has more successful chapters In his life book.

  16. Congratulations Adam! He is a wonderful and talented grandson to be proud of! This is a difficult time to be graduating. My youngest grandchild, Gavin, also graduates this year. They are hoping to still have a graduation ceremony around the end of June. I guess we will wait and see. Yes, these kids came in with 9-11 and now are graduating with a pandemic. Maybe it will make them stronger and more able to endure whatever changes the future holds.

  17. Congrats to the graduate. I love how creative the schools are getting with graduation. That is one of the best things about a small school. They can make those major decisions and go forward. Our local district has about 200 seniors graduating tomorrow afternoon. They are doing kind of the same thing although the kids will be lined up along Main Street rather than by the school.

  18. Lots of drive by graduations this year. I'm happy that towns and cities are finding safe ways to honor the graduates of 2020. They will have stories to tell!

  19. Congratulations to Adam. Nice that there was some sort of celebration for the grads. This is rather a disappointing year for graduations, weddings, even funerals. Nothing is exempt from Covid's curse.

  20. What a great way around all of this to make the day special for the graduates!! :)

  21. I feel for the kids who were looking forward to regular grad celebrations. That will be another story they can tell their grandkids. Congratulations to Adam.

  22. Nice! It sure isn't the grad I'm sure they were expecting but acknowledging their hard work and celebrating their success so publicly is truly wonderful. Congrats to Adam and his entire class of 2020.

  23. What a sweet graduation ceremony of sorts for your Adam. I'm so glad the town figured out something they could do for the kids. How nice that you two were able to be there for it. Yes, I'm sure there will be many stories told about these times, in upcoming years. Wishing all the best to Adam and he continues on with his life's plans. God bless him.

  24. Graduation seems like a big deal over there, not such a big deal down here in my family my brother and nephew are the only ones to go through to the end of year 12. I left after year 10.

  25. Congradulations! Adam is a handsome boy. Time flies, doesn't it! One of my two granddaughters graduated from college today. We were supposed to be there (West Virginia) but it was cancelled.

  26. My goodness Adam has grown into such a handsome young man. He looks so nice all dressed up. I'm glad that he was able to have a nice graduation and that such a big deal was made of it. Our classes are so big everything was just canceled. No caps and gowns or anything. I feel sad for the graduates here.
    Congrats on your youngest grandchild being all grown up and graduating.

  27. Schools have really had to get creative this year to make graduation memorable. Congratulations, Adam! Well done.

  28. What a neat way to celebrate graduation in these crazy times. Congratulations, Adam!

  29. Congratulations and Good Luck Adam!


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