Friday, May 8, 2020

Card, Carving and Town

A sweet card came in the mail!  Thank you Cynthia!  The card is darling.  I love the french knots and all the stitches that make the card special!  The Owl is a tiny bit puffy and he is displayed on a patchwork of fabric and stitches.

I put it above my desk in a flower frog that works great for holding cards.

Town Report:  Far Guys Infusion went well.  I made stops at the bank, post office, grocery store and meat market.  The meat market has no shortage of meat.  Things missing from my grocery order this week; Dawn Dish Soap...they substituted something weird and I hope it is not smelly, ammonia I use it on the tile floors....however I can use vinegar instead.  Tater Tots...who knew...we thought they would be good in the air fryer.  Cara Cara Oranges...Naval oranges were substituted. No Lysol Disinfecting Wipes.  We ordered from two grocery stores this week...pick up was at two different times...good thing we have lots of time to run back and forth to town...oh well we used up some ageing gasoline!

Someone asked about the wood carvings I spring cleaned.   Here is one.  They look so pretty when they are not dusty!

This is one of my favorite carvings.  It is a Black Walnut Lady Slipper that Far Guy carved.  Behind the Lady Slipper is an Purple Coneflower that Far Guy carved.

Far Side


  1. It is strange how different things are appearing and then disappearing from the shops. I found Dawn at of all place-Staples. I got a bottle of it delivered plus some Joy and Palmolive just to be on the safe side. I also found The Mister's Special Dark chocolate bars there too. I am definitely becoming a hoarder of sorts. I am going to need a detox if and when we are ever back to normal.

  2. The little frog holder looks like the trunk of the tree the owl is sitting in :).

  3. Both the card and the carvings are so beautiful. It amazes me what is missing from the grocery shelves- no rhyme or reason to it. Have a good weekend.

  4. I think I left a comment but forgot to publish so you may get 2! LOL! The owl is so cute and how creative! Glad your errands went well and sorry you couldn't get everything you needed. There's always one or two things I can't get. I'm not a big meat eater but of course, now that it might not be available...I want some! LOL!
    Take care and stay well! Oh, Far Guys carvings/sculptures are beautiful!

  5. Oh my, the carvings are just exquisite. So talented. Luckily I bought a huge case of cottenelle in February before this all started. It is all my husband wants in the house. I try to find it everywhere on line with no luck. He checks when he stops twice a month when he braves our IGA at 6 am and they haven't had it. I keep telling him to buy a pack of something else JUST IN CASE, but he hasn't listened yet.

    My monthly Aldi order had almost everything this time. Except paper prpducts. I am not really sure where all the paper went unless people are still establishing a hoard.

    The IGA did have meat (they cut in house) but had limits on what people could buy. And the prices are so much higher, too. Sigh.

  6. Such a sweet gift for a sweet person! I try not to feel guilty when someone sends you something like that, which I think about doing but never get around to. I have gotten even more lazy during this pandemic. And those carvings are simply gorgeous! :-)

  7. I enjoyed seeing the special carvings. I love the ones that have come from you...especially the pink lady slipper. The ones at Cedar Bog will be blooming soon.

  8. The carvings are so beautiful. He has talent. The lady slipper especially touched my heart as a Minnesota girl originally.

  9. The carvings are lovely, as is the card. Glad your trip to town went well.

    Take care and stay well!

  10. You folks are so creative! Lovely! I really like the card.

  11. The wood carvings left me speechless! (Something I am not known for.) What talent!💖

  12. That card is the cutest thing. It looks perfect on the frog. You're the second person this moring who said she uses the frogs to hold cards. I never would have thought of it.
    Far Guys carvings take my breath away. He is so talented. They are stunning.
    I've been working on a pickup order this morning for next week. How do they already know things will be out of stock then? It's very frustrating.

  13. A lovely card!
    I hope the substitutions work well.
    I am always just blown away when I see FarGuy's work. Stunning!

  14. I got my hair cut on Tuesday, and it feels good to have shorter hair again. I’m still skittish about being out in public, but I’m getting my temporary crown replaced with the permanent one on Tuesday. I’ve babied the temporary since March.

  15. We found it better to do our own shopping but we don't have many cases. We are a city of 100000 and have 36 cases so it's not rampant.

  16. Such pretty carvings. i love how the beauty of the wood shines. I’m glad you enjoyed the card, as I have enjoyed yours.
    Grocery delivery is one of the most exciting thing on our calendar these days, partly because you never know what you will or won’t get!

  17. The black walnut Lady Slipper carving is exquisite. And the coneflower looks real.

  18. What a sweet card! I love your husband's carvings... he is very talented. We've had our groceries delivered the last two times we needed things and they were able to substitute a few things to our satisfaction. We have toilet paper and paper towels here but it is limited in how many you can buy and I think that's why it stays on the shelves. No disinfectant wipes though.

  19. What a cute little owl card, and the wood carving is beautiful! I grocery shopped in Walmart yesterday, with mask and gloves. Sure will be glad to get things back to normal. Happy Mother's Day (a little early)

  20. What a sweet little owl card you received. Did your friend sew it? I used to do alot of crewel work but I was alot younger then. I was making all my kids clothes back then too. Glad you had a good outing in town...we can't get Dawn detergent here either. And today the meat cases were almost all empty! Can't find disinfecting wipes here either. Love far guy's wood carvings of flowers. So beautiful. Will you have your favorite meal for Mother's Day Connie? I wonder what Mother's Day will be like a year from now ????????? take care.

  21. Very cute card! So they do substitute, can you say you don't want substitutes? (I wouldn't care for that) LOL I haven't seen disinfectant wipes anywhere, a gal at work is using baby wipes and adding alcohol to them because they cannot find wipes anywhere. That carving is beautiful!

  22. All that creative talent is reaching critical mass! I can hardly stand it, everything looks so artsy. You two and your carvings are amazing...and then Cynthia has to go and create my favorite kind of look, with all that fascinating texture. I think my eyes are overdosing...

  23. I find that I will never buy sanitary wipes as that shelf is always empty. They are now stocking tp in the single rolls so that one can get one of two at a time. We aren't out but I keep up with the supply. Our meat supply has dwindled to mostly chicken.

  24. FG's carvings are masterpieces.
    Grocery shopping is a lot of work now but we still go once a week.

  25. I agree, those carvings are incredible. I took a carving class once. I enjoyed it but at the time had so many other things to do. My MIL took me to the class. I still have a knife, but never really carved again.

  26. Nice you got the lovely card in the mail. Glad the town trip went smoothly, and at least most of your order was there, even if you had to shop in a couple of places to get all you needed.


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