Friday, June 28, 2019


We left home at o’dark thirty.  We saw several deer, a fox, something small like an otter, a skunk and several kitty cats.  Several hours into the trip we witnessed a beautiful sunrise.  Two traffic jams later we arrived with 25 minutes to spare. 

Three ultrasounds were accomplished, veins...arteries in legs and neck and some test where they took blood pressures one each arm and leg.

We saw the Thoracic Surgeon who was not a very optimistic fellow.  

Far Guy is having a “gerd study” think tubes down your nose for 24 hours.  It will tell them if he will require a feeding tube for six weeks after transplant. It seems like a long 24 hours for me and I am not having the test.

I sat outside for a long time in the morning.

Far Side


  1. Well a bit of optimism would certainly be a good thing for sure. I think the incredible sunrise should be counted as a good sign right?

  2. Glad you got more appointments out of the way. I'm with you on the test, and it sounding like a long 24 hours... Poor Far Guy!

  3. My heart goes out to Far Guy. This must be so rough for him. Keeping you both in my prayers.

  4. Remember that lots of people have you and Gene in their prayers, in their thoughts and meditations and are with you in spirit as you walk this hard path.

  5. Ditto for me, Pauline said it perfectly. I am hoping for the best possible outcome.

  6. the tests seem like a bit much but I guess with a very risky procedure it must be done.

  7. All good things come at a price and this one sounds tough. Keeping you both in my prayers.

  8. What an exhausting ordeal for you both. Hope the results are all positive for moving forward.

  9. It's definitely a tough row to hoe getting through all of those tests. I wish Far Guy all the best. I suspect the surgeon doesn't want to give false hope but surely he could be more compassionate...though I think many doctors don't have that capability.

  10. Exhausting. For both of you. Still prayers are winging their way to Heaven for the best to happen and soon.

  11. That 24 hour study and the other tests can be exhausting. I am praying Far Guy has best results.

  12. Thank you for the yellow in the new header area.
    Pauline said it perfectly. A world of good vibes,good thoughts and good things to surround you.

  13. Poor Far Guy... that's a lot to go through. I'm keeping you both in my prayers that all this testing will yield good results and give you some answers. I agree with Val... that sunrise is surely a good sign. ((hugs))

  14. Hugs and caring thoughts for you and FG.

  15. That little spot where you sat outdoors waiting reminds me of the one at the Kansas Spine Hospital where Jerry has had several surgeries. It's reasonably quiet and you can watch the sun come up. I know you must be so exhausted with so many tests and so much waiting... sending out loads of prayers for both of you!! Hugs and blessings! ♥

  16. Poor Far Guy. That will be a very uncomfortable 24 hours. Mind, as far as comfort is concerned I doubt any of the tests that have been done were comfortable. I wonder what that otter-like animal was!!

  17. Oh sounds awful for far guy and for you too. Keep your spirits up and keep heading in the right direction thru all of this.....thank goodness it's not icy winter driving during all this. Keeping you in prayers!!!

  18. Hope you find a peaceful outdoor hideaway for these waiting moments. Just a glimpse of something green can help in all that urban jungle.

  19. That sounds like a terrible 24 hours. I hope all the tests go well.

  20. Poor Far Guy....he is braver than me! It must not be easy for you either to watch him go through all of it. It's good to go outside and 'breathe'. Hang in there!


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