Thursday, June 6, 2019

Chokecherry Blooms

The Chokecherry bushes are in full bloom.  We should have an okay crop of berries for some jelly this year.

Hopefully there are some pollinators out there!

We got some rain it washed down the pollen a bit.

Far Guy had a procedure this week, we are glad that is onward and forward to two more appointments today... It is what we do....yesterday was six hours worth....I am exhausted.
 Far Side


  1. I have never heard of Chokeberries but they sound pretty good! I don't think we have them here Downunder. I do hope Far Guy is ok after his procedure.

  2. Praying every day for Far Guy and that he feels better real soon and that you can keep your strength up.

  3. I wish there was something I could say or do to make things better in your lives, but all I can do is tell you I'm hoping for the best for you guys all the time. You feel almost like family.

  4. You both hang in there and take care of yourselves.

  5. Yikes. Sometimes that is what we do!

  6. Medical waits are difficult. They seem to take so much time. I think my wife’s heart doctor gets an emergency every single time we go in. He apologizes for the wait but waiting is difficult.

  7. Sending good wishes for good outcomes.

  8. I am sending (along with the others) good wishes for excellent outcomes!

  9. I'm sorry you have so many appointments. I had two yesterday but I know that's nothing compared to what you guys are having to deal with. However, I do know how exhausting and all-consuming they can be. I'm praying for you both for strength and for healing for Far Guy.

  10. I bet your are both exhausted. Good luck with today's appointments - good to hear the procedure FG underwent last week went well.

  11. The Chokeberry is pretty. Reminds me a little of the berry bushes that bloom here in early spring. Wish I could figure out the names of the ones here. Hope everything goes well with today's appointments. Waiting in doctor's offices gets awfully tiring.

  12. Hope Far Guy is doing well and you both can get a nap!

  13. You poor people! I do feel for you with the appts. They are about enough to make you sick if you aren't there already!

  14. I am praying for you both. I look forward to seeing all the jellies you make this summer!

  15. When I was growing up we had a nice clump of Chokecherries close to the yard. My mom made a sort of syrup with the berries every year.
    Appointments are tiring. No wonder you're exhausted.

  16. Nobody tells you how exhausting doctor's appointments are when you retire, do they? I hope you and Far Guy can get some rest.

  17. It's nice to see a patch of native bush with pin cherries, choke cherries and saskatoons.

  18. Hope you get a big batch of chokecherries this year! It's looking good! Sorry to hear about all the exhaustion from your medical appointments. Hope things improve for you both and soon! Blessings to you both!

  19. Hang in there! The appointments are probably mentally and physically exhausting.

  20. I've never had chokecherry jelly but I bet it is good. I love it when things grow in the wild and we can take advantage of it! So sorry Far Guy is going through all this but at least he's home at night but I know you both must be exhausted from it all....I think the emotional part tires me out more than the physical. I'll be praying for you both!


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