Thursday, June 27, 2019

Yellow Lady's Slipper

The Yellow Lady's Slippers along the driveway are blooming.  They are a little late.
Can you see the bud?

I could only find three blooms this year last year I think there were seven. Hope more show up!

She finally showed herself today.  She made me smile!
I am distressed that there is so much Poison Ivy around her group of bloomers, Far Guy said he would take the long handled clippers to the Poison Ivy and the brush surrounding the blooms one day soon.

Three more appointments were added to the list of appointments.  That made nine appointments and two were taken care of to go...and not real fun tests either....but necessary.

I will have lots of time to crochet and watch people.
Far Side


  1. I love the pretty yellow bloom. Lady's Slippers always remind me of you. May God give you both strength as you endure these tests and appointments. xo

  2. Poison Ivy has a way of getting where you don't want it. I know that my neighbor's goats think poison ivy is delicious.
    Sounds like your schedule is busy.
    Though I can appreciate the fun of people watching, I used to do it all the time at the train station when traveling to and from college.

  3. Love your beautiful Lady Slipper. You sound like me when I am waiting on something - people watching.

  4. Continuing to send prayers. The yellow lady's slipper is beautiful.

  5. Good luck with all the appointments.

  6. I also think of you when I see those flowers, and even the color yellow reminds me of you. Good luck with those appointments. As you say, a drag, but necessary. :-)

  7. Both of you take care of yourselves. All these appointments do wear you down. What a gorgeous blossom.

  8. The lady slipper is so pretty! Good luck with all the appointments.

  9. I do not envy the appts but hopefully everything continues along the path to the transplant.

  10. That yellow bloom is so beautiful. I had to read five back posts to catch up. Hope you get to smell the one Lilac bloom. The deer eat most everything here too. That is a lot of appointments. Hope you're getting them all marked off, and I hope Far Guy is feeling better...and stays well a long long time.

  11. You must carefully write all these down to remember them.

  12. The Lady's Slipper is so beautiful! I have never seen one - only pictures. I hope all those appointments are done quickly. I bet you are getting some nests made while waiting!

  13. I love your local wild yellow Lady slippers! We had tiny pink ones here, but they are extremely rare any more.

  14. Love your yellow lady slippers ..... I love the pink ones too. So you're back in appointment mode again.....did you have to travel far for these two? Praying that all goes well with your next seven! Peace!

  15. The yellow Lady Slipper looks so dainty. Too bad about the poison ivy.

  16. Beautiful... I haven't seen those around here in years!

  17. Poison ivy is insane here this year. Lovely lady slipper :-).

  18. Glad she showed up and made you smile :)

  19. When I took my folks to Mayo Clinic in Rochester I was crocheting that yellow blanket you see in some of my blog pictures. My dad would always say "Get that blanket out" because it seemed the minute I did we would get called in....strange but true!


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