Thursday, January 7, 2016


I have been away.  I left Far Guy and Chance at home.  They are having a boys week at home to do what ever they want to do...within reason...courtesy of Facetime I saw they took my desk apart to repair it and they went to my other baby brothers for a steak supper so they are doing just fine.

I am way up North, our youngest daughter had surgery this week.  We spent one night at the hospital having a pajama party without PJ' in my street clothes and her in hospital attire.  She is home now but still needs me for a bit longer.  Her recovery depends on rest, which is hard to do when you are in pain.  She had really good nursing care before and after the surgery.  Not one cranky nurse in the bunch.

Yesterday, I had a Doctor's appointment with our oldest daughter a Nurse Practitioner.  Since she looked at my ears last, she checked them again and declared them clear of infection. I also asked her to remove some of my skin tags. Grandson Noah drove me to the appointment, he learned all about skin tags and how to remove them, so much so that he removed one three of his own after we got back home.  I am all set to go now, no more hair getting caught on those nasty skin tags...and if Noah keeps practicing maybe next time he can do all of mine!

I went with Adam to his Confirmation class, one parent or other such responsible adult must accompany the this week that was me.  Giving his parents a break and allowing Andy some time with his recovering wife.

One night I attended one of  Adam's basketball games...they lost but played a good game.
  Here he is head and shoulder above the rest with the ball. 
Adam and his very good friend Nathan in the center of the photo.  They have been friends since they were about four years old and are now on opposing basketball teams.

I might head home later today it just depends how Jen is feeling, and if the roads are good for traveling. 


  1. Praying that Jen feels better soon. Sounds like FG and Chance are doing well. I am covered up in skin tags. Glad you had your tags taken care of and I am thankful your ears are clear too. Thanks for sharing the basketball pictures. Wishing you safe travel home.

  2. Well, I've only been up for 20 minutes and I already learned something new! I hadn't heard of skin tags so I had to look them up and see what they were. So glad your daughter's surgery went well and you could be there for her and her family. Safe travels on your way home!

  3. Sounds like you have been busy. Hope Jen is feeling better today. Take care on the roads.

  4. Praying that Jen feels better soon. Glad you were there to help her. Safe travels going back home. Happy to hear Far Guy and Chance are surviving your being away. You are very lucky you have a Nurse Practitioner in the family.

  5. Sure hope Jen will be able to rest and will get well soon. Sounds like you already have good doctors in the family! Have a safe trip home.

  6. I had some skin tags removed a while back (like a decade or two) and they never came back. Now I've got all kinds of other weird things growing on my skin. Safe travels home, and it was great you got to be with her during her surgery and recovery. :-)

  7. I'm glad you were able to help out and also gain some grandchild time.
    I'm in the same boat as DJan - all kinds of weird skin things going on. Isn't it bad enough that we have to grow old without also becoming reptiles?

  8. Get well wishes to Jen ~ sounds like you were busy while away. Safe travels (a little bit of fresh powdery snow this morning covering the sidewalk).

  9. Sounds like you have been busy, hope the daughter is well on the mend.

  10. Years ago I lived in Northern Canada, and experienced driving in snowy and icy conditions. Eventually I moved to the Pacific North West, and haven't seen snow in several years (I can live without it!). But I wondered if you drove or reached your destination by other means. I couldn't imagine driving icy roads today!

  11. It's a blessing that you were able to help your daughter after her surgery and were able to help out with the boys, too. Safe trip home.

  12. I'm glad it worked out well for you being able to help Jen and her family. Hope the recovery is speedy for her. So then I had to google removing skin tags. I think Larry used the dental floss method once with success:)

  13. I hope Jen feels better soon. Sounds like the guys are doing okay for a while on their own but I bet they'll be glad when you are back home! :)

  14. Even with the surgery and tag removal this is a good news post. It's wonderful that you were able to be there for your children and your grandchildren.

    Safe trip.

    1. A break is nice but when it's to take care of someone it is stressful. I wish your daughter a speedy recovery. And oh yah, the boys will do just fine at home.

  15. Hope Jen recovers well and soon ! I am glad your ears are clear and you are better. Lovely photos . Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  16. Well let's hope everyone can get better soon. Being sick during the winter is the pits. Your grandson loves to play the game just by looking at the expression on his face. Take care. I am sure the boys miss you.

  17. Hi Connie, hope your daughter is ok and on the mend. Blessings Francine.

  18. Okay, I just watched videos how to remove and how NOT to remove skin tags.

    Hope your daughter is on the mend.

  19. I had lots of skin tags harvested quite a while ago. Now I have a new crop. I hate them.
    I enjoyed reading about all the contacts you had with family while you were "away". Looks like you made the most of the opportunity.

  20. Hope your daughter recovers quickly from her surgery. I'm sure it was great to see one of your grandson's games.

  21. Best wishes for your daughter's speedy recovery!

  22. The best of healing energy going Jen's way! Poor gal...what a thing to have hanging over your head during the holidays. I never heard you mention it before. Safe travel to you.

  23. Wishing Jen speedy recovery--and lots of peaceful rest in the meantime!

    1. Just noticed this a new direction? Thursday and Friday are the first days I've seen your photographs labeled with your own name, rather than "Far Side."


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