Monday, February 2, 2015

Area observations

The orange trees are still orange.

Orange trees

Some thoughts:  If the chemicals they used on the fields turned the trees orange what does it do to people who breathe it in?  Or the deer or wild turkeys…or those magnificent Bald Eagles?

We went to Detroit Lakes to the Antique Mall.  I bought some more old photos…not a surprise…it was fun to look at four different walls other than ours.  The sun was out even if it was chilly…barely above zero.

Passing Lanes

Come summer there will be road construction along Highway 34 from Height of Land to Akeley… that ought to make some tourists real happy.   They are putting in a few passing lanes on this very busy two lane highway….you know for those who must pass because everyone else is driving the speed limit yet those pulling boats and campers just have to get there faster!

Passing Lanes two 

Piles of brush on the roadsides.  I know that several areas of Lady Slippers were marked, I hope they were all dug last fall.  Whatever seeds are in the ground will be moved around a bit now…when that happened in 1969 along this road twenty years later there were many more Lady Slippers…so it is not all a bad thing.  It just looks different for now.  FYI  it takes twenty years for a Lady Slipper seed to grow into a flowering plant in the wild providing it finds exactly the right fungus to grow on.

We know lots of back roads to avoid this road and avoid them we will next summer.

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  1. Oh I now wonder about the orange trees. Probably is not good for anything. Hug B

  2. Poor orange trees. It seems that road construction around here is a never ending thing. I also know all the back roads.

  3. I'm sure none of the chemicals are good for any of the wildlife.

    This road would be considered a "very back road" in my area! Any more "back" and it's gravel!

  4. Poor orange trees! The scenery looks nice otherwise though.

  5. Lots of construction in the town where my daughter lives, just a bit north of San Antonio, and in San Antonio as well. The roads need to be constructed and reconstructed due to the heavy traffic. I understand it, but don't like it!

  6. Are the trees dead? They look dead. The beetle damaged trees here all turn a rust brown...and of course they are dead. Its terribly sad to see.

    Linda ❤⊱彡

  7. I've moved lady slippers before but didn't know it took such a long time for them to bloom. Now I now why some of them didn't survive.I check my lady slippers every year.

  8. Interesting info on the Lady Slippers. I hope the area of this construction is covered with them once the work is done.

  9. I did not know that about lady slippers! Interesting.....and we have had the same type of construction on our 2 lane between here and I90- (60 miles) for quite a few years. I'll say I LOVE the passing lanes because frankly not all campers and boaters (or farmers) can or will go the speed limit and I've found that most (if not all) tourists that are used to 4 lanes will not pass anything!

  10. Afternoon, really interesting info about the Lady a slippers, did not know that.Blessings Francine.

  11. I personally abhor chemicals and think they are bad for all of us...humans and animals alike. Interesting about the Lady Slippers!

  12. My husband is one of them, driving faster that is. He drives so much in the city that if someone doesn't go the speed limit he passes them! (road rage) That is interesting about the Lady Slipper. I always say that for the amount of taxes we pay, the roads should be in perfect condition!

  13. I want to go plant wildflower seed back along some of our highways near here. The two years of drought took out all of the coneflowers. We have Queen Anne's lace and few lesser one but we lost the blue ones and others. I like seeing the ditch lily getting spread. The lily from Della's home was spread up and down 141 when they widened the highway into a four lane. She remembers when it was a gravel road. Now they want to widen it to a three lane each side. Your highway 34 up there always throws me for a loop in mind as we have a highway 34 going west and east here.

  14. I know what you mean about looking at four walls other than your own being exciting! It's definitely that time of year, isn't it?

  15. I love how you describe things! My husband is one of those who just has to stay in front of all the other cars on the road. The car in front of us is always driving too slow. It is never us going too fast! I didn't know that about Lady Slippers. Twenty years!

  16. Once upon a time my boy and I walked up the middle of a small creek to a secret spot we were told about by a conservation agent (and don't tell ANYBODY I told you!!! he said) where there was a patch of Lady Slippers growing on a bank. They were breathtaking. One of those things one never forgets.

  17. Those back roads do come in handy. Construction is not one of my favorite road stops...

    Didn't know that about Lady Slippers. Here's hoping they find the right places to multiply like crazy. Beautiful flowers.

  18. Do you know for certain that aerial spraying has killed the trees? If so, I hope there have been repercussions. And of course you are right about the effect on wildlife and humans. I understand why spraying is done, but it must be done under very careful conditions.

  19. I am 99% certain that it was overspray or drift from chemicals since only the trees closest to the fields were affected...the wind must have been out of the west that day. There is another bunch of trees affected but I cannot get there to take photos without tresspassing:(

  20. Yes, that is very sad about the trees. They look dead. But the information about the lady slippers is amazing. That's a really long time from planting to flowering. You come up with some interesting facts. :-)

  21. I have often wondered about the rusty trees, myself. Can't be good.
    Glad you got out and about and saw some other walls. ;)

  22. Not good if they were eventually ends up in the soil and the water.
    I did not know that about Lady Slippers and I really think I'd see more down here but maybe not.
    I wish I had someone to "hobnob" with just once in awhile. I get out by myself but a good friend that had the same interests would be a God send.


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