Saturday, February 28, 2015

Filthy snow

The snow out in the open is filthy.  Top soil is in the ditch. It is good for the wildflowers!  Thank you corporate farmers for plowing and disking your farm land so it can blow into the ditch where the wildflowers grow!

Black snow

Not exactly a winter wonderland…although many are wondering where the snow is…especially those snowmobilers.

Irrigator and black snow

This is a field kitty-corner catty-corner diagonally across from us. 


This field is right across the road.  It was a small grain field and it was not plowed.  The turkeys are helping out by eating leftover grain and fertilizing…both activities turkeys do best.  We didn’t count this time because no one got the memo that I was out taking photographs and everyone else should stay off the my road. There must have been 50-60 turkeys maybe more.

We saw a herd of five deer but they were too far off to get a good photo.  Chance and I really enjoyed our afternoon drive.

We went to town, the accountant had our taxes done and they have been sent off electronically…cross something off the list!

Good-bye February…I won’t miss your icy wind chills or your sub zero temperatures for days on end.  Your gloomy grey days weren’t very much fun either.  The snow and dirt in the air (snirt) was a real blast.

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  1. Both kitty and catty corner are "acceptable" usage. They both came from the obsolete french word form "cater" - to move diagonally.

    I learned that this morning thanks to you and Mr Google!

  2. Glad you and Chance enjoyed your drive. It's a good feeling to get taxes finished. We are all ready for warmer weather now!

  3. It's been just the weirdest winter. Your snow stick is gonna be bare before spring gets here, at this rate. :-)

  4. We have the cold front here in Texas at the moment, with icy grass and drizzly rain. The temperature goes from the 20s to the 60s, then back into the 30s. A real roller coaster of weather, but I always miss most the sun shining.

  5. Twenty degrees and a new snow this morning. I am ready for spring.

    Wonderful photos.

  6. Poppy wouldn't know which way to turn if he saw that many turkeys! Turkey season comes in here soon. That meant he will be dressed in camo again and in the woods again.

  7. I wish our snow looked like that...I would have hope spring was just around the corner...more cold and snow again here today.

    Linda ♪♫❤

  8. Not having gone out much, I wasn't aware of the snow. However, on yesterday's shopping trip, there were huge hills of the white stuff piled in the parking lots! I didn't realize we had that much.

  9. I am so ready for February to be gone also. You are smart to have your taxes done. I'm working in that today and planning to get out for a walk while the sun shines.

  10. At last, last day of February. Here near San Antonio nice for a day, miserable for a few. Chilly with rain fore-casted for the weekend. Little outside activity in the RV park. But on the up side -no show like you that are up north.

  11. It's sad that some farming practises still allow soil erosion. Have they ever heard of air seeders?

  12. I say kattie cornered- I don't guess I have ever heard it a different way. We are still in a deep freeze, waiting patiently for the roar of March 1- and time change. Have a lovely weekend!

  13. To much snow here this year all the fields are white . Lovely photos . I am soo looking forward to spring and good by February ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

  14. All of our farmers do no till now and it is so good. We still have snow. We may get a little tonight but weathermen don't have a clue. We are still cold but I went up town a few blocks to get mall and buy apple cider for my wife to drink heated. Still feels like we are snow bound because of the cold.

  15. Snirt? I'll have to remember that one. It seems like something that would come in handy--if only we had any snow around here...

    I'd say that one item you crossed off your list ought to count for five. At least!

  16. Despite the lack of snow... or the dirty snow... it looks darn cold and dreary.

  17. The weird thing is we had more snow on the ground for a couple of days than you do. And we are in Tennessee. It is odd you have had so little snow this year. I sure hope you don't get a bunch in March.
    Our taxes were dropped off on Friday to the accountant. She is great. We love her.

  18. You need a nice thick snowfall to cover it all up. :)

  19. Well, you do sound much more chipper today. Getting out of the house must help. That and saying goodbye to February.

  20. I learned it as kitty corner. Funny saying.
    Doesn't it look weird to have seen so little snow all winter! The snowmobilers and skiers must have hated it--but think of all the people who's living depends on the snow like the plowing and towing companies--and those winter resorts, etc. Are there companies who thaw out frozen sewer and water pipes? They must be doing great!

  21. We got snow the other day and they never predicted any precip which can be dangerous around here with the hills. Now they said 62 next week but weather channel has a winter storm warning out for us. I have no idea what's going on.


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