Tuesday, February 17, 2015


It is cold.  There are wind chill warnings out. Ya da ya da  ...freeze body parts…ya da ya da. –25F to –35F wind chills or –31C to –37C  eh.  Lovely weather we are having here in Minnefreezeyourbuttoffota.

I cleaned the inside of the oven yesterday and the oven racks are spotless.  I cleaned it all by hand as the last time I used automatic clean we had to call Mr. Fixit….I did not want a repeat.  The south and west sides of the kitchen are all done…walls washed cupboards cleaned out and all the dust catchers are sparkly again.  The north wall is left to do. I may or may not tackle that project today.   I am tired of working in the kitchen.  Why is it that the kitchen seems to take forever to do?   I should strip the grout between the tiles on the floor again and reseal it…maybe.

Or maybe I will watch a couple of movies or read a book…my other baby brother sent over a book for me to read.  A nap..for sure I will need one of those…hibernation is sounding better all the time.Marine helitrope                                              Marine heliotrope summer of 2014.

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  1. Brutally cold here to the other day we hit the record breaking -40C OUCH !! it has been sunny but very cold this morning the sun is rising and the temps are - 20C feel like -29C then it will be rising by late this afternoon to a balmy -10C lol ! Come on spring I have has enough of this frigid cold . I will be giving the house it's spring cleaning when I can have the windows open . Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

  2. This frigid weather we all are having definitely demands a nap and hibernation. I don't even have the energy to clean. Can't wait for Spring. Love the picture of the flowers. Thanks, I needed that.

  3. The kitchen will wait. Curl up with a good book and enjoy your day.

  4. I bought a heliotrope plant in Grand Marais and the fragrance is so wonderful. I don't think they like hot dry summers as I never see it for sale. Mine sort of survived the summer but it was gone after the frost.

  5. Rain here turning cold, so snow though. Love the heliotrope, such a beautiful color.

  6. Yikes, that is some cold weather. I think it's bad here if it gets down to zero! The heliotrope is so pretty.

  7. The flowers are lovely, and you can keep that awful cold weather. I'm cold at 30 now that I've been in the south for so long.

  8. What, you are not using this time to carve your beautiful ornaments? ;o) You are welcome to come clean my kitchen anytime. Stay warm, Connie!

  9. Don't send your weather here and trust me I didn't send that cold weather to you. You're better off cleaning the kitchen.

  10. Oh so cold here too, a nap is good. Blessings Francine.

  11. You sure said a mouthful on that post. We have been getting the same kind of temps! Mixed with the snow. I had the same problem with my stove. (its also time for a new one) I am so dreading doing the deep cleaning of the house. I really need to do it though. We have been thinking of getting a contractor in and seeing how we can change the rooms around and just redo the whole house. (someday)

  12. I'm blaming you for my lethargy all afternoon. I read your post just before lunch and when I read about you taking a nap, I wanted to be at home under a quilt instead of meetings all day at work. ;-) But you made up for the laugh I got when I read your version of the name of our state. I have never heard that before. Pretty accurate, though! Thanks for the laugh.

  13. I scraped wallpaper and painted the guest room and now I'm refinishing the basebosrds. I'm motivated to get it all done before garden season starts and takes up all my time. I guess that's what Minnefreezeyourbuttoffsota winters are for!

  14. When you get colder we get warmer here in Anchorage Alaska. In the mid 40's and sunny after a rainy day yesterday. Stay safe and warm!

  15. Since it's starting to get up into the seventies around here (don't kill me!), I've been thinking about spring cleaning. But I guess I have it all wrong. Now that I've read your post today, I think I get it... Why do all the cleaning in the beautiful springtime, when you can enjoy the outdoors again? Do all that cleaning in the winter, when it's too miserable (well, relatively speaking) to be outside, anyhow. You have got that right!

  16. My kitchen cleaning done and behind me, I have been taking advantage of our mild, sunny days to clean the garden, crawling around on hands and knees outside. Not that is done too. and I am looking forward to NOT cleaning.

  17. I heard you all were freezing your butts off but (no pun intended - maybe) you got a TON of things done! Big ol pat on the back for that!

  18. Yup! Still says wind chill of -29 right now on Wednesday. Goodness! You have been ambitious! Stay inside and warm. :)

  19. My sympathy for those low temps. I have no idea how you all do it.

  20. I need to get some cleaning done. It seems I just maintain and never get to the "nitty-gritty" cleaning because by then it's time for supper and after I eat I 'm done for the day. And I don't nap....yet.....I do take breaks though and I sit and knit a row or 2. When I used to smoke I would "take a break" and have a cig...I replaced it with knitting...sometimes I still want a cig though. I could work forever back in those days and just have a cig break once in awhile.....those were the days....sun tea, cigs, not even stopping for meals.....with cigarettes you could go without eating, sleeping and I got so much more done back then! Oh well.....I guess that's why they call them "the good old days". LOL!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie