Thursday, February 19, 2015


How cold is it?  Darn cold.  Freeze your butt off cold, makes your boobs ache and your legs hurt.  I still went out with the dog for about ten minutes so he could play ball and poop.  He is used to going for a ride in the afternoon and playing ball outside after supper.  Playing ball in the kitchen works but it just isn’t the same.  Border Collies establish habits and they don’t like anything messing up their “job” schedule.

Far Guy is busy all day on the phone with various government agencies trying to get his Medicare Mess straightened out.  No headway yet. Picture him beating his head against a brick wall.  Painful to watch.  There are a whole lot of people out there not doing their jobs at the Social Security Office and at Medicare…of course Medicare just passes the buck to Social Security where the average wait is 45 minutes or more or you can leave your number for them to call back…but everyday a number has been left no call has been returned…I told Far Guy he must be on their do not call list.  So he waits and waits on the phone patiently and sometimes not so patiently…yesterday until the office finally closed.

I cleaned some more cupboards in the kitchen, I can clean cupboards and throw the ball for the dog at the same time, except when I am on the step ladder.

I am ahead on laundry…a load or more a day gets washed in hope that more water will make the septic system less likely to freeze up.

I have not been out of the yard since Monday.  When it is so cold I just want to stay at home.  Actually I just want to sleep until the weather warms up! 

Topaz Pink and Bombay Blue Scaevola

Topaz Pink and Bombay Dark Blue Scaevola  Summer of 2014

Perfect plant for a hot spot in your yard, a few pinches here and there and it becomes a moundy trailing plant that will bloom all summer, summer seems like a long way off…only four months to go.

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  1. It is very cold here also. I've been outside only when absolutely necessary. I feel so bad for Far Guy. There is nothing worse than having to deal with an incompetent business aka/ government. I sure hope he gets this mess straightened up soon. When I am on eternal hold, I just turn the volume up on the phone and lay the receiver down and go about my business. Thanks for the breath of Spring with the bright cheery flowers.

  2. I really feel bad that you have had so much trouble with Medicare and SS frustrating. And the cold there. Ugh! We are going to have high 60s in Texas today, after a freeze a day before. Keep warm, my friend.

  3. Poor Far Guy. My own enrollment went flawlessly, but that was seven years ago. Maybe they have gotten worse since then, or more people have signed up and clogged up the system. I saw plum trees in bloom here yesterday, can you believe it? :-)

  4. I sat for a while in the local Social Security office and things got arranged with no problems. But that was 20 hears ago so that must explain it. (I am now 85!) I hope you get some results soon.

    Shirley H.

  5. It scares me to hear about Far Guy and Medicare. I'm waiting now for a couple of forms to sign and return. The Medicare office said it takes 60 days to process then I will get my card. The temperature here is 15 with wind chill below zero. We just don't get this kind of cold often.

  6. I feel his pain, waiting on hold is one of the great tortures in life. Thank God for speaker phone.
    Hope your weather smartens up now that the new moon is passed.

  7. You're a lot colder than we are, but we're all feeling it! I don't envy you the calls re SS. Are you near an actual office? Try to get an appointment and go in person to get answers. That's what I did.

    1. A real office is an hour away, we talked with them too several times:(

  8. We have another extreme cold warning in affect here today windchill's are -35C eh? BRR ! Miggs is a very habitual girl to but so am I lol and she gets put right off when her routine is changed lol ! Hope Far Guy gets all the Government stuff sorted out soon . Thanks for sharing , have a good day and stay cozy !

  9. I was going to say maybe try the local SS office. I think our entire system is messed up. I am surprised they get anything right. Sending up prayers for a warm spell to glide right over on top of you and stay a while!

  10. You've got a couple of nasties to keep you going. About this time of year we are looking for a break in the cold. It's unbelievable how simple things can be completely messed up for us.

  11. I can't believe your struggles with Medicare. I'm feeling extremely lucky that mine went through with a hitch. Hope it happens soon for Far Guy. Bitter cold here, too. I'm debating leaving the mail in the mailbox and getting it tomorrow. It's so much work to get all those clothes on for just a trip to the mailbox!

  12. Beautiful plant, but I'm afraid I would get the pinches here and there in the wrong places and mess it up (as in kill it).

  13. Has Far Guy tried getting help from your Federal Senator or Representative? When we could get nowhere with the IRS we called Rep's office & BINGO the wheels turned. I know it took me several months to get my Medicare going----but nothing like what you folks are dealing with. Good Luck. Sandy L. in CA.

    1. One of our Senators was notified on Monday so far we havent't heard from that Office either:(

  14. I hope a nice warm up is heading your way soon!
    Linda ❤⊱彡

  15. Ugh....not nice to hear that your Govt. is about as efficient as ours...take a number, wait for our call.

    I hope that it gets cleared up, and that your cold snap goes away.



  16. How disappointing, that's the Gov. So bloody freezing here too, think Spring, love the flowers.Blessings Francine.

  17. I'm thinking warm thoughts for you guys......No fun to be stuck in the house all day.

  18. Your winter horribilis makes our nightly news. I think about you and your fellow Minnesotans. And the mountains of snow in Boston, and frozen Niagara Falls, and on and on, while our mountains are almost snowless and much of the west is running out of water. Climate change is real.

  19. Good weather for staying in and playing ball. ;)
    I hope FarGuy gets his card straightened out soon. So frustrating.
    Spring will arrive...eventually. :)

  20. I just saw they sent out 800,000 wrong forms to some people from the government. You would think they could handle get one card figured out. I think the computer pooped mine out a while back.

  21. We have to be careful down here when it gets cold as the pipes aren't buried as deeply as up North. I didn't know that about the laundry and the septic....good idea! I leave the 2 indoor/outside wall faucets dripping hot water when it gets really cold although my Dad built this house and he was from the North so it is insulated and has tight windows and a furnace etc. which many houses here don't...they have heat pumps and I would not have one. They get cold and damp as it's air from the ground that gets recycled into your house. Anyway, I've never had a problem and people tell me all the time how nice and warm my house is and how the heat pumps don't do it when it gets cold. Up North they know how to build for the cold! Stay warm!


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