Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Snow flurries and a Full Moon

Yes, we had snow flurries several times yesterday.  It didn’t stay on the ground but the white crap was in the air.  It was cold and the wind  blew and blew…it was just bitter outside.

Moon Shot April 14  10 PM (2)

After dark I wandered out in the yard looking at the full moon.  The camera settings should be good if I am still awake for the blood moon that is supposed to appear in the middle of the night.

Hopefully I will get a photo to show you what the Blood Moon looked like here in Minnesnowda.

If not here is the snow headed our way. What looks like fog or smoke in the air is snow. 

Snow flurries April 14

I thought about putting my parka away.  I did manage to put my good snow boots away…no use in getting them all muddy/wet…I have an old pair with a patched toe to wear for everyday and of course my old standby crocs with socks!  Someday when that look goes down the Paris Runway I will be in fashion.

Saw Lorri (a friend) yesterday she was rushing the season with capris and flip flops.  I am always amazed at the women who can walk and sometimes even run in flip flops.  I am certain if I tried that I would end up in the home with something broken.

Blog Signature

My best shot of the Blood Moon.  What a night…froze my butt off and fingers too.  There were some high clouds that flitted in and out, forgot my flashlight at the house, came in to warm up twice.  It was interesting to watch…I was outside from 2:30 to 4AM.  This was taken closer to 4AM as it was starting to go back to normal.  I am off to sleep now…good thing I have another chance in the fall for a better photograph.

Blood Moon


  1. I'm impressed you stayed up. Impressive photo, too.

  2. You poor thing, it can't still be snowing over there. But all that cold and standing around was worth it for that wonderful shot of the moon.

  3. Wow!!! great pictures Connie. Love both, hate to say it but flakes were falling here too, yuk!!! Thanks for sharing for I was snoring and missed the blood moon, Blessings Francine.

  4. Awesome picture of the moon. When O got up at 4:00AM it was over. Cudos to you for staying awake that long. We had snow flurries yesterday. By early evening it was starting to stick to the ground. 19 degrees this AM and snow on the ground with ice patches on the pavement.

  5. I slept through the whole thing...but I didn't get anyy sleep the night before with the tornado warnings...so I couldn't have stayed up if I wanted to. I hope the snow will breeze right on by you....spring is being very peculiar this year. My carving arrived in the mail yesterday and I LOVE IT! Thank you so much!

  6. Wow, that's a very cool shot of the Blood moon. I wonder why they call it that. Hope you catch up on your sleep tonight. That first moon shot is a stunner, too. :-)

  7. Connie, you have captured some beautiful shots. Have your fingers warmed up yet? But so worth it...gorgeous.

    Stay warm, it's going to happen, really truly, it will warm up.


  8. Beautiful shots of the moon - you need a pretty good camera and a steady hand to take those!!

  9. I hadn't heard about the blood moon. Kudos to you for being out in those temperatures and at that early hour to get that great shot! I've been wearing capris for a week, hope you feel like you need to wear some too, very soon:)

  10. Thank you for the photo of the blood moon. I have been reading about that lately but don't recall ever having seen a blood moon. We appreciate you staying up all night to educate us.

    Shirley H.

  11. Great photos! I'm impressed that you got up and stood in the bitter cold for so long to take photos.

    It snowed here all day Sunday, no real accumulation but bitter cold. I can't decide if I should put my parkas away or not.

  12. After I reported yesterday about our pollen and mowing the yard, we will have below freezing temperatures tonight. Crazy. You are so good to go out and take the pics of the moon for us. Your photo is good - - - better than the ones I get when I try to take moon shots. Hope you have caught up on sleep.

  13. Thank you for taking the beautiful moon shot -I have never seen this before.
    We have rose buds and it is going down to 33 tonight. The wind is so cold.

  14. My wife was up for it also. She sat on the kitchen floor looking up through the glass of the storm door. It was fortunate that we didn't have trees in that area as she too would have had to go out. I kind of knew she was up but I woke up at 3:30 and told she had to go check. She said she had been and she saw and don't wake her up anymore.

  15. Great shot of the blood moon! I thought about getting up but didn't want to freezing trying to get a descent picture.

  16. Nice! Best shot of the Blood Moon I have seen thus far on the blogs. Ya done good, Kiddo!

  17. Wouldn't you know that this morning my eyes did not fly open at 2 a.m. like they usually do, and I so I missed the event. By the time I stuck my nose out the door at 5-ish there was not much to see except a very bright full moon. Not quite as cold here -- hard freeze warning, which may or may not have happened. I guess we will find out soon enough when we either do or do not have peaches on the trees

  18. Glad somebody had the fortitude to stay up and capture that shot! At least that way, I know what it looked like! We took a peek at the beginning--after midnight here makes your 2:00 there--but went to bed right afterwards. And we only had to put up with temps in the 40s! You are such a superwoman!

  19. We had rain so we didn't bother to go out.
    My Mom in Michigan had five inches of snow last night...

  20. Good for you to have the grit to stay out and watch the eclipse. It was very cloudy about 10:00 PM so I didn't watch. I looked out at 3:30 as things were ending.

  21. It was too hazy here for a good shot.....I did get up and check though. I don't put my parka away until after branding season in June ;)

  22. Our clouds rolled in, or so I thought, so I went to bed. That's a lovely photo - well worth staying up for.

  23. Yup snow here to no moon to cloudy ! Awesome moon shots ! Thanks for sharing !

  24. I have never heard of a blood moon! Wow! It is really cool looking, Connie!
    We accumulated some snow last night. Had some flakes before that, but nothing you could see on the ground. Back to bitter cold, but the white dancers looked so pretty flitting about in the wind. Of course, I didn't have to go out in them. That's why I have a cat--LOL! ;) Stay warm!

  25. Good photo! it didn't even turn red here...I watch through the whole process!


  26. I nearly stayed up for it but decided to pass. Though I love the moon, it would have thrown my following day off, being awake all night long.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie